Latest advice for Covid19: So after the... - Lung Conditions C...

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Latest advice for Covid19

JeMo1961 profile image
49 Replies

So after the COBRA meeting nothing much has changed, meanwhile in Ireland schools are closing etc. Self isolate and don't bother going to your GP or phoning nhs 24, what, so we've just to ride it out, jezzo what if you are already health impaired. This is the advice the Scottish government have just given after the COBRA meeting.

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JeMo1961 profile image
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49 Replies
O2Trees profile image

Advice to phone NHS 111 is useless. My partner Rita was unwell yesterday with symptoms similar to the virus. Despite pointing out she lives with someone with advanced copd, the person she spoke to was totally uninterested in her symptoms and just told her to keep washing her hands, saying "we're not medically trained". I know they cant test everyone who calls, but a little more engagement would be welcome. :(

Rita is lots better today so not the virus, but still . . . 111 doesnt inspire confidence.

Comino2 profile image
Comino2 in reply to O2Trees

Glad to hear your partner is feeling better today,must have been worrying for you both and not helped by the woefull lack of usefull advise you encountered with the 111 service.

P.S don't forget to wash your hands :-) :-) :-) [ but of course you already knew that ] xx

in reply to O2Trees

So glad Rita is better, what a relief for you both.

Agree about 111, I had to phone them a couple of months ago & they were totally useless. Main purpose seems to be to keep you at arm’s length for the weekend & pass to gp instead. This was way before the virus hit.

We just can’t catch it. I don’t fancy our chances with the nhs in its current state. Throwing money at it won’t work cos it no longer has the staff, especially in ITU. It’s a nightmare xxx

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to

I suddenly realised tonight that it's not just about keeping safe now - since we can't allow ourselves to get it and develop immunity, this isolating etc could have to be for the rest of our lives. A depressing thought. Lets hope a vaccine emerges before too long.

I hope you're doing ok Hanne62 - please look after yourself :) xxx

ledge profile image
ledge in reply to O2Trees

that occurred to me too... I guess I will spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder for something or another . what a bummer

2greys profile image

2greys profile image

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is beginning a press conference from Downing Street.

He begins by saying he chaired an emergency meeting with ministers from across the UK.

"It is clear that coronavirus continues and will continue to spread across the world and our country over the next few months," adds Mr Johnson.

"We have done what can be done to contain disease, which has bought us valuable time.

"But it is now a global pandemic and the worst public health crisis for a generation."

He adds: "I must level with you, the British public, more families will lose their loved ones before their time."

Anyone with a persistent cough or high temperature is now being advised to self-isolate for seven days, as the UK government moves to the "delay" phase of its plan to tackle coronavirus.

Advise all those over-70s not to go on cruises

Advise against international school trips

Mr Johnson says they are only "considering the question of banning major events, including sporting fixtures" - not because of the spread of the virus, but because of the burden it puts on public services.

He also says schools should remain open.

"There is no escaping the reality [that these measures] will cause severe disruption across the country for many months".

"But it will help slow disease and save lives."

The UK PM adds: "Things seem tough now, but remember, we will get through this epidemic... if we look out for each other and commit wholeheartedly to a national effort."

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to 2greys

Thank you 2greys, I have such respect that man. X x

Comino2 profile image
Comino2 in reply to 2greys

Am I missing something or the only advise is not to go on international school trips and if you are over 70 avoid cruises ???..... .... I despair.... :-( xx

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Comino2

"There is no escaping the reality [that these measures] will cause severe disruption across the country for many months."

Just what are they playing at! Severe disruption! not that I can see, more like minimal


"Things seem tough now, but remember, we will get through this epidemic... if we look out for each other and commit wholeheartedly to a national effort." I can only reply, like what happened with the empty supermarket shelves!

I just cannot believe this response. We are in the middle of a very real crisis at the start of a dangerous UK epidemic, this is going to make things so much worse, so much quicker. An opportunity missed. There are just not the words to express the depth of my disappointment.

Is this some grand plan to fix the cash starved NHS, by getting rid of the unhealthy. A way to boost the coffers by thinning out the elderly, with not having to pay out on those pensions.

Not being nasty, just the plain truth. I must level with you too, Boris et al, "more families will lose their loved ones before their time". That does of course apply to you and yours. This virus makes no distinction to the rich, privileged or powerful, there is no cure, no vaccine. Enough said, plain and simple.

