Beginning to test new vaccine on people in Seattle
Covid 19 vaccine trials in Seattle - Lung Conditions C...
Covid 19 vaccine trials in Seattle

Thank you. A little more detail to be found here:
That was just a news flash I posted that popped up.
Perhaps, but without it I would not have found a fuller article as quickly. Again, thank you.
I have kids and family who live and work in Seattle. Two of my kids were interviewed at the Seattle intl airport on KIRO 7 news yesterday. The reporter asked them if they fear getting the virus. I really wish they weren’t traveling at this time but kids think they’re immortal.
A step in the right direction at last.
Generally you don't knock up a vaccine and then try it out on people to see what happens, a whole series of tests need doing first.
Testing for the virus should be done, particularly in the seattle area where 11 have died bu they don't seem to have many infected
Testing was already done. Now just starting human trials in 3 segments. Expected to last 13 months. Our President is speeding up the process. Election season is nearly upon us you know....there has to be a hero!
Have they now. Funny it had to be explained to trump the flu vaccine wouldn't work
"Moderna’s vaccine against COVID-19 was developed in record time because it’s based on a relatively new genetic method that does not require growing huge amounts of virus. Instead, the vaccine is packed with mRNA, the genetic material that comes from DNA and makes proteins. Moderna loads its vaccine with mRNA that codes for the right coronavirus proteins which then get injected into the body. Immune cells in the lymph nodes can process that mRNA and start making the protein in just the right way for other immune cells to recognize and mark them for destruction."
Surely you are not saying that if you were at at an increased risk of dying because you were elderly with comorbitities and infected and very ill, you would not jump at the chance of being a guinea pig for something new. You would certainly not last for a year for a vaccine made by traditional methods.
If you are infected the vaccine won't help will it
Yes, it will limit the ability of the virus to multiply, so not as severe.
How? Wouldn't your immune system have to deal with actual virus plus fake virus
The vaccine is not a live virus. It would engineer the virus to where it could not multiply.
We shall see whether it’s effective or not...something has to be tried!