World Health Organization COVID-19 My... - Lung Conditions C...
World Health Organization COVID-19 Myth Busting List.

Don't understand why they keep mentioning asma, diabetes, heart desease and no copd...😔
Because according to the Chinese study, you are less at risk of severe illness with COPD than you are if you have heart disease or diabetes. I have also heard on a science podcast that they are beginning to think there may be some lung protection with the steroid inhalers. I am not being complacent with my COPD though, still taking all precautions.
Ok ,,and if you have emphysema and your not on any meds?
Sorry I don’t know, but when I read the Chinese study they didn’t mention the medication, that was a different study about the steroid inhalers. The Chinese are huge smokers and many of them would not even know that they had COPD, and the greatest majority survived. 94.7 with COPD survived, which I reckon is pretty good odds.
Surely if you have emphysema you would have meds of some description to help with symptoms? Just a little confused
My husband was diagnosed 2years ago with emphysema and no medication needed so far..
Oh ok I learn new things every day 😊
Hope he manages to stay that way for as long as possible x
Me too ,,he is 43 and was diagnosed mild the desease has no big impact on him for now.. thanks stay safe
Quite young to have the disease, I were diagnosed at 40 and because of my age were then tested for alpha1 which I do have, interested to know has your husband been tested for this?
COPD is what is termed as being an underlying health problem, unfortunately. Many with COPD also have other co-morbidities that will increase the total amount of underlying health problems too.
Why it is not mentioned is very strange to say the least, given that so many have it, somewhere in the region of two million diagnosed and un-diagnosed people, I believe, just in the UK alone.