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to 2greys

2 greys those are my thoughts too. It feels that this time is to be used as a way of thinning out the population I hadn’t gone so far as to think about pensions that would fill govt coffers as a result.!!

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to 2greys

Totally agree with you 2greys. I also despair but no virus is getting my Pete or me for that matter.

Sad fact too is that many have a “sod you, I’m alright” attitude! These aren’t the war years where people looked out for each other.

Ignore me, just a tad upset at the moment.

Take care all. Xxxx😘💖

Comino2 profile image
Comino2 in reply to sassy59

We won't ignore you,we value you too much .❤ No,these are not the war years when you always kept a clean pair of knickers in the bottom drawer in case you got run over ☹ and extra tins in the cupboard in case a bomb dropped on the grocers :-(. I was raised by my 'grandparents' so I grew up with 'old time' values but they did not have a forum like this to share advise,let off steam,have a little grumble or share a few tears with 'virtual friends' who most definately do look out for each other. We are in unpredicable times at the moment but together we can be strong xx

P.S Never understood the knicker thing !! 🙂

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Comino2

Thank you Comino2 for your kind words and for being part of this wonderful forum.

Together we stand strong. Xxxx💖

Comino2 profile image
Comino2 in reply to sassy59

Absolutely !! we are used to beating adversity xx

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to 2greys

2greys - Had our Prime Minister closed schools "NOW" - That would have been a horrid mistake, The PM has been advised by medical experts. he has not dreamt these measures up.

This virus will spread and it will kill older and vulnerable people - I think the idea is to phase the rate of infection. Self isolation will help keeping schools open won't, that IMO is the plan. Let people catch this in stages so our hospitals are not suffocated by people falling ill all at the same time.

Second - Close schools sounds good but in reality a lot of parents will still go to work and leave their children with grandparents - You know the elderly most at risk. That must have been in the thinking not to close schools for now.

It is not even the prime Ministers Plan - he is acting on medical and scientific advice and that right or wrong is the correct approach. our government are politicians and not medics and should remain guided by people in the know.

Frankly I am shocked that by some this virus epidemic is being politicised to the point of almost accusing out Prime Minister of genocide with comments like this.

"Is this some grand plan to fix the cash starved NHS, by getting rid of the unhealthy. A way to boost the coffers by thinning out the elderly, with not having to pay out on those pensions." -

Frankly I am unsure after reading comments from people I respected - I am no longer sure this forum is none political and am disappointed.

My attitude is simple, let the experts do their jobs.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Ern007

Not really political at all this is all about our lives, there is no such and such a party would do this or that. You do realise that these gov. experts are in the gov. employ, they are not independent experts. They could be just saying what the are told to say. This country is not adverse to using propaganda when it suits nor hiding the truth.

They have certainly carried out secret biological experiments on the unsuspecting public even and that includes on me.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to 2greys

It becomes political when it is thought that our PM has not took more drastic action like closing schools to save a few bob on pensions.

No matter these scientists are in the public employ or not, what would they gain by saying to the PM that schools need not be closed yet?

In fact my main point was - Close the school and in many cases grandparents would be put on the spot, look after kids and risk the virus, or not...

I agree we have had biological experiments on an unsuspecting public, that does not mean they would give wrong advice to a government - Does it?

the closing of schools has only been delayed - It will happen unless the virus moves on, but I can see controlling who is ill and when, is acceptable to east the burden on the NHS if sooner or later people will get it sooner or later anyway.

On to the virus - was this unknown virus a mutant because of an experiment gone wrong? we will never know..

Last what reason has our government got to use propaganda in THIS INSTANCE to hide anything ? What is there to hide, we all know the virus is there, waiting......

The article is 17 years old and could be true - In fact it was the MOD who also got accused in Australia over things that ought not to have been done.

You can't compare Boris with a powerfull MOD from the 1940s and 50s. he is to open a book and the MOD lost it;s teeth decades ago bit by bit after Suez.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Ern007

It all goes to prove that none of them can be trusted. What do the Gov. paid scientists gain, oh come on, their well paid jobs of course, financial gain.

There is no could be true about those experiments "A government report just released provides for the first time a comprehensive official history of Britain's biological weapons trials between 1940 and 1979. " Or are you admitting that they lie.

