Cancer Returns: Last year prior to... - Lung Conditions C...

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Cancer Returns

Colin57 profile image
48 Replies

Last year prior to Chrimbo I was given the all clear following chemotherapy as a result of nsclc left lung as a result of a pneumonectomy. However in May I was diagnosed with kidney, lymph, stomach and adrenal cancer. The only possibility is Immunotherapy but that only represents a 20% chance of an success. I have a appointment on the 2nd Sept. earlier appointment a week ago but was rushed into hospital on the day of this appointment due to my bp going through my boots. Hence revised appointment. Should I pursue this or throw in the towel?

My bp an oxygen rates are quite good for a mono lung. Lots of aches and pains. In back etc. Can anyone knowledgeable explain what to expect at the end please to share I’m terrified is an understatement. I’m 62 and have not smoked for more than 15 years. I have now lost more the three stone ( currently weigh in at 10. 6 stone and no longer cope with solids.

And to think I had been suffering with anxiety issues for being a cancer survivor.

Welcome any response.

Col 57

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Colin57 profile image
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48 Replies

I am so sorry

sassy59 profile image

I just want to say how very sorry I am to hear of your diagnosis Colin57 and have no knowledge to share. I just hope you have the strength and quality of life to enjoy each and every day.

Thinking of you. Xxx 😘

Dudley66 profile image

I am so very sorry for your diagnosis . There has got to be something that will help . This day and age . I wish you the best.

jimmyg23 profile image

I am sorry to hear of your results

Oshgosh profile image

You need to talk openly to your consultant,make a list of


If you have a good reLationship with your GP,perhaps you could talk to them about it.

It seems to me that you are going to have to potentially make some hard may decide to try the immunotherapy or not.

Perhaps you need to ask for symptom control eg, painkillers for back pain, this could perhaps be a means to getting an appointment with your GP.

Why don’t you try to get an appointment, I think you need one.

My thoughts are with you

powderpuff profile image

Dear Colin,

So sorry to hear this news & like the other replies I don’t have any knowledge of what you’re going through.


skischool profile image

Colin,In no way throw in the towel,life has dealt you a whole pile of S**t at the moment and the only way is to fight back,seek an urgent review with your consultant given the complex issues involved and only when they say they can do nothing more can you consider sitting back and just accepting palliative care.I do hope you have family and friends to support you on this very rocky road,but all of us on here will support you as long as you require it.

Go to it man give it your best.

Ski's and Scruffy x

Colin57 profile image
Colin57 in reply to skischool

Thank you for your response and thank everyone for their response and yes I have an amazing family. I just always feel the need to attempt to be stronger. Bless you all x

Hacienda profile image
Hacienda in reply to Colin57

Be as Strong as you can Hun, with your family being with you it is a Huge Strength to help you . Bless you Colin. XXX

hypercat54 profile image

Hi Colin I too am sorry to hear this news. I have heard of people beating cancer lots of times though so have hope. There is a lung cancer site on here called the Roy Castle group so why not have a word with them. Wishing you the best. x

Colin57 profile image
Colin57 in reply to hypercat54

I know my primary cancer is lung nsclc

CDPO16 profile image

So sorry to hear this news. I can't suggest what you should do but others have made good suggestions. Thinking of you x

HungryHufflepuff profile image

I don’t have any advice to offer but wanted to wish you all the best. Hopefully you do have friends and family to support you through this, we will be here for you too. It sucks beyond all known vocabulary to describe your current situation but seek advice from your consultant and ask what they can do to help you fight back . Thinking of you.

jckjanetrosalin profile image

Colin i feel for you but you must try everything you can. Last post i wrote to you i mentioned cannabis oil. If it was me i would be going down that route, ive heard amazing stories from people with cancer taking cannabis oil. You could google about it or even ask your doctor about it.

Johnsel profile image
Johnsel in reply to jckjanetrosalin

It has to be the CO with THC which is the illegal one. If only Colin could somehow get hold of some. The results are amazing.

jckjanetrosalin profile image
jckjanetrosalin in reply to Johnsel

Ive seen people saying they are cured after cannabis oil. This should be made legal for people to get it easily.

Yatzy profile image

As hypercat54 suggested, I would contact the Roy Castle Lung Cancer charity, based in Liverpool but working nationally. And indeed on this HealthUnlocked website. They’re very knowledgeable and experienced, I’m sure they would have some information and advice. They’re very caring too. Wishing you some helpful support.

Colin, I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I hope and pray there will be some way you can have treatment that will help. XXX

I can tell you what my thoughts are right now. I'm 88 in November and wondering if I'm going to make it, if I do I'm pretty certain to go shortly after, most of my friends and family went years go. I wish I was Colin, he's in the sh*t right now but has the chance of another 25 years!

