i have been following all the posts especially regarding the coronavirus however i don't think i have seen this question. my wife and i are in lock down being over 70 and in the 'at risk' category, we have managed to get a slot for on-line food delivery coming on Monday, when it arrives hopefully, do we have to disinfect everything which would be very difficult, does anyone know?
on line shopping: i have been following... - Lung Conditions C...
on line shopping

I saw a BBC reporter on the evening news 2 or 3 nights ago suggesting everything coming into the house should be washed with hot soapy water. Possible to find the report on iplayer maybe? I believe they were answering viewers questions. Best wishes
Nobody has yet come up with a definitive statement as to how long the virus can rest on different surfaces,i am being careful to wash my hands after handling any goods delivered(those that actually come)and putting them away and have even thought to do so after using them but that would be so time consuming it is probably not a practical solution?
P.s there are many statement on google from various scientific bodies stating how long it lasts on various surfaces but no one appears to have considered home delivered goods?
Ive been wondering about that too skis. Also, what about the postman and orders from online companies being delivered to the home?
As the delivery man has just touched them I’d think the full 12 hours?
Some delivery drivers have been issued with sanitizer for delivery purposes but mine didn't appear to use any,nobody as yet has confirmed the length of time on various surfaces the virus can survive with some estimates even as long as weeks so we have to assume it's on the goods delivered possibly contaminated by anybody within the food chain ,it's a minefield but i will continue to take only the very basic precautions and don't intend to keep cleaning things with wipes i don't have anyway.
Personally all my own comes in bags. I put a plastic mat down on the board. I put the bags down on floor. As I remove each tin or packet I wipe it down with a wipe which as been put in a bowl of disinfectant. As each bag is emptied I throw it away. As Morrison's etc will not take them back. Each fridge item I clean the outer wrapping then remove and place item in fridge. For example tomatoes come in a little plastic container wrapped in a thin plastic. Clean thin plastic remove and throw away. I wear normal washing up gloves as you need to keep putting your wipe in disinfectant. Place all outer wrappings and bags in one bag and place immediately into dustbin. The fresh fruit and veg obviously you cannot wipe down so I place them in the outhouse for 24 hours which should mean that any virus on them dies. Then I take them into the kitchen. Obviously once bags have been removed I clean that area of the floor where they have been. The risk from shopping coming into the house is actually very small and provided you wash your hands after emptying them you should be safe. Being a belt and braces man my method is perhaps overkill but how long the virus survives on different surfaces is a bit of an open question. So I try to make sure for my own piece of mind.
I have bought some single use cheap disposable gloves, I wonder if they would help with handling.
I always supermarket shop online .......it may be useful to keep a distance from the delivery driver.
Some stores deliver with bags , some not.
I also have some microfibre cloths, I wonder if they could be used to wipe packets and tins.
What a worry.
Thanks for the photo....what an amazing display. I have managed to keep some geraniums from last year, I hope they bloom half as well as yours
Gawd no, I’m not doing that. I’ve read a few sciencey bits of advice which said this level of caution is “thought” to be unnecessary. Can’t be 100% sure of course but that’s a step too far for me. What would you do with cereal boxes, or eggs?
Would it help to not unpack non fridge/ freezer items for 12 hours . And perhaps just wipe fridge items before putting them in fridge before washing your hands? I’ve discarded delivered item packaging before taking them inside before washing my hands.
I’ve got a couple of plastic laundry baskets to place outside front door for delivery driver to put shopping (if any of it is actually in stock😉) into. Keep a bucket in the porch (my decontamination chamber!) so I can dip shopping into bleach solution and wipe before bringing into the hall. Hoping for the best😊!
You were so lucky getting abdelivery. I have tried all the story s with no joy. I don't know if I can ask but which superlative d you use?
I think the answer to this is probably yes. But a word of warning I had an Asda delivery booked for yesterday and then received a message yesterday morning that it was cancelled. They did put £10 in my account though for me to spend on my groceries I can’t get😡. I am lucky as my family live nearby and are keeping us supplied but was pretty annoyed that they accepted the order if they couldn’t fulfil it especially when I see them delivering to others down my road that are young and healthy. Good luck and stay safe.
If they were the shopping would have been left on the doorstep they wouldn’t have been taking the shopping off the delivery man.
Thank you all for your replies, I don't think you can disinfect everything, it will taint the taste of somethings, it is a mine field. it would be good to get a definitive answer on the length of time the virus can stay active on hard and soft surfaces. Perhaps the answer is to get a sheep dip and dunk everything before bringing into the house!!