Did our shop on Friday. It was so Cold I was really struggling. So we decided we would go to the 2 shops next door to each other only. With my big coat and my scarf wrapped around me wobbled off the the first shop not much wanted at first (must stop impetus buying) . Once my breath was back but the forehead pounding from the cold get to the checkout. Take my wallet out my front pocket. Now I have been putting it there for some time now as I keep cracking my cards by sitting on them when I was putting them in my back pocket. It is apparently a better place to stop your pockets being picked too! Checkout girl was very nice and left us with a smile.
Shop number 2, fake pound token in the trolley and in we go. head still pounding but we get what we want with a hot toddy treat and extra stock for xmas. After it seemed like many beeps I am met with the cost! Wife moves over to the packing shelf with the trolley.
Hand in the front pocket to find it empty! Well I only had a one word response to this! Called the wife back and asked if she had my wallet. rummage though bags no luck. Went though my coat as I have put it in my zipped pocket when I wear it sometimes. So the wife had to pay on her card while I went to the first shop I last had it. Found someone who claimed to be management who went to every checkout and asked if they had a black wallet handed in? My breathing was not at its best by now. But the manager reassured me with " Christmas time and finding a wallet, I do not think you will be lucky enough to get that back!"
I am going back to store 2 to ask if I dropped it in there and the wife is coming out. "found it?" I stood there and said "No have been though them all" and rechecked the pockets, ALL the pockets and there in my back pocket was my wallet! The relief was second to non but the head still pounded and the breathing was still poor. load the car with the wife closing with "you have had your head on back to front all day today" Boy was she so right. Need my woolly hat to have front and back on I think from now on.
Be Well