Covid 19: Now it may be me with too... - Lung Conditions C...

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Covid 19

ledge profile image
37 Replies

Now it may be me with too much time on my hands as I am sheilding and spend a lot of time rummaging through my own thoughts....but i dont trust this government's figures one iota. Nor to be honest most other goverments figures either. I think they are being manipulated ...i honestly think that they are all going for herd immunity as it all boils down to economy... money over lives.....a bit like the majority of the populations are mere cannon fodder fir the sake of economics and capitalism.

They can honestly up to it, as it would be tantamount to mass slaughter as such and would cause civil unrest.

So by lots of countries all fiddling figures..none doing the same calculation basis its all smoke and mirrors.

I think far more people have had it...and they are all playing the numbers game.

All looking like they have our best interests at heart.... but do they?

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ledge profile image
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37 Replies
sassy59 profile image

You could be right ledge but who really knows? There’s already unrest in many countries including the U.K. What’s to become of us all.

Ignore me, not happy today but a brand new day tomorrow. Xxx👍😀🌈

ledge profile image
ledge in reply to sassy59

I hope you have a good day tomorrow...this is a tough old journey.

Like all journeys its one step at time

in reply to sassy59

Holding your hand today Sassy. It was me in the doldrums a few days ago. It is hard, hard for everybody. On those days I pull my head inside my shell and watch lots of Father Brown. XX

ledge profile image
ledge in reply to

We all should virtual hand especially in these challenging times xx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Bless you for your kind words dear friend. I think I’ll do that too as I enjoy Father Brown. We’ll hold each other’s hands Littlepom and that includes everyone who needs a little help sometimes.

Thank you for being there.,xxxx😘

SquirrelsHolt profile image
SquirrelsHolt in reply to sassy59

Sassy59 we are all here for one another. Some days just right now ,are showing a few fine line cracks but must soldier on, because to think of a second peak in fatalities , well i just can't begin to go there. X🐿🌈💕

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to SquirrelsHolt

I know SH just a few things going on at the moment but all ok.

I wish everyone would realise just how serious this really is.

Stay safe and alert dear friend. Take care. Xxxx😘😀🌈

coral12 profile image
coral12 in reply to SquirrelsHolt

i think second peak is gona b alot worse. its frightening

SquirrelsHolt profile image
SquirrelsHolt in reply to coral12

Yes dear coral12, you are right. It is very frightening especially if, like most of us on here, either care for or have themselves a respiratory issue etc. That's not forgetting all the other illnesses that folk have and how anxious and worrried they must feel. I wish the Government would stop banging on about how they're "ramping up" the test, trace and track method but they seem to be so damn slow in putting what they say into practice. Fighting an invisable enemy is always going to be a hard battle but we are a resilient bunch in the UK and this is what i keep reminding myself. Onwards and upwards ..... although not refering to any of those hideous graph chart thing-a-me-gig's they shove at us in the daily COVID19 updates, lol 😷🤔😩!!!!!

Happy Mondays eh? 🐿🌈💕

Alias007 profile image

My take is that it doesn’t matter which course you take (and stats can be manipulated to suit), since about 80% have to get it, then it is at this point the true death/survival ratio will be known, barring any highly unlikely vaccine as there are a few strains of this virus.

In America, I believe hospitals get $13000 for saying someone had Covid19 and $39000 if ventilator was also used.

What do you think the numbers would be?

ledge profile image
ledge in reply to Alias007

I have honestly no idea... but my theory on herd immunity being the underlying off the daily public agenda still stands.

AKDellitt profile image
AKDellitt in reply to Alias007

That's a conspiracy theory.

Damali68 profile image

I with you, having one of them mornings myself today - hugs from me 😀

2greys profile image

I do not trust them either. When asked a direct, poignant question by the press or public, the Gov. minsters never ever make a reply to the question, but go off repeating the same old rant of their well established mantra, like a cracked record.

I've said this before, Why are they not leading by example. "Go back to work", yet parliament remains empty of the MP's, why are they not back at work? Nothing more than "Do as I say, not as we do!

If you watch this report you will see some stark truths. Watch Matt Hancock with his reply to whether the families of the dead in care homes deserve an apology. Totally despicable and shows the sheer contempt the Gov. have towards the public. Watch for the lies over PPE and the, basically denial of care homes to PPE. My partner can testify it is all true as well.

ledge profile image
ledge in reply to 2greys

I do think if you pardon the expression we are being fed a load of bull s£!t

It just makes me weep...

