The unkown : i am still in hospital... - Lung Conditions C...

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Time_2_drink profile image
118 Replies

i am still in hospital with rather bad news They have no good news for me they are looking at getting me a stay at the hospice if no bedswill have to send me home with nursing care just got on franks internet to message you myfriends

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Time_2_drink profile image
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118 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Bless you Margaret, thinking of you and sending love. Xxxx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply tosassy59

Thank you it is a lot to take in xxxx

I am thinking about you lovely and holding your hand.💐

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply to

Thank you so much x

stone-UK profile image


If you keep on going missing we will have to sort a tracking device.

Hope your situation is soon resolved and on the road to recovery 😊😊😊

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply tostone-UK

Thanks stone good idea 😷

Damon1864 profile image

Thinking of you Margaret, keep fighting my dear friend we are all here for you .

😊 Bernadette xxx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toDamon1864

Hi Bernadette the days drag in here I think I have Been iv hospital more than at home lately keep wellxxx

HungryHufflepuff profile image

Really sorry to hear you're not doing so well. I hope you're hanging in there the best you can. Take care of yourself. Thinking of you 💐

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toHungryHufflepuff

I am trying but havingthe driver and catheter plus oxi makes me feel useless xx

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply toTime_2_drink

I saw your post further down about there not being a place so you want to go home instead. I hope you get the care and support you need. Hopefully going home will make you feel somewhat better.

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toHungryHufflepuff

Hi I am home now district nurse comes every day to do my driver and give me top upshot breathing unfortunatley I have been having panic attacksagain since iwas readmitted withsepsis

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply toTime_2_drink

It’s really good to know you’re home. But I’m sorry you’re having panic attacks. I don’t know much about sepsis but what I do know scares me so I really feel for you. Thinking of you and sending you very best wishes 💐

Yatzy profile image

Oh dear, Margaret, we’ll be thinking of you ❤️ Hope things get better soon. Penny xx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toYatzy

Thank yousorry for taking so long to reply didnt have net in hospitalxx

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply toTime_2_drink

Lovely to hear you're home again. Hope the district nurses look after you and help you to feel more comfortable. Lots of love ❤️❤️

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toYatzy

The District nurses have been lovely unfortunatley the driver keeps alarming so. Far have had to have a call out 5 times after midnight not good x

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply toTime_2_drink

Oh dear, sounds very tiring. Hope things calm down and settle for you soon. Bless the district nurses xx

annienell profile image

So sorry to hear this Margaret. We're all standing alongside you as we send love and support. Keep fighting :) xx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toannienell

Hi annienell sorryso long to reply been in hospital againalthough I Doubt I will be readmitted. My discharge letter says not for readmission into care of Gp District nurses come everyday xx

Really nice to hear from you as you have been missed and so selfless of you to think of your friends on here whilst your not having the best time but Margaret know that everyone on here is behind you and sending their loving thoughts to you and Frank .... take care xxxxx

Lizzie34 profile image
Lizzie34 in reply to

Best wishes for good news

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toLizzie34

Thank youlizzie xx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply to

Thank you for your lovey message muchappreciated xx

in reply toTime_2_drink

Pls know that u are not alone ...the oxygen the absolute panic with shortness of breath i experience this day in day out but i got morphine lorezepam and zopiclone to help combat the terror i was experiencing as the panic attacks where making me over think ridiculous thoughts ...i can say the morphine was prescribed to stop me being so tight inside and to relax me ...the lorezepam i use to calm me and the zopiclone i take when i want to sleep so usually works about 20 mins after taking .... as for doctors and time scales i do not want to know as i am doing it my way as going off previous admissions and 200 consultants later no 2 docs are the same and with such conflicating and contradicting advice i decided the only person who knows me is me ... I stopped almost all my meds which where not helping as they where causing more problems and can say im scared but feel much better doing things my way oh and got to say margaret my shortness of breath soon calms down once i sit with my huge electric fan blowing on my face ...i have one in all the rooms as believe me it helps so so much xxxxx take good care and will be thinking of you xxxx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply to

