Yippee, what are you doing to celebrate?
> World COPD Day 19 November - Lung Conditions C...
> World COPD Day 19 November

Shall we all have a party?tabs as the nibbles,morph for the wine..In all seriousness do we celebrate or do anything?lol x

I really don't know porche296, supposed to draw attention to us???? this was sent to me by the Australian Lung site, has it been advertised in UK, mind you anything for a party!
Wouldn't that be great, a party for us all..I would love to meet a few peeps I have something in common with lol xxx
We should be grateful that at least COPD gets an "awareness day"!
Some diseases don't even get that! So maybe it might be a great idea if we; as the suffers Tweet, FB and tell the whole world about COPD Day, and make everyone aware that between 2000-20013 COPD was 3rd on the list of top world-wide causes of death, and keep at it until 19th November'
I for one am weary of so called specialist and most of the medical profession telling me I'm at
"The End of it; so I've to get on with it"
While COPD is an umbrella for most lung diseases, it tends to breed very little sympathy, nor lend itself (very well) to sponsored walks, swims or marathons by the sufferers and certainly seems to get very little of the same high profile - celeb support that Cancer, HIV, Diabetes etc. get!
So while most of us may not be able to do "Sponsored Star Jumping" or "Get up out of the chair racing" surely we have the energy to press a key and 'spread the word'? Even if some of us aren't around to see 19th November, at least we've counted for doing something for others with the said same condition, before we shuffled off.
Just a thought; maybe you might C&P this while you're at it

It will be no 1, it is a disease that can and will sneak up on you, I was told that there is little sign until you tip over the 50% mark. This was the case with me, and then it is too late, think of all the smokers with this about to rear its ugly head.....
So true,I was quite fit up until 2yrs ago and for some reason I slowly declined,my breathing became worse,I had exacerbations which I had never experienced in my life.So frightening when your fighting for air and suffocating!!
This happened practically overnight and I have never been the same since..

Well said!!!
So true. Very frightening. I think copd should be recognised, but I wouldn't feel like celebrating.
I would rather we, and all the millions of others who probably have it, DIDNT have it.
what is there to celebrate about having copd ???
That we are still here nanasharp and fighting the good fight? x
An awareness day is very good as it helps those without copd to realise what those with the disease actually go through on a day to day basis, and their carers too of course. People are being diagnosed with copd on a daily basis so let's get it out in the open and make everyone aware. Take care all and breathe well. Lots of love. xxxxxxx
I think it is fantastic people should be made aware of COPD but more importantly the MP's should be made aware and the decision makers from DWP. It would be nice to have a party we should invite Gordon Brown he was the one who set up Atos I would like us all to sit on his chest and tell him to breath.
The only good thing is that the more people aware of it and the potential billions about to come into the health system, more money could be dedicated to research.