I don’t know if many of you have this but I feel like I am waking breathless at night since a week or two. I have to take my inhaler (albuterol/salbutamol) twice a day, sometimes more as per need. Occasional chest tightness but coughing and wheezing goes on all day. I googled this up and found it’s related to COPD or congested heart. Not sure what this is. I have not yet been diagnosed with anything but been having these symptoms since April this year. It started with cough, mucus, and wheezing. Any tips would help. Thanks
Waking up breathless at night - Lung Conditions C...
Waking up breathless at night

I get. What your talking about. It's stress. And. Anxiety. ? Try. Extra. Bit C. Breathing Exersize. And. Pumalary. Rehab. Good luck and. You r what u. Eat so eat the best. Fresh dishes. You can. Plenty. Water.
Thank you. I see here you are coming from but I don’t get rehab? Do you think they admit people with this condition? It’s been a difficult few days and I have an appointment tomorrow finally, so fingers crossed...
Admit. You where. Last place to be if you have a bad chest is Hospital unless. Your critical Hospital. Does save lives. With out doubt but. The air quility and germs cost many my advice look after your self as best you can plenty of fresh fruit and veg. Stay away from sick people and crowds getting to close. Clean your. Hands before you eat. Avoid takeaway s. If who cooks your food and is ill so will you. Ask for a sleep study with your. GP if your really serious
You are right. To be honest I was very well and fit until I spent a night at the hospital with my baby who was ill. One week later this cough and wheezing started...
Well. I hope. Your. Baby's fine now and hope it goes well with. Hospital. You could try. Leaving the window where sleep open a. Inch or 2. Yoga. Is very good for. Btreathing and relaxing maybe. A good Nebulizer. Before sleep. Cut down on. Surgar additives drink plenty water. Try. Cutting out certain foods. I think they. Can. Agivate. Try. Protein rich food. Early. Carbs. Later evening only milk ? Coke ? Coffee Lastly Dust. And pets. ...???
Hi Kinnoo...I am Janet . I have copd,plus other medical....but I want you to know I wake up in the night when I stop breathing! Thank God..it wakes me up! I know I should be on one of the C- PaP machines,but instead I am on Oxygen at night! I am also diagnosed with ADHD ,which they now are saying it may be all related! Hope this helps!
Hi Janet, sorry to hear that you are going through the same. I know... it’s really good that at least we wake up, otherwise who knows
Do you have similar symptoms like asthma, how is ADHD linked to this? Sorry too many questions.
Try a few puffs of Ventlin in the night to calm the wheezing down.
Go back to the doctor. There could be a number of reasons why this may be happening. They need to get to the bottom of it so you can get the right help.

Yes I have a specialists appointment tomorrow so hoping a conclusion would be met. Been suffering this whole year
Have your labs and oxygen levels checked, you may be low on something and the blood tests can find that a ekg can help with checking for heart diseases but these are good basic tests to start with, are you anemic ? Call your doctor and tell them you feel shortness of breath they need to check you.
Thank you. Been going to the GPs all year but to no avail. They’ve been putting me on antibiotics, steroids, inhalers (brown pink) nothing has made a difference.
I’m not anemic but I can’t be sure as I haven’t been teste lately. I do get tired easily and feel drowsy all the time I hope they would do all these tests and not take it so lightly.
At least get basic labs done cbc and chem panels basic ekg even the basic tests like these are overlooked by doctors but can diagnose and or ruleout lots of things call your doctor and ask for these basic tests.
Good luck hope you get to an answer soon.
Best to go to a doctor and be properly evaluated as it can be a number of things from what I understand.
Thank you RedSox, no I don’t smoke and never have.
You are right, I am having so many problems at the same time that it’s hardly to imagine how I am functioning? Hope there is nothing seriously wrong with me
Have you tried an air purifier? The best one i could find was called Hextio, I used this along with a dehumidifier when the air was feeling really bad in my room and slept so much better. Here is the air purifier I got and it has been a life saver : hextio.net/