Hacienda profile image

I have a Niece in USA who deems this is all false !(Silly Girl) My friend who is German has Just this minute replied to a Post about Germany having Tripled their Numbers since coming out of Lock Down, Says not True. A Man in Egypt? went out to Tell everyone to get out of Lock Down, he has since Died, of COVID, before he passed he knew his father & Son have the Virus. Little Stories are like Whispers that do every one Harm(see how I omitted the word "Chinese"), We, the Most Vulnerable of Lung Disease, have to Get on with our Lives, and do what we can for Each Other as Littlepom says to Sassy Holding Hands, I know this is our way of staying Together, Staying Strong, and NOT, to get too Downhearted by Headlines. I'm holding your Hand regardless of all the Negativity going around. Lots of Love & Best Wishes to you All Dear Friends. Stay Strong. XXX C

Albertdog profile image
Albertdog in reply to Hacienda

Too much negativity from certain political fear mongers - and manipulation of figures to suit a certain country's agenda.😡😡😡

ledge profile image

A lovely reply to a baffling situation

Troilus profile image

It’s a very difficult one. In lots of respects I feel they government has made the best of a bad job. They have warned those of us who are most vulnerable that we are vulnerable, organised food boxes ( such as they were, ) paid 80% of people’s wages to secure their jobs, cancelled rates for businesses, stopped people from being evicted due to rent areas, secured and paid for extra ventilators, built extra hospitals, put huge amounts into research, built labs for testing and test production. All of this costs money.

In return, they have asked healthy people to return to work where it is safe for them to do so.

And yes, we have to stay inside.

The alternative? We could go out and get ill and go see St Peter.

Workers could stay home. The country could go bust. People would lose their jobs, their homes. Prices would go up astronomically. Pensions and benefits would be cut. The future would be bleak.

As for the situation in care homes. That is absolutely tragic. My heart goes out to anyone who has a loved one in a home right now. Someone or many someones need to explain how this happened.

Not Matt Hancock. We need to remember that most homes in the U.K. a run by private firms. Why didn’t they provide PPE? How come they don’t know about barrier nursing? It doesn’t matter if it is Covid or plain ordinary flu, the elderly need to be barrier nursed. Not having tests is no excuse.They are happy to charge a fortune and line their pockets, but not train their staff or purchase the relevant equipment.

Hacienda profile image
Hacienda in reply to Troilus

A Very Good Logical Comment Troilus. Take Care. Have a Good Day. XXX C.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Troilus

"We need to remember that most homes in the U.K. a run by private firms. Why didn’t they provide PPE? How come they don’t know about barrier nursing?"

The answer to that is in that video. Care homes were denied access to PPE, they could not buy it for want of trying. The care homes do know all about barrier nursing, but that cannot be done without the proper PPE, PPE that needs changing before entering each resident's room and coming into contact with them.

They need hundreds of PPE items per day, one set of PPE per visit which then has to be disposed of, a new set for the next resident and so on. That is how barrier nursing has to take place. Without proper PPE the virus will tear through a care home like a wild fire, which is what has happened. Let alone without the staff catching it as well. Proper PPE? a flimsy thin apron, gloves and a surgical mask?

Sharon caught it and then passed it onto myself, as a result she had to be quarantined for three weeks. 3 weeks away from work putting an extra strain on the other members of staff. Since returning back to work she is now doing 5 x 14 hour shifts, a 70 hour week at 60 years old! She also has to fit in caring for me, as I am all but useless, still very slowly recovering myself. Making myself a cup of coffee or a sandwich is about my limit, cooking is out of the question.

I don't think you quite understand what is happening in our care homes and why.

Troilus profile image
Troilus in reply to 2greys

Fair comment 2 greys. I was just making the point that most care homes are privately owned and ultimately they have responsibility for their residents and staff. The government are being blamed for something that is not their direct responsibility. They had allocated 3.2 billion for local authorities to support key industries.

As for PPE their was a global shortage, and they were trying to keep up with demand.

I am in no way criticising carers. They do a brilliant job, even under normal circumstances. In this present climate they are nothing short of heroic.

But, I still think that the care home owners to take some accountability for the crisis in their establishments.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Troilus

"But, I still think that the care home owners to take some accountability for the crisis in their establishments."

How? PPE has been denied access to because they are private and not NHS. The PPE was reserved solely for the NHS use only, that is the point. No amount of money could buy the PPE at the time, the Gov rules denied them access to it. The home Sharon works at had to operate without any PPE for two weeks, despite orders for them being placed repeatedly. Told to accept new residents straight from hospital without being tested. Sick residents were refused to be taken to hospital. I have told of all of this, on here previously, weeks ago.

It has been a total disgrace, 40% of Covid-19 deaths have taken place in care homes!

SquirrelsHolt profile image
SquirrelsHolt in reply to 2greys

Morning 2greys and just to butt in, can i say that in my area there are several private care homes and I'm on good terms with one of the Manager's. She assured me and I've no reason to disbelieve what she told me. She said that they can buy and do buy their own supplies of all PPE and can get the vat back(which I'm certain is all above board ).. She's run low at times on PPE due to late deliveries but nothing that interfered with their care giving.

