I've had this for about a year now every morning without fail I'll have a coughing fit until I bring up some mucus from what feels like quite deep down.. sometimes it's tinged with blood (bright red) which I assume is just from how forceful the coughing can be
sometimes I'll also have the same cough after eating
I'm not sure whether it's a mucus drip, or some sort of reflux, or maybe even a dairy intolerance
I've also currently got a bit of a cold which has triggered a few new symptoms (couple of mouth ulcers, cotton mouth, sore throat) which has caused me to worry more than usual
I went to the doctors a few weeks ago (before I got the cold) and they looked in my mouth and felt my neck for lumps, had a listen to my lungs and said it didn't seem like anything serious
sent me for a chest x-ray which came back normal, also took some phlegm to test it for bacteria and that came back ok too.
I'm 33, overweight, don't smoke (never have), drink very little (1 beer every 2 weeks on average), I have a poor diet though
The cough does worry me as on some days it literally brings tears to my eyes and is so forceful it'll bring me to my knees in a coughing fit..
I find that the cough is normally triggered when I'm brushing my teeth so whether it's because I'm not breathing as normal because of the tooth brush..
I'm also a mouth breather (such a nice name!) primarily so wondering if that's playing a part.. would explain why it happens when I'm eating too
The coughing fit usually brings up some mucus and also triggers a lot more mucus to be present causing me to blow my nose as my nose will be pouring with mucus too at this point
Anyone else had anything similar and have any advice for me?
I've feared the worst (as you do!)
I'm going to focus on getting into shape and changing my diet to see if that helps
but would love to hear from other people who have had a similar experience??