A great and true visual! We don’t know where this virus is looming! Better to stay home!
A picture says a thousand words - Lung Conditions C...
A picture says a thousand words

That’s really profound Maricopa and no people wouldn’t go out I’m sure. Xxx
Too alarmist in my opinion and if the sensible rules are followed society should still be able to function,if everybody stayed at home the world would grind to a halt.
That's a powerful image and would help get the message across to many.
A friend and I were chatting on the phone recently, discussing the number of people on the news who were ignoring the social distancing advice. I said at the time if the virus produced visible symptoms such as facial boils, others would literally avoid strangers like the plague.
A little too panicking this but I’ve often thought or wished everybody could see some of the material we used for showing/learning how germs spread and how much a few germs can contaminate vast areas especially when one does not wash hands or does so inadequately.
I’ve frequently tested students after washing there hands with a special light box we use in infection control settings to show them where the germs are on their hands and what parts of the hands they’ve not washed properly.Also work surfaces that were supposed to be / presumed clean.
My three year old granddaughter painted a picture of the virus in nursery .....green with spikes and cross face .
I do so wish the Coronavirus could be seen just like that.....so I would know where the elusive bug was hiding.
I wash door handles, surfaces, floors, packaging .....my hands are sore .
Thanks for the visual....reminds me of a WW2 mine....deactivated .....that used to be on display at the local pier when I was a child a long long time ago.
We are fortunate down here in the south west to be able to go out well away from any town or city. My daughter was isolated in London and took her life into her own hands any time she needed to go out for food (living in a tiny apartment with very little space in the fridge and next to no freezer, she could not stock up). She is now home thankfully and able to enjoy the outside safely.
I truly feel for all you people stuck in towns and highly populated areas. Living in the countryside really does have its pluses, especially in the light of this pandemic. Our garden is largish and pretty wild and the whole house is not even on a road. So walking in the middle of nowhere is right on our doorstep.
Truly hope this passes as swiftly as possible so normality can be resumed. God bless you all.
Seen this lots on f.b Maricopa. Sadly i think the mentality of lots of brits is. I will be ok i wont get it. Its so sad that people are so selfish here. Its only the minority. But i think if those people going out was made to go and work near the virus wards for a few hours. They would be scared enough to think again. I hope you are keeping well. Brian
After observing some people whose behaviour is just plain stupid I think this kind of photo may help them to understand what we are dealing with and maybe they need a shock to wake them up x
Guess not x