Isolation for over-70s 'within weeks' - Lung Conditions C...

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Isolation for over-70s 'within weeks'

2greys profile image
47 Replies

Action to isolate the UK's over-70s for an extended period to shield them from coronavirus is planned in the coming weeks, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has confirmed.

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2greys profile image
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47 Replies
2greys profile image

Last night Sharon came home from work and said that the nursing was already in virtual lock down with no visitors being allowed in.

That's a kindly thought. 🙂 Will we be allowed out to buy our TV licenses do you think? 🙄

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to

Ah yes, the free licence comes to an end soon, damn skinflints. I wonder if their salesmen posing as "officers" are going to be barred from banging on our doors demanding to be let in, although they do not have any power of entry, without a warrant, that needs evidence to obtain.

If they can't get in, they can't get evidence. "Detector" vans are just a myth perpetuated by the BBC. The vans might exist but they do not have any equipment inside, they just drive around creating fear. A very good point there Don, there are no flies on you. :)

We are legally licence free anyway, we do not watch any live broadcast TV or use the BBC Iplayer so we legally do not need to have a licence, and able to prove it. We don't even get their computer generated threatening letters either, since I told them, in writing, that they would be charged £50 to process each letter, which I am legally allowed to do.

Gingerapple profile image
Gingerapple in reply to


Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to

Thank you I like it First laugh of day. Hope a few more are on their way . My shower wont heat up . Just what I needed a COLD shower. It is a basic compute r so turned power off and put it to sleep and recover? crossed fingers. Maybe save getting plumber until we oldies get imprisoned just to see another human being

Badbessie profile image

From my understanding it also includes those considered vulnerable. We already have a chat group for our street on the basis of a neighborhood watch. My street is quite young and I have suggested that we form a help group for the 3 or 4 houses in the street who may be affected. Which sadly would include me. In the time of panic buying and other selfish acts I found the response amazing. All said they would help. The most common answer was what can I do?

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Badbessie

That is also what I have read elsewhere, about the vulnerable. I have also read that it will last for up to 4 months. That is truly heartening to hear about your neighbors, not the dog eat dog, selfish attitude found in the cities.

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to Badbessie

That is brilliant . I have email group called next door which cover local area within .?10 miles and 2 have offered already. Hopefully there will be more. All my friends are older and no relatives nearby . Stepson 25 miles away took himself and family to Geneva for cancelled motor show . He planned to go so had to go ! So stupid Hope he can get back .

Gigi71 profile image
Gigi71 in reply to Jaybird19

We have Nextdoor also, amazing response for help. Seems there are good kind people around. X

katieoxo60 profile image

Well 2Greys thank you for news , as someone said to me we have come through worse including two world wars but why pick specifically on the over 70s many of whom are very healthy apart from this threat and the at risk factors . Surely we should be looking at more whole population measures to contain spread. Have they realised how much man power will be needed to isolate over 70s for four months in their own homes, feed them , medication , care for those who are disabled and become ill, monitor their wellbeing at home, apart from being made to feel like we are prisoners in our own homes and unable to take precautions if we have to go out. There are better masks than those paper ones and how will over 70s get shopping of other essentials like bleach to keep the germs at bay, and what happens if there is a power cut, burst pipe, heating failure or you have a fall. My power was off for three hours only this week, and last week a bulb blew in my kitchen which cost £75 to repair & check apart from the scare of the exploding bulb which went all over the place. I think more appropriate measures should be looked at carefully stop spread if possible. No wonder people are panic buying, my stock for keeping clean will not last for four months. Think the powers that be may be over reacting, no one knows. If this virus is so virilant why are there not more cases by now as it has penetrated this country ? So it is still a case of wait and see. Sorry for my long post but maybe we should stop overseas travel first so the bug cant be brought in but its a little late for that now.Keep safe and warm.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to katieoxo60

I totally agree with you Katie and you raise some good points. The Government don’t really know about this virus anymore than we do so are they panicking? Unsure what to do for the best? Quite possibly.

Stay safe and well. Xxxx

Badbessie profile image
Badbessie in reply to sassy59

From the reports from China the biggest factor in the death rate was age. Even those who would be considered in good health. The risk to those over 70 are fairly high. Sadly for those over 80 the death rate is huge. Co morbidities are a factor but age for some explained reason is larger.

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to sassy59

200 scientists have told them it is wrong policy but they have put their faith in just the 2.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Jaybird19

Their reply is that they are still going to be relying on those two. Grrrr.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Jaybird19

Sounds about right. Silly. Xxxx

Davegt profile image
Davegt in reply to Jaybird19

No they haven't keep up. Lol

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to katieoxo60

Just who is going to take our rubbish down the 3 flights of stairs and around to the back of our block and put it in the wheely bins? I can see that happening, not. So I will still have to do it and possibly touch contaminated items, bin lids, doors and stair-rails anyway, although I am aware of the possibility and will wash my hands.

Again not thought through properly, all these grand plans and words are not worth anything, they sound good but unworkable in reality. More propaganda to make it seem like they have control of the situation.

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to 2greys

Totally Agree ,oh and nobody is going to be taking your rubbish down for you either are they ?

sassy59 profile image

Yes Matt Hancock is on Andrew Marr show now. Can’t see everyone over 70 or with health issues staying indoors or at home for 4 months though.

