Brilliant news today , husband had an invitation by text this lunchtime to get the covid vaccine , he is 73 and has emphysema. We have been worrying about getting it because he hasn’t been out of the house since being hospitalised last year ,he can just about manage to walk from one room to another ,we have no transport and he has had no contact with anyone apart from me and the Gp ( for flu jab) since last March. We have heard nothing regarding arrangements for the housebound so when he got the text I rang the Gp for advice. I was told he would be put on a list and someone would contact him in the next few weeks . At 3.00pm we received a call to say he was on the list and would be able to have the vaccine at home this weekend ! This is such a relief for us and I hope everyone in the same position has the same opportunity ASAP Horrible news everywhere at the moment but there really is light at the end of the tunnel , stay positive, stay safe everyone 😊 xx
Good News on vaccine for the housebound - Lung Conditions C...
Good News on vaccine for the housebound

That is great news for your husband. Take care both. Xxxx
Excellent! That is good news! I'm hoping I will be able to have mine at home too as housebound as well. I'm also hoping that they will vax my husband at the same time as he is my carer.. He is a healthy 73 year old but has to go shopping and take the dog out and other essential runs so he is at greater risk than me.
I think there’s been another post about this ie is a spouse caring for the wife/ husband officially classed as a carer and entitled to the vac at same time ? from what I’ve seen on here , sadly they’re not ☹️ I haven’t gone into it though because I’m fit, healthy and in my late 60’s so probably no chance but it would make more sense . A doctor on tv asked the question said “ yes it makes sense but would be a logistical nightmare “ 🤷🏻♀️ Hope you get yours soon anyway xx
Yes, I believe I saw that post myself and you're probably right but it's worth asking as we're both in our seventies, in other words same age group, and we are both in the same doctors surgery. Logistically-wise I can't see why that should be a problem but we all know bureaucracy doesn't work on a commonsense basis. 😃😃 Good luck to you and your husband!
Great News for you Both, This is what I also should have, Jab at Home, I'm waiting to Hear. Thank you for letting us know. Love C. XXXX
Fantastic news. So glad this vaccine process is rolling out to so many vulnerable people. Keep safe, good wishes to you.
Good news re home vaccination , that must have been a great relief xx
What a load off your minds. Take care xx
Wonderful news.
Thank you for the good news , housebound are supposed to be done at home however many are not , some are being taken by volunteer drivers and injected in the car. Hope all goes well for your husband , stay safe x
Wonderful news! I’m sure it will go smoothly and you will feel more comfortable afterwards.
Good news. Hope everything goes smoothly for your husband.
Thank you for posting about the vaccine and your experiences. I am finding that the initial prompt in life seems to reap results for our loved ones! Here is a verse to cheer us all up. Believe in Yourself. Believe in yourself and in your dream though impossible things may seem. Someday, somehow you'll get through to the goal you have in view. Mountains fall and seas divide before the one who in his stride takes a hard road day by day, sweeping obstacles away. Believe in yourself and in your plan. Say not - I cannot - but I can. At the end of the rainbow lies your pot of gold. Do not give up, see your dreams unfold. xx 😍😍😍

I hope you don’t mind , I have screenshot your verse so that I can write it out later As a child I was obsessed with drawing and painting, from grammar school I went on to study art and design but left the course to marry at 18 and after two children found there was no time for my childhood passion In the fifty years since I have tried many times to get back that crazy excitement of having a pencil in my hand and a blank piece of paper in front of me but I’ve never felt I could produce anything “ good enough “ My heart said “just enjoy “ and my head said “ why are you wasting time when your no good “ Just two weeks ago I steeled myself once again and actually enjoyed drawing and painting and produced something I was pleased with . I’ve been spurred on and I can feel inspiration slowly building in me 😃 I shall frame this verse and hang it above my desk , thank you xx

So inspirational! 🦋
What an inspiring story. So many of our early dreams get put on hold when we become immersed in the day to day pattern of life. It is the little steps in life that matter most and you have made them already. Enjoy your renewed passion. xx
Really good news. 😄