Shielding : Hello all, my first post. I... - Lung Conditions C...

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Gardengnome62 profile image
29 Replies

Hello all, my first post. I am clinically very vulnerable and I'm very confused. My daughter reckons I can go outside for a walk now, but I've had no confirmation of this personally and the thought of it scares me as I have severe COPD.

My youngest daughter has just returned from university but she is staying with my older daughter ( the one who says I can go out ) and I'm feeling rather pressured to get out. Can anyone clear this up for me. Am I allowed out , social distancing etc.? I'm honestly scared. X

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Gardengnome62 profile image
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29 Replies
Julie14 profile image

Hi sorry i don’t know but like you i am in the vulnerable category as i have chronic Bronchiectasis & Asthma. I am remaining in doors until i get confirmation from my GP or another letter from government telling me its safe to go out. Hope this helps.

Hacienda profile image

Hello Gnome, Welcome to this Great Forum. I am Shielded with Very Severe COPD, and NO I'm not going out as many of us here feel the same, It is still Too Soon. Luckily I have a garden to go out to. It is up to you how you Feel, but please , do not feel Pressured into going out even though your Daughter means well. I will feel ok when there is a Vaccination or The Numbers are Better controlled. I am looking at September. This is only how I feel. Please have a look at the daily updates on "Shielding" COVID 19 . Best Wishes . XXX

Gardengnome62 profile image
Gardengnome62 in reply to Hacienda

Thank you Hacienda, I too have a garden that I am happy to potter around . And I am glad I'm not alone in thinking it's too early to be going out, especially when I've had no word from anyone to say different. My daughter has been a saint through all lockdown, bringing me my evening meal round , doing my shopping. I'm sure she just wants to help, but my instincts say nope !

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to Gardengnome62

Hacienda has given good advice. I'm in a similar position and won't go out of my garden until I feel it's right for me to do so. Your daughter means well but it's your decision. Best wishes 😀

Darceydoo profile image
Darceydoo in reply to Hacienda


Troilus profile image

Hi Gardengnome. Yes you can go for a walk but must stick to strict social distancing. This was announced a couple of days ago on the daily briefing. They are reviewing the situation again on June 15. After that date you will receive a letter containing “more personalised guidance”

However, just because you can doesn’t mean you must.

Caspiana profile image

Hello Gardengnome62 , 👋

First of all, I would not let anyone pressure you into doing something you feel is not right for your situation. You must do what you think is best for you.

I am vulnerable because my immune system is extremely suppressed. I also have one lung that is practically out of service! But I do go out for walks. However, I categorically avoid crowds and small enclosed spaces and especially both those together. DEFINITELY no crowds in enclosed spaces. I walk in the evening when I know there are very few people about, in the open fresh air. There are usually other dog walkers but I just go the other way and keep away from them. And I never, ever stop to chat with anyone.

So I think its possible to go out for walk as long as you do not come close to others. I cannot feel good if I don't exercise. So I try to be as safe as possible and get my daily walk too.

Take good care,

Cas xx 🦋🌿

BionicLady profile image

Hello Gardengnome62,

I absolutely agree with Cas. You have to really do what is best for you.

I am shielding and don't feel safe to go out as yet, the number of infected people are still high so I have made that decision myself.

My partner and children go out for walks but are extremely careful, I do not join them.

Perhaps at the end of the month or sometime in July, I may change my mind.

The government officials and scientists all seem to have different advice about Covid which really doesn't make me feel comfortable about going outside, I guess time will tell.

My parents are also shielding and feel the same way. As much as my father is struggling some days, he has got used to this way of living and we have made hkm as comfortable as possible at home by buying him a laptop and downloaded him newspaper subscriptions. We also bought him some crossword puzzle books because he misses doing the newspaper crosswords. He is lucky to have a garden so does his daily walks.

The majority of us don't feel safe and can make up our own minds.

I hope that helps.

Take Care 🌈X

Croydonia profile image

All my friends are thinking that I will be going out now, even asking me to come round to their gardens for a cup of tea. I don’t think they understand my circumstances, or how I’m feeling after so many weeks at home, and they think I’m being a wimp. However, I will only be emerging when I’m ready, which isn’t yet. Please don’t feel pressurised to do something you’re not ready for.

Darceydoo profile image

Good morning😊I always think if it doesn’t feel right don’t do it! Obviously your family want you to be able to go out But big But it’s not safe the government locked down too late and have opened too soon that’s my opinion.I have a dog that needs walkies so I go where it’s quiet and where I can easily move away from people. Sorry it’s a long post but I want you to feel safe🤗

judes profile image

I’m prob in the minority but yes I will be going out for a walk, keeping social distancing and being carefully.

It’s a very personal choice and you have to do what’s right for you and don’t be pushed into something you don’t feel safe doing.


Patsy164 profile image

Hi Gardengnome I am staying put until I get a letter from the NHS saying what I can and can’t do. I personally think it’s too soon to go out I want to wait until figures are lower. Once all non essential shops open what then? It could all kick off again.

