I don't believe it I have gone into different chemists and none of them had heard of a salt pipe where do I go from here? surely you don't have to go online to get one.
salt pipe: I don't believe it I have... - Lung Conditions C...
salt pipe

Bought mine from Amazon. Hope you do ok with it. Didn't make much difference to me but everyone is different. Good luck

the ad I saw for the salt pipe said you could get it on the nhsi am still trying to get to speak to GP a week later but they are allways fully booked, god help me if I need to see a doc !! when you cannot get to even speak to one.

thanks everyone for your info I think I will hang fire at the moment to buying one until I can talk with doc I live by the sea coughalot1 but there is so much pollution in this city I don't think it would help
I bought my one from Holland and Barret
whats a salt pipe and what do they do
Salt Pipes & Speleotherapy
Several companies produce saltpipes, and each of them provide information about how they believe salt pipes to work, but any 'research' they quote to back up their products is likely to have been done by the manufacturers themselves, so should be treated with caution.
As an independent charity, Asthma UK doesn't recommend particular products or services unless there is independent, objective, scientific research to back them up. At the moment there isn't scientific evidence to suggest that salt pipes may help asthma.
The current British Thoracic Society (BTS) Guidelines on asthma management (updated 2008, revised 2012) doesn't mention salt pipes or speleotherapy. However, the 2007 guideline did have a brief paragraph about 'speleotherapy'. This involves a patient entering a subterranean environment, usually a salt mine, and the claims made about how the therapy works are very similar to those made about salt pipes. The BTS Guideline (2007) refers to some research with children which showed that there was some short-term benefits, but more research was needed before it was recommended.
So we don't really have any firm evidence that salt pipes work at the moment and no further progress warranting any mention in the current guidelines has been made. If you wanted to use these therapies we would advise you to speak with your asthma nurse or doctor first, and make sure that you continue with your usual prescribed asthma medicines.
its very worrying to me how companies can sell things they claim can help when they dont or worse they can make you ill....people are so desperate to get well they will try most things

Yes Mandy,there are many heartless crooks and Con merchants out there, that will take your last 50p with no conscience. One Company in particular Is well known and begins with A and ends with Y....... been on Breakfast TV,and on the market for around 15 years,involves a £3000 to £9000 outlay,which is virtually a oxegenated bubble making machine,cheap components,attractive metal work boxes,complete with some cheap LEDs and with an inhaler mask! which claims to be a cure for a range of problems! They give out gobbledegook brochures,full of scientific technical crap which even they probably don't understand!
I pointed my COPD Consultant to their website,and asked her what she thought of this machine and it's claims: her reply was: if they did what they claim wouldn't we have them available on the NHS ?
Be careful Mandy,these scum conning thieves will take your Mothers false teeth without blinking! don't expect these people to have feelings for the old,sick, infirmed !
These people don't have hearts! they play on your desperation! and the fact we are the people who need to believe in what the are selling. the Prisons are full of them!
well im to much of a skin flint to buy these things anyway and i think as you say if any of them worked they would be on nhs x x

Salt pipes do work I wouldn't be without mine
Holland and barrett
Well I don't need a salt pipe as I live by the seaside anyway. Any time I want a lungful of salt I just have to go outside If I want more I go down the beach and heavy breathe...
coughalot x
Yes you can get salt pipes on Ebay, they are about £12 - 15 including postage.They claim the Himalayan Pink Salt Crystals last 2 years,having used one for 2 - 3 weeks they do shift some plegm, as for clearing the lungs of the damaged of clogged up tar etc,it would be much too soon to see any improvement if any! But the good news is: they recommend two breathing sessions of 15 minutes per day!
E Bay have them at reasonable prices. Just put Salt Pipe in the searchbox.
My husband bought one from salitair.co.uk/ a week ago and has been using it for 8 minutes three times a day. He says his lungs feel smoother and he has had hardly any trouble getting his mucus up, which is the thing that bothers him most about having COPD. He has noticed small flecks of blood after a morning cough, but this has happened before over a year ago and the doctor told him that it was just a broken blood vessel caused by coughing.
Ebay has salt pipes,about £12 claims they last 2 years,before a refill is needed.
Just bought one today for husband who has COPD. from Holland and Barrett on the advice of the nurse specialist. £14.99. Comes with 6 months supply of salt. They don't do refills however. Watch this space.