Kindly drop your words concerning your pneumonia experience, the things you went through and how you came out of it.
Pneumonia experience: Kindly drop your... - Lung Conditions C...
Pneumonia experience
Is anyone here?
What does this post mean? I don't understand it.
Have you ever had pneumonia before?
I apologise for my ignorance but your post is not clear. Could you expand a little so I may understand your post better? Yes, I have had pneumonia
What were the things you went through because I feel tiredness after antibiotics. How long did it take for you to regain your strength?
Firstly Hello to you. I believe you are a new member of the forum so would like to welcome you to the group. Out of interest did you get pneumonia through having a lung infection? Or maybe you already have another condition. If so, how long ago was this?
I suffer with a number of health problems including the lung disease bronchiectasis.
There will be many other people on the Forum who have, and have had pneumonia many times and will probably be along to help much better than I can with your questions. For myself, it was a few years ago that I had what is called, exacerbation! This was when my condition worsened and I had pneumonia.
Your symptoms appear to be the aftermath of having this distressing condition. You will continue to experience breathlessness, fatigue and tiredness for sometime. I found I had no choice trying to rush things to get better quicker. You have to just go with the flow, rest, eat properly and gentle exercise when you feel up to it.
This is a friendly, knowledgeable Forum. If you feel you would like to share a little more of your health problems with us you will find you will get a great deal of support. I hope this helps a little.
Best wishes.
Thanks for the reply.
My chest feels better, I can breath much better after antibiotics but extreme weakness is the main thing right now.
Hello again, This may help you. It's taken from a British Lung Foundation leaflet I was given.
Recovering from Pneumonia
1 week.............. Fever should be gone (antibiotics working)
4 weeks............ chest should feel better, less mucous
6 weeks............ cough less, easier to breathe
3 months.......... most symptoms should be gone. Still very tired
6 months.......... you should feel back to normal.
Pneumonia is a serious illness that takes months to recover from. Once you start the antibiotics your symptoms improve. However, recovery times vary from person to person. It also depends on your state of health, age and how severe your pneumonia is.
If you still experience problems after 6 months a chest Xray may be necessary to check if the infection has gone from the lungs.
Gentle deep breathing exercises help so speak o your doctor about getting some.
Best wishes, let me know how you get on.
Hi and welcome Gabss....I contracted double pneumonia years ago now, but my advice is to be gentle with yourself......gentle exercise and good food to build up your strength
I regret not doing so, I went back to work too quickly, before I had recovered properly .
Hi and welcome. It took me at least 5 months to feel anything like normal. I took it slowly Rested. Started to eat better. Went for tiny walks maybe 3 houses away then slightly more each week. I had pleurisy too. Take care. Anita x
Hello everyone, am getting better after making my first post. Kindly share more experiences on your recovery time. Thanks y'all
was too tired and wiped out to count. It was months and months though. I had it 4 or five times over two years sometimes with pleurisy thrown in. Because my immune system was wiped out I got chronic chest infections almost continually for a few more years. At the same time my job was very stressful and demanding with lots of people counting on me so I forced myself to do it, I was superwoman before it all. Result, as well as the asthma I already had I now have small airways disease or bronchiectasis and CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome).
If only I knew then what I know now I'd have looked after and paced myself. Nowt so important as your own health, especially if you have a family.
Good ,uck with yours. P