So could it be a regional problem? If one care home can do it then why aren't other ones in the private sector taking the initiative?


2greys profile image
2greys in reply to SquirrelsHolt

Perhaps the PPE was not up to standard, thus was not at the time restricted for NHS use only, if so, a dangerous practice as it would give a false sense of security. The situation has changed in the last few weeks admittedly but at the time that program was made the suppliers of approved PPE were actually barred from selling to anyone other than the NHS, as a government directive.

4 weeks ago, at the time of Sharon's and my own infection they did not have any PPE in the nursing home whatsoever, not even hand sanitiser, just soap and water.

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to Troilus

Good post Troilus.

crashdoll profile image
crashdoll in reply to Troilus

Most care and nursing homes have a not insignificant proportion of local authority funded residents. We (my fellow social workers and I) have a legal duty to assess these individuals and ensure their care is at a good standard. When the homes are being denied access to PPE (as they are told the priority is the NHS) it means the care falls below an accepted standard.

Tax payers contribute to the cost of these individuals’ placements and social care has a legal duty for these residents. The government should be very interested! The blame cannot be laid at the hands of the owners of these homes.

Albertdog profile image
Albertdog in reply to Troilus

Well said.

Perhaps some people would prefer a permanent lockdown, and go back to the days of no work and therefore no income.

We need taxes coming in, to pay for others in our Union who want to continue being furloughed.

A slow sensible return to work will avoid the NHS being overpowered - unless it is felt these front line workers should work without pay.

Unless we print Mickey Mouse money - money to pay front line workers comes from taxation.

pjwy profile image

I think one of the basic problems was that the Government,despite being warned of the danger of repeat pandemics as long ago as 2016,failed to have adequate (if any) reserves of PPE equipment when this outbreak reached UK.

Other than the above,I suppose the Gov has done all it can to handle the situation although,again,there are questions remaining unanswered as to the dithering in the early days of the onset and the situation regarding the problems we have seen in care homes.

The programme on TV earlier this week about how South Korea ( with a population of over 50million ) reacted so quickly compared to UK,was a real eye opener.

Albertdog profile image
Albertdog in reply to pjwy

Tell that to all the households who have been flooded out of their homes - and require flood defences.

Everyone can argue for more from the tax payer - but each public sector is given what the government budgets for each. It is therefore up to each sector to use money given to procure their necessary requirements. Governments do not raise orders on suppliers. Any extra funds would result in a rise in taxation or another sector having to do without.

One cannot please everyone all the time.

Schmicter profile image

Whether it is purposeful herd immunity or not, it may end up what the reality is, given the likelihood for an effective vaccine is pretty low. What to do if it takes 5 years to develop? The effect of a time period like that on the economies will certainly cause more death than herd immunity.

ledge profile image

I agree with all your comments but it is the lack of transparency that worries me. Honesty is always a good policy.. not trite statements and baffling statistics

Angelagone profile image

I dont trust this government on anything. We seem to be wandering into '1984 ' territory. I'm just waiting for them to announce the chocolate ration is increasing to 20g from the 40g it was before....

It’s a total car crash. They’ll all be squabbling now, BJ, Hancock, Gove etc, trying to deflect blame from themselves once the inevitable public enquiry looks into this scandal (I mean the whole thing - care homes, the decision to stop testing, the PPE etc.) That’s all they care about, hanging onto power, not the people who put them there.

There used to be a swathe of decent, principled, centre-right MPs with a sense of public duty, but they’ve either resigned in disgust or been eliminated. And right now the opposition under Keir Starmer is no better, mainly looking to score political points.

I’m disgusted with the lot of them.

I see tens of thousands more deaths than necessary and a bankrupt economy.

God help future generations.

LittlePaws profile image

ledge no they don't have our best interests at heart and i firmly believe that the figures are being fiddled, all of this plus the money over lives aspect is sadly typical of this dreadful government xx

2greys profile image

Tonight (Sun) Sharon has come home and said that there are now 9 confirmed cases and 3 more suspected, with just one recovering at the nursing home. The situation is now getting worse there. I wish I was well enough to volunteer to help as well, having survived it, even if it just to make cups of tea, give support and hold a few hands. It is all so cruel. Yet according to the Gov figures the infection rates in care homes are coming down.

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to 2greys

My heart goes out to the poor souls who have contracted covid-19 in the care homes all over the country and to the relatives of those many who have sadly died as a result of it. I think Sharon, her colleagues and other carers all over are amazing the way they are continuing to care for the old folk regardless of covid-19 risks to their own health and their families. They really do deserve recognition for service ' above and beyond ' their normal duties in a time of crisis.

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