Went into hospital last year for a routine knee operation. Was given Atricarium and could'nt breathe tried to let him know and went black. Id stopped breathing completely and ended up on a machine having to breathe for me. Id had an asthma attack. Was put in intensive care. No operation. Had my op later after testing. Was numbed from waist down. Was told id had a severe anaphalaxis levels were 160 which indicates true reading. I just cant get out of my mind what happened to me. Was told its extremely rare.
Severe Anaphalaxis, asthma, allergies... - Lung Conditions C...
Severe Anaphalaxis, asthma, allergies and haemophilus influenzae

How absolutely terrible for you, Pwkav1. So glad you’re through now!
If you don’t mind me asking, what is Atricarium....an anaesthetic? Penny x
Thankyou. Yes its a muscle relaxant they give you before the anaesthetic. It was the first and only thing i was given as had reaction within seconds. It was over a year ago now but just cant shift it off my mind. When i was woken up i was shaking all over and had heat blown in the bed. Had rash marks all over tops of my arms too and a shock period for a month. I was 49 when it happened. It was such a shock and i know for about almost 5 hours was being looked after and worked on as had to reverse what they gave me. Thankyou Karen.
Omg how absolutely terrifying that must have been for you. I’m not surprised it stays on your mind. Must be depressing constantly being reminded of it though. I find if something comes into my mind I don’t want to think about I just say to myself NO several times and count my breathing in and out and heypresto thoughts have gone.
Hi Gladwyn thankyou, i did have to have breathing exercises from the hospital that treated me as i still had to go ahead with my operation. It helped me go ahead with having pain relief in my spine to numb my legs. I was put on the ward i was on a year earlier and the nurses remembered me. I was meant to go back on the ward after op but didnt come back and they remembered i kept asking for the anesthetist that day and i didnt get to see him till i went down. I was told you will see him when you go in anyway. By the time my husband was told anything after 4 hours the anesthestist saw him and my husband said he looked shocked. I think they had a hard time intubating me with a tube that didnt work so ended up on a breathing machine. And yes i do try breathing if im feeling breathless as im asthmatic anyway. I do feel bit better than last year. I have to wear a bracelet carry a letter in my bag plus its on my phone also. Thankyou so much for the advice too Gladwyn.
Hello Pwkav1
I was wondering how you are? Thank you for your response a few days ago. My advice was pretty futile in your circumstances . I’m sorry it was all I could do. I do hope there has been some improvement . :))
Hi Gladwyn, thankyou so much for asking. Im actually coping as its been just over a year now. It will never leave me as i knew before i was put out there was something wrong but they did do their best to reverse what i was given and turns out i had the most severest anaphalaxis. Was told by a doctor i could get ptsd in future but im coping ok a the minute as have few other major health concerns that are ongoing. I do my best to try to keep well but swings and roundabouts. I could write a book. It was not my only close call ive had 2 as ive been failed by drs 4 yrs ago also. Im just unlucky i suppose but on the otherhand lucky to still be here. Got to keep positive. Hope your ok also. Xxx
In comparison to you Pwkav1 I'm doing ok. I have various issues some that affect my breathing but thankfully have never been in the situations you have so I'm feeling very fortunate. 😃
Wishing you all the best and hope you safe healing times with no more terrifying incidents. 🍀