Can anyone recommend a company in the Solihull/West Midlands area who is qualified to service and repair a VisionAire 5 oxygen concentrator (made by the AirSep Corp) in the home? We have been sending the concentrator to a company in Kent for an annual service, but it is proving a lot of work for my elderly Mother to pack it up and send it away by courier.
Having an oxygen concentrator service... - Lung Conditions C...
Having an oxygen concentrator serviced in the home

Hello Kiwi and welcome to the forum.
I am a bit confused as to why your mother is responsible for getting her machine serviced. Has she been prescribed long-term oxygen therapy? If so, I would expect the NHS to provide her with an oxygen concentrator suitable to her needs, and the contracted supplier would then be responsible for regular servicing of the machine. Your mother would not need to worry about it.
If her situation is not as straightforward as this and she has to arrange her own servicing because she purchased her own machine, I suggest you telephone the BLF Helpline (03000 030 555 office hours) and ask for their advice. I hope they will be able to help you find a satisfactory solution.
Best wishes, Annienell
Just had mine serviced by "Air Liquide" who are On The BLF Website, I'm in East Midlands. This Info may help kiwi3. xxx
Hi Annienell. Thanks very much for the suggestion, I will give them a call tomorrow. Mum received Oxygen Therapy via the NHS for about 3 years after she was she had been admitted to hospital with recurrent chest infections and the doctors suspected that she was developing COPD. She was provided with an NHS Oxygen Concentrator which was serviced regularly by an engineer. However, after 3 years she got called for an assessment by a nurse and was told that they would be taking her oxygen machine away. She was still very breathless at that point (as she continues to be today) and felt great relief after going on her oxygen machine. She was so concerned about how she would cope without her oxygen machine, particularly as the respiratory nurses had stressed how important it was not to stop the therapy 'cold turkey' that we bought her a machine privately and have been arranging our own servicing.
Best wishes, Kiwi3
I understand your reasoning, but I'm concerned about your mother having oxygen which hasn't been prescribed and may not be good for her . Please talk this over with the nurses at the helpline who will have the knowledge to advise you.