Newbie here, not sure if this is the right place to post this
Due to the current circumstances it’s been tough to deal with this issue.
5 years ago I had a lump (lipoma/cyst) removed from my upper back. I was told it will probably grow back back again. Over the last few years it slowly grew back and got infected last week. Felt pulses of pain. Usually, I would go to the doctor and they would send me to the hospital to get it removed again.
Due to the virus outbreak I had to manage it at home. It started to expand and stretch out of the scar left from the previous operation, became really painful. I was given antibiotics and fucidin cream by my doctor, it eventually burst whilst I was asleep. My mother did her best bless her, cleaned it up and gently squeezed pus/blood out.
We've been cleaning it daily and applying dressing to cover it. It now seems to be growing back as another lump, directly where the scar was, Doctor gave me different antibiotics but i had an allergic reaction to them both times, unpleasant experience.
So now I'm left with this wound/lump and I don't know what to do. It currently doesn't hurt but i fear it will get bigger and become a problem again.
I will post a picture timeline starting when it got infected to what it currently looks like.