Is anyone else worried that if lockdown for everyone is extended then the 12 week shielding might also be extended beyond the 3 months ?
12 Weeks Shielding : Is anyone else... - Lung Conditions C...
12 Weeks Shielding
Not worried Olliedog as staying safe. We will probably not go out after 12 weeks anyway because that’s what many will want to do.
Let’s see what happens.
Take care xxxx
I can see an easing of lock down for some. Both my wife an I are in the shielding group and to be honest with the present infection rate I cannot see any change in our situation in the months ahead. Personally I have already prepared myself mentally for an extended lock down of a long duration. I hope I am wrong but with my medical training everything tells me there will be no short or medium term answers.
I think that for those in the extremely vulnerable group the lockdown will last much longer than three months. Unfortunately I don’t think it’ll be safe for us until we get a vaccine. There was a WHO man on the radio this morning who said there will be long term changes in society including shielding the vulnerable, and wearing masks will become the norm for everyone once they become available.
Sales of lipstick will plummet!
Scary stuff - seems extra weird as I am fit and well normally (but have COPD and Asthma) never been to hospital or had a flare up, used to swim and walk regularly....... but understand I need to stay safe - although not sure how safe one can ever be if living with others who are able / have to go out 😰
We’re thinking along the lines that even after 3 months the virus will still be around. Although a lot of the population may have developed immunity, will will not, having been shielded. So, until we get vaccinated it is highly unlikely we will be mixing with folk.
I am pretty sure that it won't be safe to go out after the 12 weeks advised so far. It does seem that a vaccine is the only possible safe outcome for us.
Tend to agree. Without either a vaccine, or a cure, I shall feel totally vulnerable.
I’m not worried but won’t be in a hurry to go out in public when we do. I will be watching to see what happens. It’s something we can’t control so I will be watching and listening. 😊
I think I will be too scared to go out. Worried that actually now is the safest time to go to a supermarket with all the restrictions they have in place. The markings on the floor, the staff preventing people handling goods and one way systems etc.
I hope all this still exists for a LONG LONG time after we are 'officially' let out. Fingers crossed xxx
This is what I’m finding so hard. Realistically we won’t be able to visit our families and friends, go to cafés, shops etc, until there’s a vaccine
and I’m not getting any younger! More than a year in the house with no family, friends or foreign travel is a grim prospect. I’ve been enjoying retirement, flying north and south to see grandchildren, eating out, travel. I know I’m fortunate but we have worked and saved for this and I’m sad and p***ed off that I might now be denied it. Repeat I know I’m lucky, I could be living in Syria or in a multi-storey flat with a couple of kids but..........
Hi teenie & Angelagone . I feel the same. My health’s deteriorated a lot in the past 2yrs & I don’t feel I’ve time to waste. I especially miss my lovely daughter & little granddaughter, just their hugs & closeness, the touch of their hands & their kisses. FaceTime isn’t the same as chubby little arms around my neck.
But, there’s nothing we can do except wait it out, we just can’t risk catching this virus. Even if it didn’t kill us, it certainly wouldn’t do our lungs any good. So stay as well as you can, try to maintain lung function, and think of all the fun & outings we’ll have when this is over.
I don’t live alone, and I have a lovely garden with views of the sea & countryside. I’m a lot luckier than many. But it doesn’t stop me feeling sad 😔
Me too. It's a grim prospect especially when living alone.
It's funny because I do see my younger daughter ( at a safe distance through open window ) but it's not the same. I'm longing to actually touch someone! I'd give anything to see my older daughter and my granddaughters and my sister. My sister is 71, I'm 66 and we made a pact awhile ago to spend as much time together as possible and do all the stuff we always said we would do, and now it's all on hold till god knows when. Well, I feel better now I've got that off my chest ! Look after yourself hanne, thank goodness we've got this forum. Xx
I think we have to accept we are not going anywhere any time soon 😷 stay home stay safe 😉
Worried yes but at least the government are thinking of us making us safe
I am presuming that it will go on longer, as someone on the vulnerable list, I will be waiting to see what happens, when the lockdown starts to be slowly lifted. We should get some idea from other countries as to how this works, and I will continue shielding until we know more about the reinfection/extra cases after some lifting of the lockdown.
Hi Olliedog12, why worry. As long as we are coping and keeping well why worry about something which is out of our control. If you need help then that is different. There are plenty of ways you can get help, contact the 111 Helpline who also have helpers. Go online if you can so that the tele lines are left open. Take care and try not to worry. Maximonkey
I am hoping it’ll be 12 weeks only. And also terrified it’ll only be 12 weeks! I seem to alternate- because as soon as not officially shielding, will be expected to pick up as normal due to circumstances. This is a horrible thought atm. But also, it would be nice to go out and see friends etc. It’d be good to have a realistic idea either way, so I can plan things a little better. But- as others have said- being safe feels very good right now.
Like others on here I assumed that "at least" 12 weeks would probably mean it would be much longer. The truth is we won't be safe until there is a vaccine and that is still a long way off. Last week the President of the EU was the first, I think, to voice what had been in my mind, that the old and vulnerable might have to be in lockdown until 2021. I am confident i can manage 12 weeks but if it comes to being in lockdown for over a year I think I'll start to go a bit stir crazy. There is a bit of mental calculation going through my brain. Before the virus I could, given my age and health, reasonably expect another ten years of life. If the Government were to recommend that I spend a tenth or more of that life locked behind my front door I might start to think about going out again and LIVE!