The WHO has commented on the slowness of certain countries to act about corona-virus pandemic.The COBRA meeting today may institute distancing measures but is it too late? Johnson and Hancock seem to be concentrating not on keeping people at home but instead getting into our heads. We need an urgent implementation of social distancing and closure policies, not the nudge policies of previous Tory governments. Finance capital in the City of London champions profit before health and wants business as usual, not state intervention on behalf of the public and directing closures of sporting events, social gatherings and the like. Throwing astronomical amounts of public cash at the problem is wasteful without real social action which the public can see for itself in containing the pandemic. It is not a game which gambles with our lives..
The government is playing roulette wi... - Lung Conditions C...
The government is playing roulette with us on Covid-19.

I don’t think WHO has the UK in mind. This morning’s statement from Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus talks of striking “a fine balance between protecting health, preventing economic and social disruption, and respecting human rights”. And the 4-pronged strategy he mentions largely reflects what our public health experts are recommending, especially the importance of testing. Compare this with the head in the sand approach of the Trump administration (now focused on blaming the EU for their inevitable epidemic & the political fall-out to come.)

I agree with you hanne62 especially about the head in the sand approach of Trump and his minions. The mind games of J and H are something similar though perhaps not as blatant as in and from the White House.

About Trump and his knowledge of things. This is the man who thinks that the battle of Bunker Hill was simply a matter of American troops seizing the airports, which is his Twitter take on history. One wit replied by referring to the Battle of The Baggage Hall, where many American lives were lost and hundreds of suitcases also went adrift...
😂 He also said none of the experts he’d met could believe his thorough grasp of the science involved and if he weren’t president maybe that’s something he could’ve done. The man is an idiot and a liar, but with a mountainous ego - a very dangerous combination 😠

Well said Cateran, they should be taking direct measures to prevent and protect. They should be listening to what the people of Britain are saying and not thinking of those whose life could be put at risk. This needs sorting now not when we have a national crisis on our hands. Sorry if you think I'm ranting but that's how I feel about things. Have a good day everyone and stay safe 😊 Bernadette xx
It should read and thinking of those who's lives could be at risk. I do apologise. Xx
I’m sorry but I must disagree. They shouldn’t listen to the people, who are largely ignorant about algorithms, computer modelling and indeed the science involved, they should listen to the experts who know what they’re talking about!
I am in no way saying that they should not listen to the experts and I apologise if it came over that way. What I am saying is people aren't sure what to do. It's hard to draw the line, those in power have so much to consider, but the people need clarification on the we can help ourselves and to help stop the spread have a good day and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx
I certainly agree, as Hidden has said, the advice to those with health problems has been woeful. We shouldn’t have to come here to swap tips & advise each other. I think this may change after today’s cobra meeting.
Maybe we should advise them Hanne. 😄
Éire are ahead of the Uk's strategy:
Thanks for the eyes up 2greys. That looks like the decisive action we need to have here in the UK!
The nursing home Sharon works at already has a notice up for visitors, "If you have a cold or cough, you are not allowed to enter the premises"
I wish they would give specific sensible advise to those with long term conditions and not just keep saying that it is only the vulnerable that will be seriously affected as if we are irrelevent and dispensable.How about giving accurate figures of those who have actually recovered in this group ?Telling us what practical measures are going to be put in place to help those with no family support .Surely by ensuring those most at need are being helped at home it could keep them keep out of our already overstretched hospitals.
I have been listening to a Q&A session on the tv and I am shocked at the very basic information so many are asking about.
If their plan is not to alarm people by witholding vital information they appear to be getting it very wrong because ignorance will only increase spread of this virus.
Don't even think about looking on social media,it seems more are just moaning about not being able to get their favourite brand of toilet paper or being expected to buy proper spaghetti rather than pasta shapes for their fussy children....Grrrr..sorry rant over xx
Nobody is forcing you to go to anywhere with crowds, although difficult if you commute by public transport. I have just postponed a hospital appointment with no problem, and altered a GP appointment to a perfectly satisfactory telephone call. If you close universities, for example, you spread the risk, and if schools with no known cases close then parents cannot work. We all need to be responsible for our own welfare as far as is possible, although I agree it is a very worrying time.