Had the worse night ever. Thought I was dying. Scared all my family with the worse Panic attack ever. Lasted approx 20mins. I am all bruised from grabbing on to the radiator. So scary could not get any air in. My GP still won't speak to me so have to wait until tomorrow to see nurse. I have stopped Fostair but to be honest I don't know if this is the cause. I am not qualified to diagnose. My daughter wants to take me to the out of hours Dr. At my local hospital when she gets home from work. It's so annoying not getting any answers or seeing a Dr. My hand is so bruised after the panic attack as had to cling to something and radiator was not good. Sheila.😷😱
Update on Fostair : Had the worse night... - Lung Conditions C...
Update on Fostair

Poor Sheila,if a trip to ooh is not to arduous and your daughter can take you an accompany in the consultation maybe that would be a good thing,perhaps even a short term prescription for your anxiety may also help at least until you can have a serious discussion about changing your long term bronchodilator to one you feel better manages your condition.
Hope you feel better soon.
Ski's and Scruff's x
I know. I have never suffered like this only since my inhaler was changed to Fostair. I have stopped it now and quite a few side effects have calmed down. I really need professional advice and get back to my old self as I really manage my condition so well. Even my Consultant told me I looked amazing considering my Severe COPD. This is why I don't understand why he changed.my inhaler from Sirdupla to Fostair. Baffles me. 😡😡 xx Sheila.
See the after hours Doctor today, period. Panic attacks & anxiety go hand in hand with COPD in a vicious circle. There are medications that can break through
or at least ease the panic/ anxiety attacks. I have been on one ( Zoloft ) very successfully for many years, and while this may or may not be appropriate for you it is essential you see a Doctor asap. All Beat Wishes, judg69
Hoping you get to see a doctor today and can be reassured.
Thinking of you dear Sheila. Your poor hand is so badly bruised. Take care xxxxx
Dear Sheila this looks awful. Get yourself over to the anxiety sites as there are many who have panic attacks. They should be able to advise what helps them, and might help you too. x
Dear me Sheila that must have been so Frightening for you. Can't you Phone Respiratory as this is the result of not being able to Breathe regardless of whichever Inhaler you use. They are there to help and if Necessary come out to you. Mine do, they are there 24/7 Hun. Hope you get through this awful Panic. Gentle Hugs. C. xxxxx
You are so right. I see it this way also. It was the coughing and breathlessness caused the panic attack. My family were so frightened they are worried sick as it scared them all. Felling much calmer this evening. Think it's also an infection as taken my rescue pack so symptoms subsiding now. Hopefully a good night's sleep and I have a list to go thro with respiratory nurse tomorrow. At last someone who sees it as I do. Thank you so much. xx Sheila.
I hope you managed to get to the out of hours centre.
Have you been given a COPD plan.....what to do in an emergency , for example.....how much Ventolin you can use in a spacer when waiting for help?
Remember 111 is there if your family can ring when you are too breathless to talk or 999.
It can be difficult to distinguish between a panic attack and a breathlessness attack sometimes.
OMG your hand looks terrible garshe, that must have been some kind of panic attack. Think you should get to see a doctor straight away, or as Hacienda suggests get into respiratory and get back onto your regular inhaler. Hope you get some help quickly x
I just wanted to say how sorry I am you've had such a terrifying experience. I hope you get the help you need asap.
Oh Sheila you certainly have been in the wars. Dont waste time give 111 a call or go to a&e. You will scare yourself more if you have another panic attack like that and they make you more and more breathless and ill. I agree with others here get something short term to help you through this time. You dont need to be on anything long term. Anyway hark at me I'm the very one who said to you I wouldn't take anything but had to relent as the panic attacks so so bad. Dr gave me 10 diazepam 2mg tabs 2 months ago and I've only used three. Just knowing there there is a safety net. Mabye there not for you but please get something. Get that hand checked out too. Speak tomorrow. Take care Sheila xMaz

Calmer tonight Maz. Thanks for your concern. Got a long list to go thro with respiratory nurse tomorrow and I am not leaving until it's sorted as had a real fright last night. My Granddaughter was so scared. Never want her seeing me gasping like that ever again. Fill you in tomorrow.x Sheila.
It has only happened to me once about 3.5 years ago and I'm still scared witless even though it happened in a hospital .... time just seemed to stop as I desperately tried to breathe, it was probably only a max of 3 mins but felt like an hour. I'm desperate to make sure it never happens again . I breathe through my nose and I think that helps me regulate my breathing better. Sending you very best wishes it will never happen again 🍀
It lasted about 10 to 15mins never again I hope. I too breathe thro my nose and practice a lot but it all went out the window last night. Couldn't even use my inhaler even with spacer. Seeing my family so scared and 3am in the morning not fair on them we ate all shattered tonight praying for a good night. XxSheila
I hope things improve for you really quickly and you get some good help. Take care, all good wishes to you.
