Hi, I have asthma and drug-induced interstitial lung disease. I take microphenolate to stabilise my condition. I recently had a head-cold that led to a cough. The cold has gone but the cough remains and is unrelenting. When I move around, I start coughing and it takes at least 10 minutes for me to settle. I am concerned this could develop into something else, or indeed worsen my condition. Has anyone had something similar? Thanks, gingercatjayne x
Cough will not go away: Hi, I have... - Lung Conditions C...
Cough will not go away

I have copd. Like you had a cold with a cough which I cannot get rid of, I am feeling fut and healthy but this cough is annoying tried different cough medicine mainly herbal type. And I have spoken to other people who seem to be having trouble. No point going to the gp for him to say its a virus. . Not had a cough since 2010. Blaming my hairdresser who had a virus too.
Husband (asthma) had a 'bug' from before Christmas, eventually went to GP who checked him and said this was a really bad, long-lasting bug which was going around, and could take up to six weeks to go. It did take at least that and, in the meantime I (bronchiectasis) inevitably caught it too. After a few weeks, I too went to (same) GP who told me much the same, adding that 2 GPs + a nurse were currently off with it. My chest was a bit congested, but all other signs were OK. I am still coughing, not really producing anything (very rarely do) but it just won't go away, and leaves me totally exhausted.
I think that this is just a bug, and will eventually go away (husband is now fine, although still tired) but - like you, I've got some anxiety that all this is causing further damage to the lungs.