A couple of months ago I was admitted to A&E with kidney stones , I was appropriately treated and sent home with cocodamol tablets at the time I never gave it much thought but my phlegm production went down dramatically .
Recently my phlegm production has increased again which I'm putting down to the inflammation in my lungs I've been resisting calling the copd nurses for now to try a little experiment, will the cocodamol be better for this increase in phlegm or steroids ? Well this is day two and so far the cocodamol are doing a fine job ( this isnt an infection by the way) my phlegm has decreased by about 70% I'm sleeping ok and I'm not hopped up on steroids, the dose in using is just 1 500/30 mg tab per-day but I'm prepared to increase the dose or decrease as necessary.
Has anyone else noticed this ? Or tried it ? So far I can only see benefits for me but its early days and I know I cant use them long term but short term I'm hoping they are better than steroids for this inflamed feeling .I hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine and that's its cooler then the 30c we endured this weekend just gone , as always breath easy everyone