I gave up smoking 7 months ago, but very silly nearly gave in, but decided instead to try e cigarettes. I have COPD, Am I doing the same damage to my lungs using these. I'm 75 yrs old, my husband is in a Nursing home & I'm under a lot of stress him being there. Thank you.
E cigarettes: I gave up smoking... - Lung Conditions C...
E cigarettes

To be honest and most wont like this reply but if i was 75 i would not stop smoking, i think it's best to carry on after a long time of smoking and wish i had never stopped.
Even thinking of trying a pipe

Keep going and try not to smoke, it is very hard as i know as i have given up many many times in the past, have give it up again with nicorette spray and have not smoked for quite a time but the only down side is i now like the spray and will struggle to stop this eventually, my breathing is a little better and hope it continues to improve the longer i stop, best of luck and keep trying
I stopped 3 years ago but lungs have got worse, but think of smoking sometimes.
Hi I know how hard it can be to stop smoking and I managed it for 17 months before stupidly going back to it.
As e cigs don't have all the deadly chemicals in that cigarettes do I wouldn't hesitate to use those instead so I say carry on with them x
Of the two, tobacco or e-cigs...I would stay with tobacco. Long term effects of e-cigs are showing extremely strange and negative results. Oil in lungs, what is called "popcorn" lungs. Myself, a long time smoker. I developed a cough...old Thanatopolis was knocking on the door. One morning I lit up and immediately began coughing. Why then, I don't know but it became crystal clear. I could choose to live or continue smoking and hasten my own death. I chose life. Right then, I laid them down. Out of habit, in times of stress the thought "I'll grab a cigarette has briefly crossed my mind. Then, I smile and think, "but I don't smoke!" That makes me feel good, I am no longer physically addicted. I am 76 years old. Quit smoking 2 yrs. 8 mos.. I want to live as well as I can for as long as I can..Hugs and Prayers for you and family. J
Hi my love I stopped after a life time of smoking 4yrs ago for "Stoptober " I'm very strong willed and when I say I'll do something I will I stopped without any aids what so ever .I spent my money on thing just for me so I could see the benifit I enjoy a hobby collecting 50s,60s,70s radios now drives my wife crazy bless her. Last year I bought myself a beautiful bird cage with 2 Kakariki' s small parakeets for a bit of a hobby and tamed them . Then in May of this year I was diagnosed with Intersitual lung disease caused not through smoking but various dusts in the building trade. My consultant has advised me to get rid of my two birds as they may aggravate my lungs .
Now here's my point I'm not a young chap retired I love my birds I love my hobby and I've taken the advice but I'm keeping them if you enjoy your vape or a cig then it's your choice you are over the age of consent my love
Take care xxx
I agree keep the birds we only live once and doctors don't know everything.

Cheers Andy 56 way I see it I've breathed in Asbestos ect from the age of 15 whilst in the building trade now at my age. A couple of birds for the few years I've got left won't make that much difference
Same here I was the mug with huge angle grinder cutting Asbestos sheets for farm buildings ๐ and my garage still has Asbestos roof

