My partner, 18 now, mentioned he had pneumonia as a child and recovered. He now links that to his current cough.
We've been dating for 9 months, and he began coughing around the 5 month mark.
He says the cough comes and goes, sometimes it stays for weeks, sometimes months, sometimes he doesn't have a cough at all. I've seen some pretty bad coughing fits, it sounds very dry and like it's from deep in his lungs.
He mentioned his doctor once told him he had slight lung scarring, but I don't have anymore information than that.
He's around 6ft, weighs the same as I do (69kg), and doesn't eat much meat (around 20% meat to 80% vegetables/fruit).
I'm recommending we go back to see his doctor for advice, but I was wondering if there was anyway to alleviate his coughs. He likes to use, I'm not sure, organic(?) or 'alternative' products (I've recently purchased him some Eucalyptus oil for steaming like my grandmother used to do for my colds/asthma), but I'm adamant that if it's in any way serious I'm taking him to get medical help immediately.
Thanks for reading xx Hope there's a way to help him.