"Last what reason has our government got to use propaganda in THIS INSTANCE to hide anything ? What is there to hide, we all know the virus is there, waiting......" There can be a myriad of reasons, they are not going to be likely to own up to any are they, not until many years come anyway. Do you think you think that the leopard has changed it's spots.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to 2greys

" oh come on, their well paid jobs of course, financial gain." But you quoted them when it suited you in that Sky report. ----- "Bu/t Sir Patrick Vallance, the government's chief scientific adviser, said the actual number of people infected in the UK at the moment could be between 5,000 and 10,000."

You seem to be forgetting one simple point in this blame game. Yes the MPD did all kinds of things, now they have no teeth.

Second this virus originated in China not the UK - What on earth can we gain from a cover up. in fact we know about the virus - What is there to cover up? The numbers, if you mean that WHY would they do that when they could look good being tough. Nothing to hide like in decades past 2greys

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Ern007

Nothing to hide. Hiding social engineering, manipulation, lots of things to hide.

"Sir Patrick Vallance, the government's chief scientific adviser, said the actual number of people infected in the UK at the moment could be between 5,000 and 10,000." Could be, well that muddies waters straight away, the oldest trick in the book. Now you cannot rely on any of their facts.

It is you that is making it a political issue and argument. This is a health issue and how it is dealt with, not a political one. But you seem to want to make it one. Personally, not one of the current political parties deserves my vote. You have your views and that is great, but so do I have my views and I expect you respect that in return.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to 2greys

This violence is above politics and I do not want it political. quite the reverse. Everything should be on medical advice.

I do respect your right to have your views. but read this threat anti PM posts spread faster than the virus.

I am 74 and have multiple condition and I want this virus to end. So no vested interest from me.

If as you think the government is not acting correctly. Boris would have walked the local elections.. Today they have been cancelled. My point is the government is responding to what is needed daily and I do appreciate everyone won;t agree but this thread is political like most NHS related threads on forums at the moment.

The government have posponed all local and mayor elections. that's hardly doing nothing..

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Ern007

Don't be silly, postponing local elections is exactly that, "doing nothing", other than the PM putting his signature to a document/decree.

You cannot think that "Boris would have walked the local elections", when there is no viable opposition, is an achievement, well in a way it would be because in actual fact, it would not be Boris that stands, it is Councillors that are elected in local government. This is definitely getting silly now.

You may see it as political and I do not, two opposing views just leave it at that.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to 2greys

OK I did not post what Jeremy hunt said, the man who lost his job as health secretary. You did.

I have posted nothing party political. I have been against political comments on a medical issue.

As for delaying local elections you deliberately got me wrong. The point is not that Boris PARTY would have won but election booths are where people touch pens, paper the way this virus is spread. If you can't see that 2greys as being a practical measure, I simply give up...

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Ern007

Giving up is good, if you cannot make yourself clear I would prefer it that way. End of.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to 2greys

OK Your whole argument is nothing has been done bar Boris speech.

Well sport has been suspended. elections have been suspended. this happens as I type almost.

I must edit this in, I forgot to post, this years London Marathon has been posponed until October.

My argument have been what is happening now, not harping back to the 1950s and you say I am "not making myself clear"

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Ern007

What is happening now! Another silly click bait statement from you.

"Well sport has been suspended. elections have been suspended. this happens as I type almost."

Hmm "this happens as I type almost."

Well you must own a "Tardis" then. I posted that this morning, hours ago and the decision with football has nothing to do with the gov. or local elections. You are showing yourself up very badly, I recommend you cease and desist.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to 2greys

Have you heard of a mistake - I was referring to the marathon as I typed but never included the link. Note this was a few minutes ago.. Not only political, but personal now......

EDIT: How can this be "silly click bait statement "? You don't use clicks then.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Ern007

The London marathon is sponsored by Virgin Money and cancelled by them.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to 2greys

And you think this is not a follow up from the football ban? No matter what things are happening faster since yesterday. You do realise my main and only real beef was the problem people had because schools had not been closed? I have bashed nobody, by implication you did with your Jeremy Hunt post..

2greys profile image

"But Sir Patrick Vallance, the government's chief scientific adviser, said the actual number of people infected in the UK at the moment could be between 5,000 and 10,000."

skischool profile image

Good old Boris,Let's get the virus done and then i will lead you into even further chaos in 2021,that is of course those of you that survive. :)

Comino2 profile image
Comino2 in reply to skischool

Perhaps he thinks that silver spoon has protective antiviral properties.......hmmm....shall we tell him ?

