I'm new to this forum and I so desperate for help. I had a car accident in October and suffered bad whiplash I've been back and fourth to my gp because I wasn't able to eat due to the pain it left me in my chest and neck. I've had a endoscopy and all was normal. I was put on lansoprozale but after 3 weeks no improvement I'm now on ranitidine been on them for 3 days but I still feel awful. I take gaviscon advance but nothing seems to be working I'm desperate
Severe chest pain and in neck - Lung Conditions C...
Severe chest pain and in neck

Hello Trixcey .
I am sorry to read this. It must really impede on your life. 😐 I don't really know what to suggest but perhaps a chiropractor or even acupuncturist may be able to help you. I hope you get relief very soon.
Take good care.
Cas xx 🌿
Hi Trixcey,
I am so sorry to hear that you have been involved in a car accident. It is horrible, both physically and mentally.
It sounds as though you are being treated for GERD, which from what you say, you probably haven't got (Although I am not medically trained)!
My husband was in a very nasty accident about 4 years ago. He broke his collar bone, 4 ribs and was severely bruised. He thought that he would be better once the bones healed, unfortunately this did not happen. He also found eating very difficult and had to have very plain food - little and often. It took a CAT scan to reveal that he had bulging discs in his neck and back, which continued to give him pain for a another 2 and a half years, as it had not been diagnosed initially. His back use to swell up badly on one side of his back whenever he tried to push himself. The physio had told him no pain, no gain, but in my husband's case this went against him.
I think I would ask for a CAT scan, to check discs, ribs etc. Your appetite might also be affected by Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. This can manifest itself in many different ways and an accident is a big shock and in my husband's case life changing for over three years.
Take care of yourself.
Hi thanks for your quick reply I have had a mri and the findings were mild loss of cervical lordosis with a small diffuse disc bulge at C6-C7 indenting the anterior there. Also there is a left paracentral disc profusion but no significant stenosis or nerve root impingment has been defined. But how can severe heart burn / reflux come on especially never ever had before the accident in just hoping that when I start physio it will get better and even disappear 🤔
The chronic pain that you are in, could be affecting other areas of the body, with no obvious cause. I think it could be worth your while to see a pain specialist, as they seem to be able to connect the different symptoms and come to a far more definitive solution. This was the recommendation from the spinal consultant that my husband saw - apart from practical solutions regarding his disc bulges. I would do this sooner, rather than later. My husband was in a lot of pain for nearly three years, as he was misdiagnosed at the time of his accident.
Let me know how things go and take care.
It's been over a year now and still in agony. They eventually found a wedge fracture 10months later then I got a frozen shoulder. I've had a guided injection 4 weeks ago but still in quite a bit of pain. This acid reflux is pretty bad to a point everything I eat and drink puts me in agony. I have burning pain in throat and back ribs just awful. I'm seeing a gastroenteritis on Wednesday and hoping they can help. The medication just does not work so surely they can do something else. I've looked into a hiatal hernia so I want them to check. Lately all Drs want to do is give you pills but they are not working for me at my wits end 😓
My two compressed lumbar discs were misdiagnosed and mistreated in the NHS. I saw a registered osteopath recommended by friends, and the problem was sorted out in about 2 months, Always worth a try.