I am a 71 year old woman/ex smoker after 56 yrs. I quit7 months ago.i ve been told I have copd and have been trying to manage it naturally.everything seemed to be going good and I then introduced the salt pipe.i coughed up phelym with traces of blood in it.has anyone else experienced this using the salt pipe?
Himalayan salt pipe: I am a 71 year old... - Lung Conditions C...
Himalayan salt pipe
Hi Hun, Been using the salt Pipe for a few years, never coughed up Blood, maybe others can relay to you, I do get nose Bleeds, that is with the Oxygen cannula though, my Consultant has said it's Normal with Oxygen. so I'm not worried. You must tell your GP or stop using the Salt Pipe for a few days, then see if you are still coughing up Blood. Best wishes. xxx
Confer with your GP
As salt is a natural lubricant, it’s possibly releasing sticky phlegm which can tear tiny blood vessels, drink plenty of fluid to make the phlegm less sticky.
Hi Stone, I don't have any Sticky phlegm and I hardly have any Mucus, so between Azithromycin, Carbocisteine & my Salt pipe, I can only Say how it feels for me, I have had it with when in Hospital and my Consultant knows I use it, I tend to think if there is no money to make for the Pharmacuticals, then they won't promote a salt Pipe. You can only Try, and using it properly does help. Thanks for your comment as usual well received. xxx
Hello, I am 68 years old with Copd and a few more health problems. And I am also a Hairdresser! Let's compare notes! Yes...I have experienced blood in my sputum, when I had Pneumonia and once without! I am using a flutter device to break up the deep mucus and it really helps! I think its good your getting it up and out! I have a large air purifier in my shop now! Perms don't bother me at all but the colors do! As do cleaning products! I changed Hairspray's to a Spritz instead of aerosol! That helps! I have looked at the stores for a salt pipe...haven't found one yet! I also use Mucus relief DM..which thins out my mucus Hope you feel better! JANET127!
Hi, I have tried using one but was discouraged by my lung doctor due to the possibility of inhaling salt or other small objects directly into the lungs. However I have experienced really good results with a portable nebuliser and I use Himalayan rock salt mixed with purified water.
I really persevered with one but it simply did not help me.
That said. Have you had a bout of severe coughing as that can cause minute traces of blood. However contact your gp if you are still concerned. Better safe than sorry. 😉
Hi to Milo1998, I like your idea of using the neb with salt. How much salt do you use with the water? And I have tried the salt pipe but it didn't seem to make a difference to me.
It does seem to benefit so many of us but in my case while in Hospital it was discovered that salt or saline in say a nebuliser actually made my breathing 25% worse. Do get it checked out while with a respiratory nurse or similar health worker. Test the effects of salt under supervision.
After so many chest infections my consultant sent me for spirometry breathing test to see if I could take salt therapy, because my test results said I was breathing 40%,she said I was unsuitable for it as my breathing was to low ,she said it would probably aggravate my chest ,she gave me azithromycin instead
Well done for giving up the cigs ,wish I could,how did you manage it
Have you tried E-Cigs as a way of stopping?
No Jimmy, I've tried every liquid every mg/ml,about 10 different pens lol ,believe me I'm not kidding ,I've done some research ,it's Defoe inflamation, I wish I could find a solution ,next time I'm on steroids I'll try it agian as steroids take inflamation down ,I may write apost to see if anyone can help
Hello.if you mean for an lnflamed throat,I find that if I nuke 1 or2 cloves of garlic and chew it up and swallow it.it calms the burning immediately.try it.it works and is good for the rest of the day.hope this helps you.garlic is a natural anti inflammatory and an antibiotic
Dont no if I could chew cloves of garlic ,I will try it though,