The delight at not only having the inclination but also the energy and bloody mindedness to do this simple task has returned thanks to my daily does of prednisolone ( 10mg) .It has taken two weeks ( nearly) for my body to normalise this dose, my phlegm has disapated to a manageable amount, stress levels are normal (according to my Samsung health app) that horrible uncomfortable inflamed feeling has almost gone to a point i hardly notice it ,ive started sleeping better and showering is no longer a dread and requires almost no planning, ive reduced my nebuliser to twice a day instead of 4 times a day and my o2 stats have increased and my heart rate is back in the low 80s ( its been as low as 74)instead of the mid 90s , not everything is rosey in the garden of course but ill take what respite these steroids are offering .
I hope this finds everyone relaxed happy and breathing easy,
Take care