I think most of us shielding are being cautious for a good reason. I have friends who keep on at me to go out but I tell them I am staying put till I feel right about it.

Welcome GN

I am also shielding, but I have been out for walks most days, not far, just about 5-20 mins and I have been in the garden, I do always keep 2 metre safe distance. The area I live is not highly populated so it is easy to keep safe distance.

You may not be able to move as well as I do, you may live in a more highly populated area making it more difficult to keep safe distance, you say you are scared to go out, if under these circumstances you may be better staying fully shielded inside the home and not go out.

For me it is unsafe to go into crowds or highly populated areas, unsafe to go into any shops enclosed public spaces and of course always wash hands after being outside.

I think when shielding its best if you do go out, don't go too far afield but keep walks short and in local area where you can better predict encounters with neighbours etc and be able to control safe distancing better.

Good you can enjoy the garden :)

Damon1864 profile image

I am definitely continuing to shield until I think it is safe, I won't let anyone pressure me into going out and niether should you. Have a lovely day and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx xx 🌈

eckyjeck profile image

I too am shielding. Recently my wife fell ill and I called the GP to investigate what was wrong. She is now good again. When the GP was here I asked about walking our dog and he said going for a walk with the dog will not only do my lungs more good than sitting around. I am lucky in the I can get in the car and visit moorland to exercise both me and the dog. I do feel so much better for it. My morning walk starts at any time between 05.30 and 07.00 in order to avoid meeting people. Do what you feel is right for you.

hypercat54 profile image

Hi it's not law you have to shield, but only a guideline. It is up to the individual how much risk you are willing to take. Don't forget mental health is also very important.

eckyjeck profile image

If you decide to go out do so when the pollen levels are low. I find it is best to go before the dew lifts.

peege profile image

Well the government are saying its alright for the shielded to go out as long as they practice social distancing.

I'm not on 'the list' and I'm going out with the dog and for exercise but only with extreme caution.

I think its interesting that government are saying one thing but NHS & doctors aren't passing on those instructions to the shielded.

Dont be pressured, do what you think is safe for you. Personally I believe the government is two weeks ahead of what's right and proper. We dont yet know if a second, possibly worse spike will take place. Better to be safe than sorry. A lot of nutters out there who dont care.

friendly profile image

I have never stopped in doors I am fortunate to live where I will not meet anyone, I have bronchiectasis and asthma and 81 yrs old, I go for walks and spend most of my time outdoors when possible it helps enormously for my condition.

Dollybow profile image

Hi I'm vulnerable too, emphaseama, and only 1 and a half lungs, we can go out but only for one hour out side with one friend but social distancing still stands with them, a lot of people like us want to go out but a lot are confused or scared to go out, I took my tiny dogs for a 20min walk yesterday, with a mask in my pocket, I was worried, carry a mask always, 20mins I felt better as I've been indoors by myself with no one, and just my daughter on the phone 200 miles always, if you don't feel safe don't go out till you are ready, hope this helps.

Gardengnome62 profile image

Thank you for all your replies , they have helped me to re affirm my decision to stay put for at least the next fortnight and see how the infection numbers go. It is nice to have conversations with people who know what it feels like. X

HungryHufflepuff profile image

Hello and welcome 😊 I love your name

Dedalus profile image

Don't feel pressured into doing anything. Do what you feel is right and comfortable for you.

Maximonkey profile image

Hi gardengnome, yes you can go out. I went out on Tues first time since Feb, It was strange. Everyone observes the 2metre distance, so all good there. Do you live with anyone? If you do go out with them, say to the park or somewhere beautiful, that's where went. Take care. Maximonkey

Gardengnome62 profile image
Gardengnome62 in reply to Maximonkey

At the moment I'm on my own, have been since the start as youngest daughter was at university but is now back and living round the corner with her older sister until it is safe for me to have her return home.

Ergendl profile image

Welcome, and do what you think is right for you. No-one else can walk in your shoes.

Superzob profile image

You have always been allowed to go out - shielding is advice and not law. However, the choice, as others have said, is down to you. My wife is shielding and, although I don't have to, it seemed sensible for me to shield as well. But she did go out once, felt uncomfortable with the numbers in the local park, returned home and hasn't been out since!

One of the problems with easing the lockdown is that there are more people around and, paradoxically, this is likely to mean that those previously shielding are now even less likely to want to venture out. I find it comfortable when the local supermarket has closed; there's virtually no one around and those that are are easy to avoid. But, despite all the (now complicated) advice, everybody's particular circumstances are different and you can only really make these decisions on the basis of what seems right to you.

Stay safe.

wheezyof profile image


So much confusing information in the news. Determined to get the truth I checked You can't get better advice than the British Lung Foundation.

They did say the government have said we may go out but they also said shielding remains the same for the very vulnerable at least until the end of June.

As a result I'm staying in until the end of June.

Keep safe xxx

stanns profile image

I am never going to go out.

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