Mr Hancock is struggling. I’ve turned off. Xxxx

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to sassy59

I have a balcony if I was to go and sing like the Italians on their balconies do you think they might change their minds. I am really bad at singing !

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Jaybird19

Give it a go Jaybird! Lol xxxx

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to sassy59

Yes Sassy59, I think it will be a hard task for the ministers to find a sensible solution as these things are always difficult.

pepparuby1 profile image

Should it not be anyone - who has underlying health conditions - I’m not 70 for another 9 years but I’ve gone into semi isolation

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to pepparuby1

Yes it is for the vulnerable as well.

Davegt profile image
Davegt in reply to pepparuby1

It is those over 70 AND those with underlying health conditions I.e. the vulnerable. They are no longer relying on the advice of the 2 advisors anymore following protest from many scientific people. Staying indoors for the vulnerable makes sense even if it is for 4 months. Do that or risk death!

Just how are they going to police it? They can't keep the yobs off the street but they'll expect us to do as we're told. Barmy!!

Davegt profile image
Davegt in reply to

It isn't barmy at all. If you are irresponsible and go out and you are in a vulnerable group you risk death! Also unnecessarily causing more strain on the NHS.

in reply to Davegt

Just to keep some perspective:There are 21 cases in Hertfordshire, (where I live) out of a local population of 1,184,365. This is from the BBC website @ 14:35 today. Approximately 0.00001773102 %. Hardly irresponsible is it?

I get out of bed, drive my car and cross roads, risking death every day.

Davegt profile image
Davegt in reply to

But it won't stay at 21. Within weeks it could be 21000. Too many people are thinking it is just like flu what is the problem. Anyway your choice to ignore any advice given. It is sensible advice but some know better don't they.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to

21 today. By the end of this week? perhaps 250. At the end of next week (14 days time)? 2, 000 + you really need to understand just how fast this is actually spreading, it is like a wild fire and just as hard to stop. It is doubling every two days, do the math. Now that is serious perspective. We all need to change our way of life now, not tomorrow or the next day, but now to stand a chance.

Davegt profile image
Davegt in reply to 2greys

Well said 2greys. There seem to be too many wondering what all the fuss is about and not appreciating how rapidly it is spreading. So many will only have a mild dose but could pass it on to elderly parents or grandparents or younger people with weakened immune system or respiratory or heart problems. It, is in my mind, very selfish to ignore advice putting yourself or others at risk.

hypercat54 profile image

Well I think they should take us all vulnerable folk to luxury hotels for the duration where we would be waited on hand and foot. Bliss x

Davegt profile image
Davegt in reply to hypercat54

And pass it on to each other in a crowded dining room! Alternatively you stay in your room. In that case might as well stay at home.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Davegt

Oh no everyone would be tested first of course. x

Simonpete profile image
Simonpete in reply to hypercat54

But sadly there are no testing facilities available in England for the unsymptomatic.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Simonpete

Maybe there should be? x

Damon1864 profile image

I don't go out anywhere but my husband does, if I have to stay in a room for four months then I will do it. I don't want to risk catching the virus but I don't want others put at risk either. If it helps I will do it, I know there are people who live on their own who will find it hard but hopefully there are enough people willing to help, I know I would. Have a great day everyone and stay safe 😊 Bernadette xx

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Damon1864

I am already in isolation now, normally I would be in the pub on a Sunday afternoon, more for social purposes than just drinking. Sunday afternoons has been the time that I go out to see other people for years. That has now all stopped, I have stopped working now because of it and it all feels really strange.

My other half is absolutely fuming over it because we only go out together every other Sunday afternoon, to the pub. I am really getting it in the neck, as she does a 12 hour shift 4 or 5 days a week so we don't spend that much time together as it is.

It is hard to break a routine or a habit, a bit like giving up smoking. I have a week left to convince her. Now her nursing home is in lock down I am hoping it will be easier to convince her that we really need to stay indoors and away from others.

The way I see it, we are both taking a risk with her having to do a 20 min bus ride to get to work and then back again as it is. Then there are up and coming hospital appointments for me, the first one next week. There really is no room left for more risk taking.

Damon1864 profile image
Damon1864Volunteer in reply to 2greys

I agree so as from today I am in self isolation, better safe than sorry. We can all chat on here which is fantastic. Have a good day and stay safe 😊 Bernadette xx

Davegt profile image

Well said Bernadette. What is 4 months out of your life to stay safe.

Yasyass profile image

Instead of saying we hope for improvement after four weeks they planning for the worse and isolation

Comino2 profile image

They are considering releasing criminals to prevent infection spreading in prisons but the vulnerable and elderly are to be confined for 4 months :-( xx

in reply to Comino2

We don’t really know what the plan is yet, do we?

Comino2 profile image
Comino2 in reply to

No we don't,lets just hope the government do xx

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Comino2

maybe we can all swop places,fancy a bit of stir,regular meals delivered to your own self isolated pad,security windows to stop criminals getting in,on call alarm system etc etc :)


2greys profile image
2greys in reply to skischool

Plus free TV with no licence required.

Skischool that’s hysterical

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