Hi i have all thedrugs you mentioned plus many more also large fans poor frank is shivering in bed whilst i have the fan directed on me xx

corriena profile image

Sorry to hear this sending you warm hugs and keeping you in my prayers

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply tocorriena

I thank youfor your kindness

CELAT06 profile image

My dearest friend, I'm so sorry to hear your health is still troubling you so, I send you my fondest, warmest thoughts and hope and pray things will improve for you soon. Much love , Christine, XXXX

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toCELAT06

I am so fed up of feeling il and finding everything astruggle hope for some respite soon xx

Good to hear from you Margaret. Hope they find you a comfortable place. 😘

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply to

Hi Don nice to hear from you I am So worried about everything its driving me crazy x

in reply toTime_2_drink

If it does drive you crazy Margaret you can join my club. 😀 You worry to much luv, just concentrate on happy things that have happened in your life and what could still happen. 😘

skischool profile image

Dear Margaret i do hope they can make you more comfortable and if no hospice space is available lets get you home with decent nursing care and some assistance for Frank.

wishing better times for you.

Ski's and Scruffy xx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toskischool

Just Been told no Beds at hospice yet so do i want to go in respite I Dont would rather go home xx

skischool profile image
skischool in reply toTime_2_drink

I think with the right sort of nursing care at home and some support for Frank you would be better off at home my dear.

love Ski's and Scruff's xx

newlands profile image

Hello Margaret so sorry to hear your still struggling with care .Do hope things will sort themselves out regarding your care

Look after yourself and we are all rooting for you

Lots love Dorothy xxx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply tonewlands

Thank you Dorothy thanks for your support xx

Katinka46 profile image

Dear Margaret

Thank you so very much for telling us how things are. You have created a very special place in our hearts for yourself. From your first posts with that cheeky user name, we all thought, “Eh oop, there’s a right one here.” You are so brave, gracious and funny. Whatever happens know that you are very special and precious.

Love and the gentlest of butterfly 🦋 hugs

Kate xxxx 💐🌈

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toKatinka46

So kind of you to post such lovely words thank you xx

peege profile image

Bless you Margaret for thinking of us!

We're all thinking of you with fondness and love. Peege xxx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply topeege

Thank you for your kindness reallynice to hear from you xxx

moogle profile image

I'm always thinking of you and sending my love.

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply tomoogle

So nice to be in your thoughtswith love

Kristicats profile image

Ahh Margaret, nice to hear from you. I do hope that the care you receive from now on will be better and enable you to be much more comfortable and improves your health .

Hope you both get as much support and care as you need and things start to be more positive. Your a real trouper chris x

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toKristicats

Thanks chris i will certainly get more rest at home than in hospital x

Carnival567 profile image

My dear Margaret, sorry to hear this. Thinking of you with love and sending many blessings xx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toCarnival567

Hi hope you doing ok to add to everything else i got very little physio after I broke my hip i walk sideways like a crab with a walker or clinging on to frank im a mess of wires from catheter now plus driver to get top up of morphine and other things and of course the oxygen I feel likea blooming puppet xx

Carnival567 profile image
Carnival567 in reply toTime_2_drink

How lovely to hear from you Margaret, you sound like a bionic woman, with all those wires etc! I hope you find the hospice care helpful. All the best to you and Frank xxx🌹

joyce74 profile image

I'm sure you will be well looked after if you get to stay in a hospice Margaret. And hope you can manage to keep in touch. You are missed.🌈💐🍀

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply tojoyce74

I know if i get a stay in hospice i will be well looked after when I went in for respite i was xx

joyce74 profile image
joyce74 in reply toTime_2_drink

Hope you are improving Margret, pleased you are up to getting in touch. Take care x

Candyred profile image

Huge massive hugs xx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toCandyred

Thanks so much x

Burbagegran profile image

Good luck and I really hope things take a turn for the better for you. You have lots of good people thinking good thoughts for you.

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toBurbagegran

I know and I really apreciate each one x

gingermusic profile image

Oh bless you, I am praying that you may well still improve and not feel this awful doom.

Stay positive and it can happen sending love and a hug to you x

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply togingermusic

I Do hope you areright x

Ergendl profile image

((((Hugs)))) Margaret. Thinking and praying for you xx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toErgendl

Thank you hugs and prayers welcome xx

Margaret_craft profile image

Thinking of you Margaret. Sending healing thoughts and comfort. Hope you feel better soon. 💐 x

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toMargaret_craft

Would be lovely to feel better than i do cant understand i take so many drugs but still have pain and terrible breathing issues and so so hot x

Kitten-kat23 profile image

I am so sorry. I truly hope something good happens. Keeping you in my thoughts. Sending hugs.