Colin57 profile image
Colin57 in reply to

Thank you for your thoughts Don 1931 I wish you well in your future..

in reply to Colin57

I’ll be fine and wishing the very best outcome for you Colin, just never consider throwing in the towel again. There’s no future in that! 😉

Colin57 profile image
Colin57 in reply to

Quite right, not the way for a former Royal to behave.! In mitigation though Don the black mood was generated by concern for my wife and boys. However once again no acceptable! Thank you for not tolerating my self pity.


in reply to Colin57

You are a strong man Colin you have show that time and time again. Keep that Black Dog in his place. You need a clear head for the decisions to be made. 🤜🤛

Colin57 profile image
Colin57 in reply to

Now you Don, have either read my past posts! Or are aware of the black dog, prey tell which?.

in reply to Colin57

Both Colin. I have met Black Dog, I fought him with humour, still do occasionally. He doesn't like laughter. 😉🤡

Corin1950 profile image

Hi Colin

Sorry to read this. You have been given some very good advice which I'm sure you'll follow up and all I would add is that my husband has been given some very good support from our local Sue Ryder hospice. He was invited to go on a 6 week Breathing course originally. He gets 5 hours there on a Thursday -it's a mixture of medical support and social activities. They insist on picking him up and dropping him off. I get a bit of respite too and have been offered counselling though I haven't taken it up yet. He has been seen by doctors, physios and occupational therapy. He has been given a shower seat and offered a walker but has decided he doesn't want one yet. He's had counselling and alternative therapies and taken part in singing, cards, quizzes with the other participants etc. He has his lunch there too. The 6 weeks has been extended to 12. I don't know if this support is available where you live but it might be worth checking it out.

In the meantime take good care of yourself

Best wishes


Gigi71 profile image

Hi Colin, my dear neighbour and friend who is 85, was dx with two melanomas 8 years ago, 5 years ago, she was dx with pancreatic cancer, an op was not an option, she had chemo and was unbelievably ill, immune therapy was offered 3 years ago and she is in remission. While this is not to do with your cancers and everyone is different, there were some side effects, but she was able to carry on with her life. I do hope you discuss your options with your consultants. All the very best is wished for you. X

cofdrop-UK profile image

So sorry to hear of your struggles Colin. So glad you have an amazing family sweetheart who will give you strength. Wishing you all the best Colin. Please keep in touch with us - we are all here for you.

Love cx

Lemon7 profile image

I don't have knowledge to give except I would ask your consultant for his advice as to your best options and what he would recommend. However, I want to send you the very best of good wishes for your future treatment. May everything go well for you. Take care of yourself.

Sillysausage234 profile image

Heart goes out to you Colin wishing you the very best for you and your family

Gingerapple profile image

Good morning Colin. I have no advice for you but I'm with you all the way, too. Don't give up. It may not be any consolation but I'm here, too, if you need to talk. I'm so glad you gave a great supportive family. My love to you, hugs, Bev ❤

Colin57 profile image
Colin57 in reply to Gingerapple

Thank you , so very, very kind!

Sorry to hear about all you are going through. I agree with skischool. Definitely not time to throw in the towel. You are having a rotten time right now but you sound as if you have an awful lot to keep going for. Will be thinking of you. All the best.

Colin57 profile image
Colin57 in reply to

Thank you

Bingo88 profile image

Morning Colin57, Your post has really moved me, If there is any treatment that can give u any hope at all, has to be worth having, Providing you still have the Strength and fight to carry on . I hope you get all the help and advice available from your Doctors.

Colin57 profile image
Colin57 in reply to Bingo88

So kind

illawarra profile image

Colin57 I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Like others have said, do not give up. Perhaps you are one of the 20 percent whom immunotherapy works for. Talk to your GP and gets some pain meds to support you while you are waiting to have your appointment.

So wonderful you have a supportive family. Best wishes to you and your family.

Croydonia profile image

Don’t throw in the towel Colin, and don’t let it defeat you. Try to live your life in spite of your multiple problems, and enjoy small pleasures. I really feel for you. I wish you all the best.

Colin57 profile image
Colin57 in reply to Croydonia

Quite right, I’ve passed over my self pity moment! Have a great day!

Ergendl profile image

So sorry to hear of your latest diagnosis. We're here rooting for you as you face the choices ahead. All the best.

Shirleyj profile image

Keep strong Colin, easier said than done, I know. We are all routing for you and are here if you need to chat. Thinking if you x x

davecarol2 profile image

Am so sorry to read this Colin . I have a palliative care nurse who comes in to deal with my pain and a respiratory nurse for my breathing . I’m no where near as bad as you . you sound a very strong minded person considering your diagnosis . keep going my friend keep that posative attitude and also allow yourself down days too . and yep try anything that’s out there why not !! thinking of you and sending love and posative thoughts regards Davy boy xx

Izb1 profile image

Colin, so sorry to hear your news. It must be very hard for you to make any decisions at the moment, so please give yourself time to digest this. As for a little self pity hey, join the club, we are all allowed a little of this sometimes. Once you have accepted what is going on then you will enter the arena once again, dont give up. It sounds like you have a loving supportive family around you. We are all here for you, keep us updated and take care x

watergazer profile image

Sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis. I have no knowledge of your condition however I hope you get to speak frankly with your consultant.

Sorry to hear this mate

jackdup profile image

So sorry to hear of your diagnosis and will pray the treatment they are offering will cure or put the cancer into remission.

Purpled profile image

Colin, sit down with oncologist and ask about any options left open to you and possible consequences. If you decide that you don’t want any more treatments that are offered as cures then live your life on the palliative route which can be pain free if managed correctly with chemo or radio to keep any tumours small. Only you will know when it’s time to call a halt and no it’s not throwing in the towel it’s taking control and living your life.

Neville33 profile image

That kind of news really sucks...but you never really know how it's all going to go...I have friends that used canabais to help with any discomfort..this might also be a good time to pray, to give you strength...I really wish all the best for you..👍

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