Just wondering if anyone is getting what are obviously Scam emails ? So far I’ve had TV Licence saying they couldn’t collect my DD - as I’m 78 I don’t pay at present although of course that could change/ Apple account will be suspended as will my BT if I don’t update details/ Refund from Inland Revenue but need my details & PayPal want me to confirm details also even though I don’t have an account with them.
Scam emails.: Just wondering if anyone... - Lung Conditions C...
Scam emails.
I would say we’ve had all of those at one time or another Helen. I put them all in junk. I believe you can send them somewhere as phishing scams but I’m not sure where. Maybe someone else knows.
Take care xxxxxx😘🌈
Yes, I’ve had the odd one intermittently in the past but seems to be most days now Sassy.... some of them I find already in my junk box but a couple have slipped through to my in box. Hope you & Pete are well - stay safe. 🌈 xx
I got the tv licence one, and one allegedly from HMRC telling me I’m due a tax refund. I always report them to Actionfraud and then delete. I don’t suppose Actionfraud do anything but if they get enough reports they might investigate
The BT one is not the first but I usually have a live chat to them to report it Hanne. Inland Revenue is a favourite but the others were new. The TV one was obviously fraudulent for three reasons... firstly as I said I don’t pay anyway, the number didn’t compute with my current (free) licence & the giveaway was the format of the date - it was the American way. 🙄

Good idea Hanne Xxxx
I file them in section B.............B being BIN!!
Recently my spam filter has been working overtime, the problem is... you may get a genuine email which is regarded as spam... Better binned than your bank account emptied.
As I say, they usually go straight in my junk box but somehow one or two have slipped into my In box ... it’s just that there seem to be more of them just lately... presume the scammers have nothing else to occupy themselves with !!!
Your Amazon parcel delivery is another one. They're all swines praying on the innocent.
Now that’s a first for me peege I just feel so sorry for those maybe elderly, maybe not who are taken in by these emails & consequently lose money. Not everyone has someone they can run it by before they do something with potentially disastrous results.
Paypal....I am always getting those
Forward the suspect ones, the ones without your name on , to
Thank you knitter.
I have had some scam phone calls and one yesterday from someone claiming to be from sky TV and I hung the phone up on them!
With these scams if the things seem too good to be true then they are and just delete the e mails and hang up on the scam calls.
We are getting Amazon prime again on the phone saying need to press 1 to sort out our account which we dont have.
I've had a couple of these too.
A taped foreign voice saying my a/c was hacked. Just hung up but must admit I was curious as to what would come next if I pressed 1. I suspect they would need access to my bank a/c and then proceed to empty it
I hope you put the phone down on them and didn't press 1!
I use Mailwasher a programme that deletes the rubbish before it even downloads to my email programme. Had it for years, 60 plus a day is not unusual.
My mum's started getting emails from Asda. Thank you for your order. Your delivery is on its way. If you didn't place this order click this link.
There is no Asda in the entire county where we live 🙄
MoneySavingExpert gave out this email a few days ago, where you can forward spam aimed at taking money..,,,new government initiative they say:
Stay safe, everyone 🍀
I had one supposedly from Custroms & Excise telling me to fill in a tax return form and press 1 to get the form. The name wasn’t even spelt correctly. I didn’t press anything .
I have gotten them only in my junk mail. Sadly they seem to have a U.K. address and began not too long after I joined this group. Whether they are originating from health unlocked in general or this particular chat group I can't ascertain. However, I am fortunate they aren't in my regular inbox, and I am able to delete them without opening them.
Best, TTT
Hope everyone is staying well - I'm inundated by the political madness here in the states, treading water in a leaky boat. . .
I don't think they'll be anything to do with this site, Tom. Everyone seems to be getting them, whether or not they're a member here. I think it's more likely that criminals are trying to take advantage of the situation - everyone being stuck at home and doing more stuff online or by phone, lots of actual concessions about payments like TV licensing, tax etc that their scam mails could be mistaken for. Plus the criminals' usual sources of income may have dried up - lack of empty houses for them to burgle, no one in the streets to rob, no one in pubs to sell drugs and dodgy goods to - so they're trying to make their ill-gotten gains online instead.
