I was trying to change mine to a photo of me, but it would be so small it doesn't seem worth it.
Profile picture: I was trying to change... - Lung Conditions C...
Profile picture

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Plenty big enough Remember, it gets shrunken down to a tiny box against your blog posts anyway, the bigger version, smaller than the one you've posted here, would be visible on your profile page. The site shrinks or blows up pictures to a set site anyway.
Thanks Gordon, I will have mess with it.
Lynne xx
Ah - when you upload a picture you hAve to crop the picture, that means to select the bit to view. The screen will show a lighter area with what seem to be tiny squares in the corners - click and drag on one of the squares to open the area up - keep playing until, the bit you want is in the middle and you're happy with what you can see in the lighter area.
I had to change mine to remember how to do all that, so you've got my mugshot now, instead of the 'chalk picture' version.
Good to see the "real" you at last Gordon but it proves what a brilliant drawing your previous avatar was. Wish I could draw that well.

I cheated, it was a computer program that takes a photo and created the 'chalk' version, there are other effects but not all as clear.
Hello Lynne, great to put a face to the name - it's a lovely picture! My son took my pic this morning for my blue badge renewal, I got him to destroy it, I look like my mother when she was 78 and I'm only 60! Arghhhhhh! Told him we can try again when I've got some (a lot, I think) make up on, with the curtains closed and from about 50 metres!
Hey don't you look lovely - mission accomplished - now we can see who we're chatting to.
Take care
Oh Lynne - how lovely it is to see you xx
Help Gordon! The crop area only showed my cheek! And I can't move the crop box. How do I make the picture smaller?
Lynne xx
I was thinking about putting a pic of me on but was concerned when it said everyone can see my pic, does that include non members of BLF? I dont mind if members see me but don't want my pic out in cyberspace for everyone to see it
Empty box as I see it now think it will not go well if I try tinkering with this myself
A lovely photo of you Lynne
Oh dear! This is all so unnecessarily hard! I will get back on it tomorrow. Thanks Gordon, I will try again.
Katlover - I don't care if everyone sees mine lol.
Thank you all for your lovely comments. I don't understand why I can't put my original infinity symbol back.
Lovely picture Lnne! You have made me decide to change mine from my favourite flowers to my "ugly mug"! I'll have a go anyway.
Lnne - try "left-clicking" and holding down on the + sign that appears on your photo and then "scrolling across" (start top left and move to bottom right) the area of the photo you want to select. You should see a highlighted area. Then click save. If you don't know what I mean by any of this jargon please ask.

It just won't move, but I've been trying to do it on my iPad, and I might have more luck on my PC. I will try tomorrow.
I don't think apple stuff deals with certain basic stuff. I just hoped it would. Lol
Lynne xx
Come on everyone, lets all reveal the real us. Do we care who sees? I'm not bovvered (as they say.
Lynne xx
I'd bet you'll do it Lnne and fair play to you for trying. Maybe I'll have a go when the site instructions come out but still squirming at my attempts to produce even a smiley face. Let's face it you'll need to do it now -lol never mind -sleep on it xx
Just clicked on your. Blog title and there you were - lovely - thanks Lynne.
OK - I've written a quick step-by-step guide on how to change or upload a profile picture.
You will need to be able to read a PDF file, which requires the Adobe Reader software. You can get that free from :- get.adobe.com/reader/
Here's the instructions:- zzaa.co.uk/profilepicture.pdf
Let me know if I've made any mistakes or missed a bit out !
Forgot to mention, you can print it out if you wish, two pages, or open it in another window and refer back to it when you need to.
Yes, I changed my picture again, at the time of writing this it's my Zaphod look (Hitch-Hikers Guide ) - two heads are better than one !
Thanks Gordon. I shall do it later on my PC. That should work, as you say, I think it's because I was on my iPad that it wouldn't let me move the crop lines.
Off to the gym first today
Hi Lynne,
Good to put a face to a name, very nice face too. I'm going to try and have a go.
Lib x
What a great photo Lynne. You look lovely. Not sure what has gone on with Gordon's photo but I am sure he will enlighten me if he wants to. xxxxxxxxxx
Just read what happened to Gordon's photo! Doh! xx
I have some clever software that will make all sorts of funny changes, if I let it...
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