Hi I've just been diagnosed with mild cylindrical bronchietasis, I'm having a ct scan next week, I had pneumonia in December and already have emphasema, just wondering what to expect. I was given a pot to put sputum to be tested, but haven't been able to get any sputum up
Advice needed for bronchietasis - Lung Conditions C...
Advice needed for bronchietasis

Hi kate1978 and welcome to the forum. We have several members who are very knowledgeable about bronchiectasis and hopefully one of them will see your post soon.
Hi I have mild cylindrical bronchiectasis and I cough. I don’t cough at night but a cough on waking. Coughing intermittently during the day. Stress makes me cough more but no idea why!
I’m on lanoprazole in the morning and ranitidine at night. Normally they just give medication to cover 24 hours but for me that didn’t work. Acid reflux and indigestion can impact on lungs, hence this medication.
Ask for respiratory physio therapy as they will show you how to cough effectively. Take care x
Hi Georgina5 I had 2 x rays in December while I was in hospital with pneumonia, I think maybe they can probably see the results better with CT
I'm already on omerpazole one a day as I have Polymyalgia rheumatica and take steroids for that
Sorry to hear this Kate. Just wondering why you are having another ct scan if you have just been diagnosed with cylindrical bronchiectasis. I am assuming you have a respiratory consultant who would refer you to a respiratory physiotherapist which would help you find out how to get up whatever is lurking in your lungs.
Good luck getting your sample in.
Hi cofdrop-UK I am seeing the respiratory team in March, so maybe they can establish how bad I am
Kate, how bad do you feel? Funny question I know but I now tend to think about how I feel and try to not think about the labels I have...if you see what I mean. Does it create symptoms that prevent you living your life? x
I don't feel too bad, but am almost at the end of a course of antibiotics, get sob when im walking uphill,
I lost half a stone when I had pneumonia, I find it very hard to put weight on, I'm 5ft 6 and weight is 8st 10
Glad you don’t feel too bad. Do you exercise to help your lungs? I find it hard to know what is ‘normal’. I’m going for an assessment with respiratory physio next week. I’ve so many questions. Have you seen a physio? I keep moving to try to clear my lungs.
Hopefully you’ll get dietary advice from someone? Steroids made me permanently hungry.
Welcome Kate. Can I recommend a booklet: Living With Bronchiectasis? It's published by Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland and is free of charge. It is easy to follow and in no way technical, with no jargon, good pictured and diagrams. MUST HAVE.
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