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Chest infection / I've got haemophilus influenzae and streptococcus pneumoniae bug ....

Discobarbie profile image
5 Replies

Hi ... so I've been feeling pretty unwell for a while , I had a chest infection in June ... recovered but still felt pretty tired. Went on holiday the end of July and had episodes of feeling lightheaded, ive developed some unusual bruising also. The doctor after sending me for blood tests thought it could be related to the chest infection I had in June. After sending a phlegm sample it has come back I have haemophilus influenzae and streptococcus pneumonia.

My simpotms seem to be getting worse though, and don't seem chest related other than shortness of breath ... I'm having confusion (coming out with the wrong words) blurry vision and just general feeling of being really really ill and strange. No temp, I'm not achy but feel weak and my palms and feet are clanmmy.

I'm 39 with good health , I exercise four times a week and eat well. I'm just concerned with feeling lightheaded of passing out as I have a two year old child. The doctor doesn't seem concerned however, has given me another course of antibiotics and a chest X-ray form for Monday if I'm not feeling any better.

Sorry for long message , I'd really appreciate some feedback if anyone has any.


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5 Replies

Hi it can take months to recover from pneumonia ALSO if just started antibiotics can take a tad for them to kick in start working.

As to clamy hands might be STREES n WORRY but I would keep eye out for any rash that look's like friction burns or you think is from cloths rubbing on shoulders as that could be sign of sepsis.

With sepsis you pee less and heart as speed wobbles BUT I doubt you have that.

BUT if you do see rash and more short of breath I would go A&E ... Worry STREES can be if not worse than condition it's self espicaly if have young family I would defo go for xray IF only to put your mind at rest.

Hope ya start feeling better and antibiotcs kick in

Discobarbie profile image
Discobarbie in reply to

Hi JeffAjaxSmith ... thanks for replying to me , it is a worry with small children to look after. I think cause I've never been ill this has really wiped me out, but from reading other posts people have far worse to deal with.

The bruises the doctor said were hemoglobin bruises (I'm not sure of the spelling). But the other symptoms probably are stress and worry. I just want to be better now as I have a busy life.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to me ...

in reply to Discobarbie

Defo know what worry illness can be I WAS working and it just struck me out of the blue.

With pneumonia your body Suffered terrible assault and dose take time to recover SO just take things slower n more relaxed.

I bruise easy too but I think is down to lack of vitamin D and or is caused by my steroid inhaler.

Might be worth a aak about TSH On Blood test

peege profile image

Hi, sorry to hear all this. Beware, chronic infections can take ages to get over, especially as you've been unwell since June.

GPs! Grrr. You don't have to go back to the same one, some can see the bigger picture and treat you accordingly. Probably the first antibiotic didn't work. Be sure to go back on the last day of antibiotics because they may not be enough this time either - once I was back and forth for 5 months, continuous infections, continuous antibiotics. It's taken years to rebuild my immune system.

Please be very very good to yourself (difficult I know with little children). Rest when you can, sleep as well & long as possible, eat as healthily as you can, take extra vitamins, minerals & probiotics. Invest in your recovery, you're worth it.

Wishing you the best, P

Discobarbie profile image
Discobarbie in reply to peege

Thank you for your reply also ... I'm going to go along for the chest X-ray just to be on the safe side. If i don't feel it's clearing up I'll see another doctor, some of them make you feel like your being a pain. I've lived with asthma all my life , I never go to the doctors with anything.

I do eat really well , I'm quite healthy and do boxing / and circuit style fitness four times a week. I've been giving it a miss this week to try to let my self recover , but I'm hoping to be back to it In a couple of weeks. I'll take your advice though and let myself have as much rest as I can :-) thank you

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