Free School Meal Vouchers, during loc... - Lung Conditions C...
Free School Meal Vouchers, during lockdown.

Our daughters(including our daughter)school worked so hard when the school closed in the Wednesday she is asthmatic so vunerable. Went in every day making up free lunch bags for the children on free meals and delivered them to the childrens homes. Has done this for 2xweeks now and then got the vouchers for the supermarkets over a week ago. She said she Hope's the parents will spend it on the children. She works in a very deprived area not very safe area but she wanted to help make sure to begin with had meals every day while she was able to provide. A lot of her teachers and teaching didnt want to help. Our daughter always goes one step beyond. And we are so proud of her. Of course we were worried for her health condition but she wore the gloves stepped back and watched to make sure bag was picked up as she said it was lovely to see them smile oblivious to what's happening out there.take care everyone
She deserves praise for delivering lunches.
My daughter had to go to 2 different schools to pick up the free lunches.
She said that the positive was that it gave a little bit of structure to the day,especially for the grand son who is autistic.
Please tell your daughter I think sheβs a hero x
Your daughter is lovely.
The school cook from my grandchildren's school has been delivering their packed lunches on her way home from work.( As that makes it a bit late for lunch, my daughter has been saving the lunches for tea time.) She and the children look forward to the tap on the door, waving to the cook from the window, then collecting the lunches from the doorstep.
My daughter is on her own with her three young children. This is not her fault, the children's father is on a suspended sentence for violence towards my daughter and is not allowed, by law, near her or the children. Going shopping is impossible for my daughter at the moment, she will have to rely on home deliveries.
I'm not sure how the vouchers will work. If they are short dated will she be able to get a delivery in time? Can the vouchers be used at an online checkout?
However I'm sure they will be a good thing for any family in need of free lunches.
A miserly Β£2.40 a day for a vulnerable child to spend on food,not exactly pushing the boat out are they and in some schools that are open teachers are discouraging some vulnerable pupils from attending because they are too busy babysitting their and other people's children i am advised from a reliable source .
Under the current circumstances, I, personally, am of the opinion these uncaring teachers should be reported and, if the problem isn't resolved, then the media should be notified, but that's just me, a vindictive individual with an outraged sense of justice.
maybe you aren't thinking about this from the teachers' point of view? they didn't sign up for a life-risking job, but the vast majority of them have continued to work throughout this pandemic, knowing they were risking their lives and those of their families living with them and other loved ones.
they've been forced to stay away from family who are old or vulnerable (or both) although they'd much prefer to be able to care for them at this time.
most of them have continued to go into work, now being described as "babysitting". they go in for the sake of the vulnerable children and for the keyworkers who need help looking after their children while they do the vital jobs of caring for the sick and delivering essential supplies, etc, etc, etc.
they go in for the sake of keeping our community intact.
they go in to keep people safe.
if one or two of them have wobbled a little, should we really condemn them so wholeheartedly?
please think again.
Our daughter done this asking if we minded because it meant she couldnt see us. But we know if it means she is going to help a child come what may she will always be there for children
You make a valid point, Ernie, however, the claim being made is the teachers are deliberately singling out vulnerable children and that makes my blood boil.
Note to self: Trace back to source.
will be interested (and stunned) to know if you do manage to track back to source demdamnbones.
I'm trying right now, my friend, at least to find out if the child is safe and the situation being dealt with, so no such occurrence happens again.
Hopefully, we'll discover the situation is in hand.
thanks for this demdamnbones
Our daughter is one for the children she and her teaching assistant added a few extras with their lunch. It's the she is children first every time. No children of her own yet. Goin abroad in September to teach vunerable children for 2 years very brave.
Can you, in any way, request your source to be a bit more open, ie school, area, etc?
As it stands, we are being asked to rely on hearsay, regarding an extremely serious issue.
Obliged to you.
NO the person who gave me the information is a vulnerable schoolchild and i am hardly going to advertise their location details on here,just take it from me that i don't post gossip and hearsay or 2nd hand knowledge not verified.
Therein lies the impasse, as some will choose to believe you, whereas others won't.
Have steps been taken to protect the child and rectify the situation?
I ask, as this will go some way to alleviating concerns, doubtless felt by others at the heart of the situation, but also here, myself among them.
I am afraid the government have perpetuated untruths and downright lies on the state of the social care system for vulnerable young children and adults in this country,many are farmed out to agencies and Ngo's who will supposedly care for them but who in reality dump them in unsuitable housing amongst unsuitable people and they often have to almost fend for themselves,difficult enough in normal times but with the current situation and even larger problem.
Basically the system is broken and needs fixing urgently.i am not going to comment on the person i am aware of for confidentiality reasons.fear not i am doing everything within my power to alleviate their situation,
I am only too well aware of the situation, including those incarcerated 24hrs per day and treated like dogs, even at meal times, by those in the wrong job for the wrong reasons, much the same as the children, victims of their conditions, but also of the system and many of whom the system employs, directly or indirectly.
My only current concern is the plight of the child to whom you drew my attention.
I trust you have it in your power to see steps are taken to reprimand those guilty, as they are still needed, regardless their current shortcomings?
Thank you for your time.
Energy spent trying to locate and punish a few bad apples amongst basically a good kind and caring social workforce would be energy wasted i believe and better spent of improving the system.
My 2 grandsons who have free school meals are being looked after. My youngest grandson, they have to pick a food package up each week and the one who goes to secondary school, they are being sent a Β£15 voucher a week.
I personally think this is brilliant.
I wish people would stop knocking everything.