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Comino2

What that it's not silver or where to stick it? :)


2greys profile image

The latest vid from Dr John before , Boris Johnson's announcement. I await the next one with interest.

teenieleek profile image

I watched the press conference in disbelief - no school trips, no cruising for over 70s and expect lots of deaths - is that it? From O2Trees post it seems like it’s a case of just stay at home and die but don’t bother anyone. Ageing population problem solved within three months, excellent.

Chad01 profile image

Unbelievable. There has to be some kind of backlash to this.

Yes, sure, I understand the rhetoric and I can imagine how they ‘gamed it out’ but these are real people’s lives and even if it isn’t practical, or make logistical sense to do so, you are morally obliged to attempt to save every life.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Chad01

"Unbelievable. There has to be some kind of backlash to this."

Not a time for militant action. President Trump has called a state of emergency. What will that achieve ? will there be more action?

We have not got a state of emergency but things are happening For example Local Elections have been put back until next year...

Adirock profile image

Really scared now after listening to Boris and our welsh assembly! I really hoped that they would put stronger measures in place today 🙈😪 They're still going ahead with the Welsh game this weekend as well!! Economy before health 😪 I know so many people also that seem so laid back about this, scary 😪 Take care everyone ❤ xxx

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Adirock

Coronavirus is spread by touch, that's why we are told to wash our hands. A rugby game is hardly as bad as say a pub or a supermarket where we are touching what others have touched. latest new is - Wash hands for 20 seconds and never rub face - the government have now banned this years local elections... so things are getting done... I myself will keep away from kids until this is over, keep away from crowded places and hopefully I should be safe... We have to go shops. we have to eat... Do not touch face and wash hands for 20 seconds. does not sound much, but no need to panic, keep yourselves to yourselves......

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Adirock

Lot of sport is being posponed..

teenieleek profile image

Had never heard of Eyam, but I have now read up on it. 1665 and the rats had four legs then!

JeMo1961 profile image

You just need to look at posts on FB loads of folk saying it's just the flu with total Ostrich syndrome and the other half out like full scale preppers buying up all the bog roll, soap and hand sanitizer, meanwhile Boris and his cronies rub their hands at the thought of getting rid of these old coffin Dodgers and sick people, even had the gall to say it too

"Many of your loved ones are going to die prematurely".

2greys profile image

0800 GMT 13/3/2020

2greys profile image

Coronavirus: UK's approach 'concerning', says Jeremy Hunt.

The government's decision not to cancel public events over the coronavirus outbreak is "concerning", says ex-health secretary Jeremy Hunt.

2greys profile image

I may not be a mathematician, but I use maths a lot in engineering. To me the rise in those tested positive, as infected, is rising on a logarithmic scale and it appears that each day there is a rise of approx 150% of new cases per day of new cases to the previous day's rise. Yesterday there was a rise of over 100 so today the rise is looking to be 150 so approx making 750 cases? tomorrow the rise may be 225 making 975 in total?

You can see just how fast it is accelerating not just rising. It needs to be slowed down before it is way out of control. Nowhere in the Government's bluster do they tell us this real figure, do they think that the public are thick and stupid and cannot see trends, cannot extrapolate the numbers. If someone else can look maybe look over the past numbers and see if my rough figures are right or not, I am prepared to accept a different view. In the future, that accelerating curve may get even steeper, as happened in Italy.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to 2greys

UPDATE on coronavirus (#COVID19) testing in the UK:

As of 9am 13 March 2020, a total of 32,771 people have been tested:

31,973 negative

798 positive

10 patients who tested positive for coronavirus have sadly died.

My figures were slightly underestimated. So perhaps the rate of increase is more like 180% of the previous day's increase. That really is fast.

2greys profile image

W do not have a licence, or watch live TV nor use Iplayer. I will have to chase it down on YouTube later. But it still is a heads up and would not have known about it, thankyou.

Iluvgardening profile image

In the US , in Texas the schools just announced they are closing next week, we are on Spring Break now so they are getting an extra week and will keep us informed if able to come back after next week or will it be postponed longer. After the schools announced yesterday, I guess people panicked and now are buying up all the groceries. Also all extra curricular activities postponed such as ,baseball, soccer, after school activities... they suggested parents to stay home with their children and not to take vacation or go around big crowds. I am praying this chaos ends soon . And things can be back to normal. Prayers of protection from the virus over all of you and your families and communities. My rheumatologist is still seeing her patients as of now, but with precautions such as bring your own pen for sign in . Hoping everyone is taking precautions to stay well.😊❤

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