I am sorry that you have suffered with this so badly these doctors infuriate me when they change medication to a person whom they think is looking fine and they make you suffer. I get told that you look well when I'm not. We may look ok and are not making a fuss but inside we are suffering.
I hope you can get to see someone and sort this out and hope you are feeling better soon. X
Hope you feel better soon, my nurse is sooo much better than the gp too. Vxx
That looks awful. I’m sorry to know you’re having such a bad time of things. I had an inhaler that worked really well for me, and I was on that for years. Then it was changed to Fostair and I became ill and in spite of saying on several occasions that it was making things worse, I was told no one else has complained, or everyone else is happy. My breathing got so bad I got the dreaded Pred (yet doctor still saying Fostair is fine for me?!) until the point I couldn’t get a breath in, and I was just making strange gasping noises. At this stage they accepted I actually couldn’t breathe, but it took 6 months to get there and I’ve still not got back to as good a state of health as before. I believed my doctor when I was told Fostair works for everyone, I came to believe it was just me, had I known other people aren’t well on it I’d have been more proactive. Fostair is the best thing ever for some people. But for others it not only doesn’t work but makes things worse. Wishing you all the best, I hope you can get something sorted out quickly.
So sorry for you. Afraid a lot of us were changed to cheaper inhalers to save money. Fostair did not work for me. Last summer I was down to breathing out at 90 and was put on a nebulizer at the surgery. It did not work and reluctantly I was put back on to Seretide with a steroid in it. Hooray back to normal almost immediately. I must add I had 7 lots of antibiotics and steroids that summer. Boots in Skipton confirmed a large number of inhalers had been changed to a cheaper version. Do hope you get stabilised soon.
Dear Sheila I so hope you are feeling better today . I’ve had a couple of these attacks very scary . my respiratory nurse has insisted I just pull my cord or phone an ambulance straight away ! also same as you couldn’t even get ventolin inhailers down .so now have got a small nebuliser already set up with ventolin nebulous .also I am on trimbow now not Fostair so talk with respiratory nurse x good luck sweetie keep us all informed xx
Good luck today garshe!
oh dear poor you Sheila. Sounds like you need to see a consultant rather then your gp. Have you tried taking "Calms" to help you or something similar? Do you have the phone number for respiratory ? I'm hoping you get sorted very quickly. Lots of people have offered good advice on here , some who have dealt with similar problems. I would go to a &e if it happens again Take care x Anita
That’s good. Hope you get sorted. X
Hi Garshe
Stay off the Fostair, it has steroids in. It can react bad on some people. Insist they do not give you any inhailers with Steroids in. I used to suffer bab with inhailers and steroids. Went off them over last 12 months and what a difference it made to my breathing. The best one I have is Respigen
I had a really bad reaction to fostair seemed to cause a bronco spasm. I’ve really been looking into this now. I’ve just paid privately for some tests and I’m lactose intolerant. The carrier for fostair is lactose. I’m also having problems now with trelegy. Again the carrier is lactose based. Might be worth considering for yourself too. My problems are probably different to yours too in as much as I’m cealiacs and kinda knew it was something I was “giving” myself😢
My respiratory nurse said it was Fostair caused my problems back to Sirdupla now. She said if it isn't broken don't fix it an Sirdupla has worked well for me. Feeling so Positive now .awaiting test results which she sent off today then seeing her again Monday. At last someone on my side. Feeling fab.xx Sheila x
Good result.Simples xx
Glad to hear that your respiratory nurse has changed your inhaler. I've had a bad reaction in the past to forstair. I know it works for many people but I really struggled with it x
The nurse didn't agree that it was changed and said it was definitely the Fostair caused the side effects .could have bern avoided but hopefully getting back to my old self. Still have dreaded cough which I never had before and nurse said I was sounding chesty. On antibiotics so fingers crossed will be better soon but feeling Positive as nurse is absolutely there for me x Sheila
Thank goodness you are feeling better sheila ,I had one of those dreadful panics last summer upstairs I Mark's and Spencer's couldn't breath because of the heat up there ,wont go upstairs in m and s anymore frightened me so much ,hope you have another good nights sleep tonight sweet dreams God bless x
Thank you Alice. Feeling much calmer thank goodness. Had a good day been out all day Surgery, shopping and having fun with my Granddaughter. Feeling Positive waiting on test results early next week. Take care Sheila x