Still doing well after 25 years of COPD still walk a lot but the best therapy for me is playing my Harmonica several times a day had my lungs checked out recently was fairy good I'm 72 now and many years ago I said to myself don't sit back with this get more active I average 10 miles a day weather permitting.
Good morning: Still doing well after 2... - Lung Conditions C...
Good morning

Keep doing what you’re doing, it’s working. Xxxx

Good for you are an inspiration to us all. Take care have a good day .
😊 Bernadette xx
Thank you I hope you are ok today looks not bad so will go walkies shortly the sea is only 300 yards from my house so i'll walk along to beach to the end then back through town hope you have a good
Thats great news!
And inspirational too. Sometimes i wonder how long we will live with COPD but mostly i just live each day and week. Like you i believe its important to keep active and fit.
I was in Greece, Crete four weeks ago walking miles every day and swimming-i felt brilliant. Since Ive got back ive had chest infections and coughing. Im thinking of retiring in two years and moving to the sea where the air is fresh as i live in Thames valley- very damp. I dance and walk and swim but still i struggle in the winters.
My mother died of Emphysema and her dad. I do sometimes think that if I dont change my lifestyle I wont reach my 80s. Im 64 now and had the disease diagnosed at least 15 yrs ago.
Singing is meant to be good for lungs i never thought about harmonica what a good idea!!
We all need inspiration and good ideas in a bad day-thanks for yours!
Your doing all the right things amazing certain climates seem good for breathing I went to St Maarten didn't need meds at all swam every day I live in Selsey west Sussex moved here from Southampton you can't stop this but I sure think you can slow it down every time I've played the Harmonica my breathing is good for a while I would recommend it to everyone to take it up if they can.
Somewhere I still have a harmonica that I used to ‘play’ when I was little. I don’t think it would be recommended to play it where anyone could hear it 😁 My first thought was there’s no way I’d have enough breath to play it now. But now I’m curious to try, and I can imagine it would be great for the lungs. Thanks for the inspiration 👍 Have a good walk today 🍂🍁
Hello yes it will be hard at first but if you take it up again and keep it up you will find it does help like you I played it when I was a kid got my first one when I was 11 stopped playing it when I joined the army then when I was told I had Emphysema I took it up again and it has helped my lot's also walking and singing that I do when no one's around hope you have a good day.
Great to hear how well you're keeping and what you're doing to achieve it.
Very inspirational to many on the site.
Keep it up for the next 25 years!
Best wishes
Good morning redsox after all this time I am still on stage one according to my doc some days I wonder as I do have off days.