Hi everyone my first posting! I have lung cancer stage 2 been stable for three years also COPD moderate.Is anyone useing a salt pipe?..Thanks
Salt Pipe: Hi everyone my first posting... - Lung Conditions C...
Salt Pipe

Some reading for you.
As salt is a natural lubricant, probably more suited to people with a bronchi problem rather than emphysema.
I have bronchiectasis. I tried one. It did nothing. Nebulising isotonic saline is more effecrive. COPD people who do not nebulise saline may find it useful though.
I find it useful when I have a cold or infection.
I have had one for ages but can’t say it made any improvements for me. But keep trying with yours.
Just got one for myself ( bronchiectasis) and my Dad (COPD) I intend to stick with it as I don't think you can expect instant results. Got it on buy one get one half price yesterday from Holland and Barrett. I have been using salt water for years on animal injuries/infections with great results. I am also now using the Sterimar products (salt nasal and ear products) and have just contacted them for advice.
Hi, certainly. He is 92 and had COPD since a cancer op went wrong 23years ago. He keeps very active and eats a very good balanced diet. He makes his own whole meal bread etc. He made 5 of us dinner tonight and brought it to my house! He does exercises every morning without fail unless he is unwell of course. I would say he had 2 or 3 flare ups this year when we were quite worried about him. I would say the key to his doing so wel, is his positive mental attitude, ecercising and slim frame.