Hope your all keeping as well as possible and hope your all keeping safe and warm. My friend in Cumbria has been having frosty mornings this week already and I can feel the difference this Sunday morning in the temperature. So take care Everyone and hope you all have a good week. I have just joined my nearest Breath easy group and they also have a link to a private respiratory nurse with years of experience that I might visit because this morning cough I have had since the last January freezing temperatures we had is still with me and no help from my doctors respiratory nurse. Also looking forward to going to my 1st Breath easy meeting with everyone. Take care Everyone. Brian
Good Morning Everyone : Hope your all... - Lung Conditions C...
Good Morning Everyone

Glad you now have a Breathe Easy group to go to and yes do get in touch with that Respiratory nurse, I am sure she shall be of great help to you. Keep warm and take care and hopefully we can all get through the winter to come. I wish you well. Ruth
Morning Brian. I hope that you enjoy your meeting. There used to be a group near me but it was disbanded due to lack of support. Hope the nurse is good too.
Hello Brian, hope you enjoy your Breathe Easy group. Stay well and warm. Xxx
Hi Brian, hope your Breathe Easy group goes well. Not one near me so be interesting to know what yours entails πxxx
Will let you know. Luckily I drive. So it's no problem that its 6 miles away from me. They meet once a month and it's towards the end of this month.Think it will just be a support group but obviously with meeting up Brian
Good luck with that Brian, it sounds perfect for you.This morning at 8.30 I set off from my Gloucestershire town in a valley after scraping the ice off my windscreen! But of a surprise, I thought it was cold but not that cold. Heater on in the car for the 1st time since April but lovely blue sky and sunshine all the way to Worcester Arena to watch my 7 year old g'son compete in the British Taekwondo Championships . Definitely my little champion for doing it in front of 100s.
Back in Gloucestershire now with legs under the duvet, a good book and my companion Spotify.
Hope the sun's been out for everyone π π
Good evening Brian. I hope your Breath Easy plans go well. It is very cold where I live., and it's only October.
Good morning Brian. Yes there is definitely a nip in the air at and yesterday I wore an overcoat for the first time since last winter. I hope you make some new friends at your breathe easy group. Let us know how you get on.
I hope you enjoy the Breathe Easy group. Ours is great and I've learned such a lot from it. The information I got from there gave me the confidence to push for treatment and services like the pulmonary rehab group which my GP didn't know existed!Also, it's a great social afternoon and once you get to know a few people it will widen your friendship circle.
Its chilly here in Eastbourne but we're not scraping the frost off yet! My daughter lives in Cumbria and she's been frosted up every morning like your friend has.
Have a good meeting!
Xx Moy
Thanks for your thoughts on your local group. You live in a nice part of the country. I love Eastbourne and hoping to have a break down there on the 1st of November for 5 days. I shall enjoy the drive as well. Take care. Brian
Hello Brian, hope your meeting will be enjoyable and helpful. Take good care of yourself. Chris
hi, just catching up! hope enjoy your holiday in Eastbourne, best regards, Jean x
Yes we've had some frost since last wk - son had to clear car windscreens aft nightshift + some of kids early footy games called off yesterday.enjoy Yr group x
Enjoy the group Bingo 88. Itβs very cold here today. 0 degrees showing on my car when I went out just after 7 a light layer of frost too. Keep warmxx
Yes we have had frost here in Manchester Brian and my lovely friend and neighbour helped me to change my summer bedding yesterday as I have been feeling the chill, it was heaven to get into a cosy bed last night. Lets hope this nurse can get your cough sorted out, enjoy your new group x
Hello Brian , it has become a little more chilly to spite the blue skies. I have resorted to heating back on at least in the evening. So keep warm and as well as can be and hopefully we will all get through the winter to a nice flowery spring. Enjoy your Breathe Easy Group I used to attend one but mobility restricts it a bit now.
Good afternoon katieoxo60. Yes it's definitely colder and going down to 10 degrees maximum here over the weekend. I have started putting the heating on in a morning to take the chill off before getting up. And also a little of an evening. Looking forward to the breath easy group. The last Thursday in the month. Take care and keep warm love. Brian
Hope you're class goes well I'm from durham and my husband had get his de ice out 3 times since Saturday weather definitely on a down now take care
Breath Easy groups are very good. I found my pysio nurse excellent. She was the one that was able to give me the most answers about my lung condition. Good luck
I am going to a new breath easy group tomorrow. Sadly I don't find my new Respiratory nurse as good as they were at the Respiratory clinic at my old area before I moved. She doesn't say much you have to ask every question and then she is very vague with her answers. Brian