Nearly 5 years ago I was told at my local surgery I had Copd. In the 5 years I have not seen a consultant, never had any form of scan, x ray yes. Once a year I see a COPD nurse at the local clinic, and once a year I get a spirometry test at the surgery, I also get a rescue pack , but this morning I receive a letter from the surgery to inform me that I need to have a Copd plan, anybody know what this is?
Can anybody help?: Nearly 5 years ago I... - Lung Conditions C...
Can anybody help?

COPD self-management plan.
The self-management plan includes all the necessary information you need to understand your condition and how you can manage your symptoms. The plan covers everything from coping with feeling out of breath, support to quit smoking, ways to keep active, and help to set goals.
Hi welshtony.
Guidelines state that you should have a review every year which includes a spirometry test that will determine your lung function and the treatment of your COPD. Your medication will also be reviewed.
You should get an appointment and ask why you have not had a yearly review,
You should also have a rescue pack in case of an exacerbation of the symptoms and also a self management plan.
Go and kick ass!
When I was diagnosed I was given a small bit of paper regarding heart attack phoning 999 or doctor, and I’d be reviewed in a year!
I had to fight & several hissy fits later, I finally got to see our asthma/copd nurse!
Most of the information I have is from this site- do big Thankyou everyone 💖
Have you got a local Rehab group? Have a word with your GP or Respiratory nurse to get you on it.
Can’t speak to whether it’s ‘appropriate’ or not, but my ex is in the same boat - diagnosed with COPD about 8 years ago. Sees the nurse once a year, has spirometry once year, but no scans or x-rays, and never been seen by a respiratory consultant. They’ve taken that to mean the diagnosis was relatively mild and that it’s well managed on the medication by the GP 🤷♂️
Thank you for the help
Same as you not given enough information about condition. Finally after numerous trips to a&e &doctors(chest/lung infection)I'm going to see a consultant in a few weeks no one offerd to send me I just demanded to see one .I'm ready to kick butt and get some proper answers. Maybe you need to do the same good luck x
Hello welshtony , just out of interest is the results of your spirometry test consistent? Have you had much change over the past few years? If you haven't, I think that's wonderful. xx 😊👍
Hi Caspiana, I am 68..The test I got say my lungs are of an 89 year old...and it's always around that mark.