Advice on Lung Cancer: I've been... - Lung Conditions C...

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Advice on Lung Cancer

1968 profile image
25 Replies

I've been diagnosed with Lung Cancer, no symptoms, picked up on chest xray - CT scan for flu, early stage.

I've got 3.5 and 3.00 seized cancer nodules attached to top right pleural.

Next stage is PET scan-biopsies then treatment. I had full spriomity test today FEV1% is 92 and CO is 99 height 6ft 1 inch and 14 stone ages 50 all in all very fit apart from bullous emphysema.

Question- I'm reading this 5-10 year life expectancy for lung cancer, if i get it treated will I be OK.

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1968 profile image
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25 Replies
casper99 profile image

Hi 1968. I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis.

I don't believe that statistic you read. I know of two people who have had lung cancer for over twenty years and counting, they are not cured and still going strong.

Surely, not everyone who has had lung cancer, gets it again after the all clear? They would have to, if that 10 year thing was right.

Your bound to be worried but lung cancer treatments are coming on leaps and bounds right now.

I wish you all the best 1968, during your treatment and a speedy recovery xx

judg69 profile image

Hi 1968, keep your attitude upbeat , your body nourished and continue to keep moving , even if just daily walks. I am 6+ years post stage IIIA/B lung cancer and I ‘m still kicking. It was most certainly not a cakewalk for 3 years , but again here I am 6 years later living my life. Keep us posted with what treatment plan you and your Dr’s come up with. There are many of us that may be able to help you along. All Best Wishes, judg69

1968 profile image
1968 in reply to judg69

Thank you, it looks on CT that the two modules measuring 3.5cm and 2cm but no sign its speed anywhere not doesn't look like it's spread to lynphnohodes. I will be asking for advice once I'm seen to.

2greys profile image

The figure my Oncologist gave me for SABR/SBRT treatment was an 85% chance of surviving for over 5 years (in March this year). Like you it was caught early.

Doradee profile image

I had a 7cm tumour in 2008 that was in remission a year later. I had a tiny tumor on the other lung in 2015 that was removed. Apart from feeling breathless when I exert myself, I’m doing great. I feel so blessed. Just take one day at a time and try to eat healthy and do some exercise. God bless

1968 profile image
1968 in reply to Doradee

I've been terrifed of reading the 5-10 year survival rate, I guess I read it wrong. God bless and keep up the good fight.

19441934 profile image

Understandably an enormous shock to you, a lot to absorb , tests etc prior to your treatment plans /management.I have known both friends and those in my nursing career who have survived well past 10 years post diagnosis.Accept all the support you are offered, ask questions and ask again.Try to have a2nd person with you during consultations , we don't always absorb or hear all the information we are give .They to rest well, minimise stress, and perhaps review your diet too,above all be positive, best regards.🌻

1968 profile image
1968 in reply to 19441934

I will be asking my Doc to refer me to a diatition, my diet is good but I need to redefine things better now.

Take care 💕

sassy59 profile image

Morning David, you have a really good chance of living more than 5-10 years with good treatment and taking care of yourself. Don’t believe all you read.

Wishing you all the very best. Xxxx

Shirleyj profile image

Keep your chin up x x x

lynisa48 profile image

Hi David sorry to hear your news I had a friend who had lung cancer over 15 years ago he had it removed and apart from shortness of breath on excertion lived a full and happy life

Dedalus profile image

I had the lower lobe of my left lung removed, due to cancerous tumour, in early 2009. Fingers crossed have had no further probs. Stay positive David. Good luck with everything x

Clamdigger profile image

I went through a CT scan it took over a year to see if they grew during that time three scans in all.. They didn't grow 5mm lumps.I had... I spent a year looking into cancer while I went through this This is what I found out... Cancer is a different cell than your body.. It needs carbs to grow ... .. .. Cancer is Cancer dosn't matter what type it all needs sugar to grow....Look into it on youtube... Put in Cancer and sugar together plus research has been done on sugar and cancer plus it was on TV and radio it is a known fact....... the Dr told to go on a Paleo diet because the other way of eating causes inflammation and that inflammation runs through your body which also means your lungs.... My lumps are swollen not hard ....I just started eating this way so It will be interesting to see the out come..... Sorry to hear what your going through ...Just a few sujestions...

I am sorry that you are going through this, but don't believe the "statistics" you read online, they are very outdated. Nothing in life is guaranteed, but cancer is no longer an automatic death sentence, you will find people here who have lived a long time with this.

My first LC was found 5 years ago through a chest x-ray I had to have prepping for an unrelated surgery. They removed the upper left lobe and the cancer (I was stage 2 squamous cell). My second "new original" cancer was found in my upper right lung 6 months ago, they removed that lobe as well (it was squamous cell stage 1a). I also have emphysema. With the exception of getting SOB upon exertion, I am still here, still upright.

Along with making a treatment plan to deal with the cancer, you should also try to eat healthy, get regular exercise, and keep a positive attitude.

Gingerapple profile image
Gingerapple in reply to Feelingblessed2013

Hello KatherineK,

How are you these days after losing a second lung lobe? I lost upper left too, and now have nodules increased in size right lower lobe. I am wondering what kind of tumour it will be😔I have a PET scan in the nect 7-10 days. I am pretty scared at the moment. I hope you are better and able to breathe. Bless you!❤

Feelingblessed2013 profile image
Feelingblessed2013 in reply to Gingerapple

I am actually 11 months out from 2nd LC surgery and I'm still upright. My last CT scan the end of February was clear, NED. Some days my breathing is worse than others, but I know that at least some of that is weather related. On a good day, I don't need to use my rescue inhaler.

Being scared is a normal reaction, just try to not let it occupy too much of your time.

I personally consider myself very lucky that both times my LC was found before it had a chance to spread.

Keep in touch, let me know how you are doing.

Gingerapple profile image
Gingerapple in reply to Feelingblessed2013

Hello KatherineK

Thank you for replying😊I am glad you are better. I also know that the weather is always a culprit with breathlessness. I have been doing ok over the last 14 years but I expect to feel fear. I would live to stay in touch with you. As soon as I have had my PET scan I will know more. I wish you a lovely day with this nice weather and talk to you soon. Thank you for your response 😊❤Bev

Feelingblessed2013 profile image
Feelingblessed2013 in reply to Gingerapple

Yes, let's keep in touch. Let me know the results of your PET scan.

1968 profile image

Many thanks to all, love you all loads.

Gingerapple profile image
Gingerapple in reply to 1968

Hi 1968, how are you doing today? I have just been reading your posts from 7 months ago. Are you Ok? Please let me know how you are doing😊❤

1968 profile image
1968 in reply to Gingerapple

I'm all good, turned out the 2 growths were aspergiliosis, I'm on a 7 month treatment plan, full boot and liver function test every week, all comes back fine. What a wonderfull hospital and staff at the Royal Jubalie in Clydebank .

Ergendl profile image

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, 1968. My previous husband Bob was treated for cancer in the pleural cavity in 1977 in the hospital in Aberdeen, and lived to 2003, when he died of heart failure at the age of 76. So he certainly exceeded the 10 year forecast.

1968 profile image

Many thanks for your reply and I'm so sorry for your loss.

Just don't know why they put these stats out there.

judg69 profile image

Hi 1968, 7 years out from Stage III A/B lung cancer diagnosis and I am still on the sunny side of the grass. Essential to remain positive and forward looking. Best Wishes, judg69

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