Video-assisted thoracic surgery is associated with lower in-hospital complications and shorter length of stay compared with open surgery among British patients who were diagnosed at an early stage of lung cancer, according to research presented today the IASLC 2019 World Conference on Lung Cancer, hosted by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.
Video assisted lung surgery reduces c... - Lung Conditions C...
Video assisted lung surgery reduces complications and hospital stays compared to open surgery.

I will be having a chat with my Thoracic surgeon in a few weeks time and this is what i have requested for my LVRS,thankfully he has experience in doing VATS surgery and hopefully i will be a suitable candidate as it will also mean a more rapid recovery at home given my carer is a cat.
We looked at the VATS option when John was lined up for a lobectomy. Seemed by far the best option. However his pathology results at prep stage fortunately meant he was discharged without the op....I was surprised they didn’t actually do it, they were moving so fast to beat the cancer time requirements.
It was still experimental at Liverpool Chest and Heart hospital in 2015, patients were allocated more or less alternately. We’d planned a request, hoping to manipulate the system. Maybe mainstream by now.
Crikey, Skis, I think you’ll need more than a devoted cat. District nurses calling?? We need to talk about this! xx
I had.VATs surgery in 2016. Two tiny cuts - in hospital 3 days and home with pain meds which I needed for about a week. But I was up and about though it was good to have someone make me meals and cups of coffee. Can your cat do that? Good luck
Microwave,Kettle and maybe a few sachets of Movicol after the pain killers?Looking after a very demanding cat will be the problem so she is best having an extended stay at a cat hotel to cover my absence and week one at home i believe?
Thank you for your kind wishes.