We're weren't to know Andy health and safety never came into it if we knew what we know now then we would have taken the right precautions ..
Hi Jansy, I would certainly not use e cigs, they are worse than tabacco. You stopped for 7 months try to hold onto that. We convince ourselves that it helps when we have stress, which is just not the case, that is the addiction talking, as soon as you have finished the one cigarette you are yearning for another. Try to be strong, but if not then get over this period and try again, dont give up on giving up. Good luck x
Well done you. I struggle continuously to give up smoking. Have tried everything. However, I have managed to reduce my smoking from 20 a day to between 6 - 8 with the help of e-cigarettes. Just cannot stop altogether. So I applaud you! and will keep on trying harder.
Sorry - reply was meant for Dragonmum - new on here, got a bit confused!!
PennyCB it's not that easy to give up my Drs tried me on tablets spray patches and I still smoked I eventually stopped by willpower because I really wanted to not for my health as 4yrs ago I was quite healthy .I went on the stoptober group and we all helped each other made some good internet friends but I think you have really got to want to stop ... If you are lucky enough to stop my advice is watch your food intake I have put 2stone on which I'm now trying to loose also if you do stop but have one don't say to yourself that's it start again ๐Good luck x
Please don't take any notice of all the rubbish Press coming mainly from the USA - there are huge vested interests at work there - States in hock to Big Tobacco, States losing the revenue from tobacco taxes, so-called "experts" without a medical qualification to their names being paid eye-watering sums to trash vaping - a sad state of affairs. Fortunately the UK Department for Public Health have said repeatedly that E-cigarettes are 95% safer than the tobacco cigarette and, bearing in mind that nothing is 100% safe that should be enough for anyone's peace of ,mind. I've been vaping for almost 10 years and the improvement in my health has been dramatic. I was diagnosed with Asthma and COPD in 2002 (still kept on smoking of course) had my first e-cig in 2010 and never smoked another cigarette; I now have just 2 puffs of an inhaler a day instead of the load I had to take then and my doctor recently described me to a consultant as "A mild Asthmatic", no mention of COPD. There are many Vaping Forums online so you can research it further but my experience speaks for itself and they will pry my e-cig from my cold, dead hands - at a much later date I hope!!!
Well done you. I struggle continuously to give up smoking. Have tried everything. However, I have managed to reduce my smoking from 20 a day to between 6 - 8 with the help of e-cigarettes. Just cannot stop altogether. So I applaud you! and will keep on trying harder.
Some can stop overnight as I did, some just taper off - my son dual fuelled for a year or more but now a dedicated vaper. You'll get there and your lungs will thank you for it. Just don't fall for all the anti-vaping rubbish - some Americans are vaping unbelievable muck but the millions of us in other countries don't seem to have a problem. Maybe because we aren't seeing reputable vape businesses closed down for the satisfaction of sleazy politicians?
It is a problem in other countries and slowly one by one they making it illegal. There has already been one death over here:
I fail to get the relevance of this link 2greys though the video was interesting showing as it did the muck from smoking compared with vaping, which the lungs have to deal with of course. As I read it the man was the first to die of vaping and he lived in Illinois - maybe I have that wrong? I think this vindicates all of us who have made the switch over the last decade - not just 3 million in UK but millions more in Europe and in the USA. I wonder how many deaths there have been from smoking in that ten years.
Terry was a heavy smoker-turned-vaper, oil was found in his lungs - which is strange since legally sourced e-liquid in UK contains no oil - and the Coroner returned an open verdict. I am also informed that he had an underlying lung condition, fibrosis - this may or may not be true and I'd hate to spread fake news. I wondered why I hadn't heard of this then realised that the man has been dead for 9 years, back in the day when I was just a very happy vaper with no thought of the politics of the issue - just relieved that I'd never smoke again. His widow wants the inquest reopened in light of the deaths in the U.S - I'm not surprised by that. I have to wonder again how many have died of smoking - related disease in that nine years given that smoking is responsible for 200 premature deaths a day in England
People sadly die everyday from choices they make one example does not prove a point.A person could buy a sandwich and choke on it should sandwiches be made illegal.Millions of people die from smoking cigarettes yet the government hasnโt banned them after decades of evidence they simply make us aware of the risks and then the choice is yours.
Sorry RedSox but I am not bashing the USofA - I am horrified that the legitimate Mom and Pop vape stores are being forced to close down by political chicanery, which has resulted in a virtual black market in many States and people are buying and dying. This will inevitably drive some vapers back to smoking and the result will be more deaths as is obvious from the link posted by 2greys. If my stance on this offends you then I am sorry, but I am in touch every day with Americans who are seeing their very hard work in Tobacco Harm Reduction being undermined and it makes me angry.
Jansy,i imagine some of the comments made on this topic may have alarmed you and nobody on here is qualified to make assessments with regard to the safety of vaping or e,cigarettes,as a short term measure to help you from not smoking i would hope that using properly licensed products in the Uk you may come to no serious harm but that is my opinion only and for you to decide.i hope that whatever you choose to do it decreases your stress and i wish you the very best for the future.
Ski's and Scruff's x
My input was to allay any fears you may have had Jansy16 - I was in a similar situation when my late husband was ill, and I know how stressful it is, I was eating the ciggies at that time. Please stick with your resolve to quit but don't be afraid to stem the cravings with an e-cig, just don't poison your lungs with any more smoke. Hope hubby improves soon and the very best of luck to you.
Thank you for your kind message.x