Hi Amikatari. I did hesitate to suggest a connection to health unlocked in any way, it's just that when I joined roughly three years ago these began to pop up in my junk mail and all ended with a U.K. address and because I'm otherwise not connected to chat groups, it seemed the only possibility.
I certainly do get phishing scam emails (I used to get them on my old 📞 too) I always think that if these people are so clever then why can't they do good in the world instead of causing such harm. I think they want easy money, or even worse, just to to cause mischief and care little enough about those they hurt.
Usually you can use a 'phishing'email, eg. phishing@bt.com, or other companies, that's what you may have to research...
Hi I report all mine to report@phishing.gov.uk hope this helps stay safe
I have had the same problem trouble is the email seems genuine a would be easy to reply to
Yes they are going around sadly Helen08. The tv licence is in my wifes name. But only i do internet. I recieved an email saying they could not collect payment for the licence. We pay in full. And its not due till later in the year. Take care. And try and watch fraud prevention shows uswd to 9am on bbc1. With Angela Rippon. Have a good day. Brian
I've also had a tv license email suggesting I should re-enter my details.
They couldn't spell lisence.
Go onto gov,uk website and search for reporting phishing emails. They'll tell you how to report them.
Hi I have had tv licence, and Amazon and an automated telephone call saying am going to get arrested
Be careful filling in any supposed market research that asks for your personal details unless you are sure it is genuine. However some companies sell your details.
Yes, all the time and from paypal. I ignore them all but check my account using the url given to me by the actual organisation.
I can’t stop bitcoin adverts on my iPad. I get about 4 a day. I put each one in junk but they keep changing their sending address. Apparently if you unsubscribe, they just up the number sent. Anyone managed to stop these?
Unfortunately we have to be on alert all the time now regarding phone calls and e mails. How sad that there are people trying to scam us out of money . I don't answer phone calls unless I know the person or am expecting the call. I put the phone down on my doctor the other day as he tried to call me using facetime with an unknown number x
Thank you to everyone who has replied to my query about Scam emails... very interesting reading & good to know I’m not being singled out !!! 🤗 Incidentally, it never occurred to me that it was anything connected to this site.. it’s just one of those things like the phone calls. I had a call a few weeks ago asking if they were speaking to Mr.....( my husband.) I said “Do I sound like a man?” so she continued by saying she would like to speak to him to which I replied “So would I but he’s been dead almost five years.”
I have caller display on my phone but if it comes up Witheld I answer because it’s usually my daughter but sometimes, even if it’s a number I don’t recognise, I still answer because I feel like having a go at someone if I’m in the mood !!!! 😂

Helen, I keep getting those 'car accident that wasn't your fault' phone calls. I tell them they are the first people ever to say that it wasn't my fault, that I'd only had one drink, that the police didn't believe me, the judge didn't believe me, I've only just come out of jail and 'Oh my God can you really get my conviction overturned and get me some compensation for my time in prison?'... that usually flummoxes them! (All made up, I've never even had a car!)
I had the same theres also M&S,Tesco,Sainsburys,Aldi'soffering you £250 to spend at there stores "just answer these few questions" Dont even open the email if you get one these are all definatly scams I find it disgusting people trying to make money out of us or anyone else who has recieved emails We're all going through it at this time oh and dont forget life insurance and those who have great deals should you die !!!!!! Take care everyone be alert and dont get scammed xx
Oh yes, I forgot.... not a scam ( as far as I am aware) but Idid get an email a couple of weeks ago from Golden Leaves - a pre paid Funeral Company. Just what you need when you’re seventy eight & in the current situation !!!! 🙄
TV licence is a well known scam, TV presenter Helen Skelton lost £80.000 when she gave bank details to scammers
I have had a few of those as well
I had a text last night saying my PayPal account had been suspended and I had to click the link and resubmit my details. I don't have a PayPal account 🙄 It was unexpected to get a text 🤔 Usually these scams are by email.