I seriously bewildered, I am a severe COPD victim Bronchatasis and Empysema for a number of years, for over 12 months now I have been bringing up mucus mainly by forcing myself to vomit it up (gross I know) but fact, I have had camera into my stomach 3 times with all seems ok , I have had numerous doctors conversations with medical people but everyone seems to be scratching there heads, except for me I am losing my mind, its as if my chest fills up from my stomach to my throat at least twice a day (mainly evening and middle of night) as if built up during day, can anyone shed any light on this, I am desperate . thanks
Vomiting/massive build up of mucus in... - Lung Conditions C...
Vomiting/massive build up of mucus in stomach and chest to throat in esophogus .

My dad coughs up mucus due to his IPF. He has mucodyne syrup to help. It doesn't sound right though to be honest and if docs cant find anything hopefully someone here will.
Hi Carol, i too have bronchieactasis and have to do chest clearance at least 3 times a day. But to do this i had to be reffered to a physiotherapist, who taught me exercises to get up the mucous. also there are small devices that they can give you called flutters and acapellas, that you blow into and it forces the mucus up into the upper airways and then you cough up the gunk.
You need to see your GP and see a respitory consultant, if you dont already have one and arrange the physio a.s.a.p. as keeping your chest clear is the most important thing to do with your conditions - i hope you get the help soon as the difference will be amazing, i was on oxygen 16 hours a day and having lots of infections, i was in hospital 7 times in 5 months, but since seeing a resp. cons. and physio and doing a pulmanory rehabilitation course, i now use oxygen only when i need it, have the odd infection, but with treatment it goes.
good luck and please do see a physio as soon as you can.
Thank you for your reply janie62, I do have a flutter and I have been on the pulmonary rehab course which like you I did find very helpful, however the mucus horrible stringy sticky stuff (Yuk) seems to come from my stomach and esophogus first then once I have vomitted that up I cough a little from the bottom of my lungs, which is not much compared to what I am forcing out with suction and gipping, (sorry its an awful thing to talk about but fact). Thanks kind regards Carol (ps im glad you have improved) x
Thanks Diablo, In the beginning of this problem I had camera down my throat to check for a reflux (three times) but the doc said I didnt appear to have reflux so I just assumed not GERD as I thought they were connected am I wrong in thinking that, how do you manage your GERD disease . Thanks for your help it really is appreciated x
i am also like this but until i read your blog thought it was normal!!!!!
i get so blocked up i wake several times in the night, i feel like a balloon full of water and spend a few hours coughing up the awful muck - i take mucodyne too and find that it does loosen the mucas enough to make it more comfortable to cough up, i then tend to be the same early evening, also find that if i get hot i have coughing fits so bad people see me and get really scared.
thanks for that question - time for me to speak to my Dr.
The condition you describe is similar to mine - about twenty years ago sometimes when I coughed I started urging up copious amounts of thin mucus. Because at the time I had recently had a right pneumonectomy
the doctors associated the symptom with the surgery and on other occasions with COPD.
It has continued over the years intermittently and now several times a year, for about a month, in the morning I get up and my breathing is more laboured than usual and I can relieve this feeling by urging up mucus.
The occurrence of this condition seems to be completely random - I’ve tried linking it to chest infections, medication, weather, diet etc. and so far have found no logic in it. Doesn’t make sense. Bewildering. However in my case if it were a sign of anything sinister I’d have known all about it by now.
Hope the doctors have more luck with your tests. Good luck.
Sorry if I sound a bit dumb but what is a pneumonectomy, and you say that your breathing is more laboured but less laboured when you have brought the mucus up, can I ask do you sometimes have to put your fingers down your through to force a gip as if it is mainly in your stomach and esophugus, i know its sound awfful but that as it is, I am due to see my consultant shortly I will let you know of his latest test results !!! thanks so much for replying to me. xx
A right pneumonectomy is the removal of the right lung.
I think that the problem must be in the stomach or oesophagus. When it started I had no control and coughing would lead to retching and up would come just an inordinate amount of thin mucus - no other stomach content or bile.
Several causes were suggested at the time acid reflux, hiatus hernia and some relating to the surgery - none seemed to be the solution.
Nowadays, as I say its intermittent, and the amount isn’t as much, in the mornings when I can sense that extra tightness in breathing I can clear it by inducing myself to retch it up. This relieves the breathing for the rest of the day.
Unlike you, for me at it has never occurred more than once in a day.
I hope your consultant is understanding and can sort it out for you.
I sincerely thank you for you time in answering my questions, gosh I dont know how old you are but how have you coped with only one lung, I have had problems with my lungs most of my life but more seriously in the last 10 yrs, with one infection after an other, I have just had radio therapy for a small tumour on my right lung, my meds seem to keep my breathing no too bad but its just as you describe , mucus build up tight breathing so wretch it up but as I say this has been going on for over a year and its wearing me out somedays I feel 96 not 56 , once again many thanks. take care x
I get profuse phlegm in my mouth, not from my lungs/trachea, but from my stomache/esophagus when I eat fish, beans, sweet potatoes and a few other items. I hv leaky gut for a long time and hv many food sensitivities. But only this past year when seeking out protein sources did I hv this reaction. I've tested it - abstained then ate suspected food again and the reaction is the same - and, the larger quantity of the food item eaten in a meal, the more mucus.
Hi Becks , thanks for the response I can associate with a lot of your comments, it beggars belief really that no health professional recognises what's going wrong I've tried so much and the problem is just worse than ever, I can't understand where my will to carry on comes from ! Hope you are well xx
hi...have you got solution to your leaky gut problem and the phlegm. I am having similar issue and I have mucus coming from the stomach when I feel pukish. any solution. how did you address your leaky gut problem. I too have food sensitivities. I also heard that the phlegm that comes out also has lot of candida that is built up in the stomach which causes your leaky gut.