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toKitten-kat23

Thank you feeling the hugsxx

MoyB profile image

I have really missed you and so glad to hear from you now, but I'm sorry things haven't been going so well for you. I hope you get a nice comfy room in the hospice, or if not, good care package for home. You need the support and so does Frank. Hope he is ok. Will be thinking of you and wishing you well. xx Moy

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toMoyB

Doctor from hospice coming this week unfortunatley frank put it in his phone diary and lost it i prefer to use adiary wasnt feeling upto it so left it to frank now he is trying to find out when she coming also the matron he phoned her office today but she was off xxx

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toTime_2_drink

Oh dear! I hope Frank is able to find out when the doctor is coming or he will be afraid to go out anywhere for fear of missing him/her. With luck, he'll get hold of the matron tomorrow. I do hope all works out ok for you. Take care. xx Moy

katieoxo60 profile image

Lovely to hear from you even though it is not particular good news. Stay calm and all will work out best for you and your health situation. Take care, every best wish and hope you can get back home if that is what you want. Take each day as it comes and enjoy what you can. Every best wish xxx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply tokatieoxo60

I am Back home now its been one hell of a year hope you ok xx

Bronchi1 profile image

I don't know you, but I feel for you.......x

maggiewhiteley profile image

Oh my dear friend I am sending you the warmest of hugs and the best of hope for you to be comfortable and safe, kindest of thoughts to Frank too xxxx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply tomaggiewhiteley

Thank you maggie nice to hear fromyou I am going to put apost out tomorrow hopefully xxx

pegbl profile image

Thinking of you and hoping with all my heart things turn out for the best. Love and my prayers to you and Frank xxx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply topegbl

What a lovely message thank you xx

helenlw7 profile image

It’s lovely to hear from you, Margaret. We’ve all missed you. So sorry you aren’t able to share any better news. I do hope there’s a hospice bed for you.

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply tohelenlw7

Hi Helen sorry taken so long to reply nice to hear from you x

Rebecca6 profile image

Wishing you all the best. God bless xxx

Izb1 profile image

Thank you Margaret for the update and thinking of us at a worrying time. I hope you get the care you deserve and need. Love and hugs. Irene x

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toIzb1

Thank you irene x

Clarice91 profile image

All your friends will be thinking about you.Big hug and xxxx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toClarice91

Yes it is so lovely to know so many lovely people are rooting for me as i am them x

Samjeff profile image

Thinking of you with warmest wishes 💐. Sam

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toSamjeff

Sorry reply so late Back in my own Bed 😷

Corin1950 profile image

Dear Margaret

What a surprise to open todays email and see Time-2-drink at last and sorry to read your news. Am thinking of you and sending you and Frank warmest wishes .


Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toCorin1950

Thank you corin I am hoping to put a post out in the next day or so x

mskpjb profile image

Stay strong Margaret. I find myself in a very similar situation now. I hope you get good nursing care if they send you home and some help for Frank. God bless, Sheila xx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply tomskpjb

Hope tihings bearable for you takecare xx

Offcut profile image

Hope you are out soon feeling a lot better !

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toOffcut

Thank you woud be lovely to have a change of circumstances and just feel somewhat better 😷

Caspiana profile image

Hello Margaret.

I am sorry as this must be distressing for you and for Frank. I know I for one, used to have a rather negative view of hospice care. It wasn't until someone I love dearly was looking into hospice care that I understood it offers such a wide range of support like rehabilitation, massages, pain control, psychological support, spiritual support and vital support for family members.

I hope that whether you get a bed in hospice care or home nursing, you will be comfortable and stress free. We are all thinking of you. 🍀


Cas xx 🙋🐕

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toCaspiana

Thank you cas yes the staff at hospice are marvelous at momment District nurses coming in Daily xx

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply toTime_2_drink

Very good news Margaret. I am so glad you are getting proper care. xx 🙋

Damon1864 profile image

Hi Margaret hopefully you will be able to get back home soon. You take care .

