not had a tite chest since doing my breating exercises to clear phlemg 3 months now and is covid 19 realy real
breathing easy: not had a tite chest... - Lung Conditions C...
breathing easy

Yes it's real and deadly so stay safe have a good day 😊 Bernadette xxx 🌈
That’s good but yes it’s all too real. Seems like a very bad dream but it isn’t. Stay safe xxxx
I have many friends and relatives who are on the front line of the NHS. They tell me it is very real.
I have heard that any one that dies in hospital from other causes they have to say its covid 19 also a friend works in a hospitail and he says its very quite
Absolute nonsense. There is also a conspiracy theory that doctors are covering up deaths. There are hundreds of conspiracies on YouTube regarding this this virus. I believe my friends and family. People who are doing the job.
how do you know
Because I worked in a hospital for many years. I know the procedures for pronouncing cause of death. The evidence within the medical notes etc . For example Eddie Large may have died of heart disease. But Covid 19 may have been a contributing factor. So the cause of death my have been written as heart disease/covid 19 infection because at times it is hard to tell what as killed people!d when there are multiple problems.
Of course it's real. What makes you think it isn't?
eddie large died of heart problems they say it was covid 19 press want the numbers up for some reason to control the masses read david ike on u tube its the elites ajenda to depopulate
Well I think you must pretty paranoid to believe an extreme conspirary theory like that!
It’s real. I just lost my first friend to it.
You have my sympathy dear Little Pom. Please keep safe too, although I know you will.

how old was she

So sorry Lp x

So sorry to hear this LP x
My Grandson is, hopefully, recovering from this. We have no idea how he got the virus but possibly just before his school closed.
He was a little unwell for a couple of days then very ill for four days. Obviously he, Mum and Dad were in isolation. When he was well enough to talk to us on the 'phone it was a joy to here his voice but what he said was bad.
He is 16, very active, never fusses about aches, pains, being unwell normally.
He told us that for the bad four days he was in bed, dreadful headache, very sore throat, found breathing hurt and was scared he would die.
Although he is up out of bed he has a lasting cough and is very weak.
Yes it's real. It's not a hoax, a normal cold, cough or flu.
Poor kid but it sounds like he’s turned the bend now and is going to be fine At such a young age he will soon bounce back without any damage done This vicious killer doesn’t care if it’s a life not lived ,a life spent saving others. But there are some clever people out there and someone soon will come up with a drug to kick it from our bueatiful world. Take care allxxx
Thank you. He really is a great young man. He has stuck to all the rules too. It was just bad luck he picked up the bug just before the school closed.
Very relieved for you wheezyof. And for your Grandson too. XXX
My brother who is a paramedic as just been confirmed as having covid 19. Thankfully only mild symptoms. It is seven days now since he first showed them. I hope your grandson is back to his old self quickly.
I had something in febuary saw throat chest infection phlem it lasted 4 to 5 weeks
I hope his symptoms stay mild and he recovers soon. Paramedics work so hard.
Is it those pesky lizards again? 😂

I at times hang my head in disbelief at the conspiracy theories going around. In normal times they bring a smile to my face however it is totally obvious that in these horrible times they are affecting those vulnerable to suggestion. I will say no more.