😊 Bernadette xx

Lindy-loo1949 profile image

Oh dear well you are so kind to let us know how you are doing. I hope you make it out and go home. In the meantime I hope you will be able to enjoy the autumn colors while staying warm and cozy. Blessings Margaret.

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toLindy-loo1949

Hi Back in my own Bed nurses coming daily 😷

Oh Margaret, so sorry my dear..

As long as you are cosy and comfy..


Fran xx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply to

Thank you fran x

in reply toTime_2_drink

Lovely to hear you are home and the District nurses are kind.

Thinking of you as always 🌺

Fran xx

primrose123 profile image

God bless you,Margaret,you are in all our thoughts &

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toprimrose123

Please keep me in your prayers x

Aingeful profile image

I am new to this site but your post really moved me. Sending you big hugs and wishing you the best of

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toAingeful

Pleased to meet you thank you for your kindness xxx

Fionafish profile image

Sorry to hear about your health - sending love and best wishes x

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toFionafish

Thank you for your kindness x

Im sorry to hear your news Margaret. I hope you are able to get good quality care at home so you can relax and recover. Frank must be missing you. Wishing you all the very best 💐💐

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply to

I think i have spent more time inhospital tis year than i have at home xxx

Dedalus profile image

Sorry for this latest news Margaret. Hope your stay in hospice will be temporary and get you home soon. Hugs and best wishes x

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply toDedalus

Back home District nurse comes dailyunfortunatleyI have started having panic attacks again I was working to getting back to Breatheasy havent been since may or antwhere else other the hospital hope you doing ok x

Dedalus profile image
Dedalus in reply toTime_2_drink

Great that you're home Margaret. One step at a time - its natural you're feeling insecure at the moment, but you'll get there - you've made it this far. Don't rush to get back to Breatheasy or elsewhere; just enjoy being back home with your loved ones for the moment and the rest will follow. All very best wishes and hugs xxx

Shaurene profile image

Well, Time_2_drink, let's all have a drink with you. Just go on as best you can, nothing will change. I suffered bad with my chest and breathing and pain there. I live in Thailand and get Cronic Broncitis a lot. I am from New Zealand And went back to see my son and 2 grandchildren. I was so bad I thought not long now. I went and had a private body scan and 2 modals showed in top right lung. Specialist said not cancer, probably some old flem stuck there. Same what I believed. Stopped smoking now 7 weeks and do not caugh, just a very little bit, hardly take my puffers any more and my breathing great. I did expect the scan to show the big C. But no. I just go on now and enjoy and wait for the time. It does not bother me. If your time is up that's it.

Keep your pecker up. 76 now and want to get to my 80, I will. I took up a hobby and am now an author, first book ski/Fi now published as eBook.

Just done a special it is FREE for a short time. My 2nd book in the series is close to finishing. Go onto Google and type in SMASHWORDS. Then in the search column type in my book name. "The Earth God Cometh" nothing to do with religion. Please all, download it to your phone, your pad or computer. A good FREE book to read while you are all laying down to rest.

Love to all. Ken

Hacienda profile image

I do hope you can settle a little Better now your Home, Dear Margaret, and Your Frank is coping. I also go to Breathe Easy Classes twice a week. When I came out of Hospital in June it took awhile to get to a good level to return to classes, take it slowly Margaret, one day at a time. Love n Hugs. xxxx

Time_2_drink profile image

I do hope that i will make it to another breathe easy class although i am scared to go out and nurses say i am not well enough yet. Also i wont be abLe to do the full class because of time nurses come theyhave diabetics tosee first xx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply toTime_2_drink

Thinking of you as always Margaret. Take care xxxx

You must be physic Margaret..........I have been reading posts about you and wondering how you were when the little red bell sign appeared at the top of the page Signalling that I had a message and it was from you!! Talk about being surprised!! Lol.

Wishing you all the very best. Hope you feel a lot better soon. 🍀💐🌝

Shazrab profile image

I’m sorry to hear your so unwell I will keep you in my prayers 🌹🌹

katieoxo60 profile image

Hi Magaret, this post is a bit confused but glad to here you are home , hope this good news continues. Sorry for delay in reply only just got your news on my daily updates. take care and stay as well as can be xx

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply tokatieoxo60

Thanks kate

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply toTime_2_drink

Your welcome and hope the coming months are better for both of us xx

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