My doctor put me on ventilin for susupected copd until I have tests. Anyway I Went to A&E because I was really struggling to breath even with the ventilin and was told I'm fine. My pulse ox is 100%, my bp perfect, and no temp, clear breaths with a stethoscope. Was then told I'm suffering anxiety. 'Of course I'm suffering anxiety, I can't breath properly!!!! They basically sent me home the same but with a diagnosis of anxiety. Not one blood test. Anyway the next day I felt even worse and my sister came round and took one look at my grey complexion and blue lips and called the ambulance. 2 hours later and several checks and ecgs, was told everything looks fine apart from a flutter on the heart tracing. Clear chest, air going in and out, perfect bp, 100% pulse ox. The ambulance men could see how ill I looked but said if they take me to hospital, the hospital will just do more of the same checks and tell you your fine and send you home again. The ambulance guys were great actually and agreed that something was wrong with me but the hospital won't do anything because well, I'm basically still breathing even tho it's diminished. My ventilin inhaler takes about 1-2 hours to kick in. I thought the blue one was fast acting? How can the NHS just leave you struggling to breath? Is it normal occurrence with people fighting for breath and being told they're fine?
Made to Feel like a complete hypo! - Lung Conditions C...
Made to Feel like a complete hypo!

Do you just have the 1 inhaler? or do you have the other ones too? I don't use them myself but both my partner and dad use them from my understanding the blue one is the fast acting use when you need them type ones, and the brown ones should be used once/twice a day to prevent you needing the blue one at all?
Did they test your lung capacity?
I know they said it's anxiety but have you had anxiety before this? could be a mild panic attack? though from what your saying it sounds like it's lasting for longer periods than that?
From my experience with panic attacks it's more short bursts of problems than something that lasts hours, though I understand it's different for everybody.. if you're not satisfied I'd recommend getting another doctors appointment and getting a second opinion
I had a lung function test some months ago and all they said was that you're not exhaling enough! Nobody ever mentioned copd or anything like that. I can even remember what percent my lungs were at. I was just told to exercise more which made me a little angry as I've been exercising all my life and being preached to by this person. I went to my doctors with increasing breathlessness which only used to happen at night for a few minutes but was now happening during day and he gave me a blue inhaler until I had tests and they could find the cause. I do suffer from anxiety but this is different. I've been having 2-3 attacks of breathlessness while doing nothing and they last hours desipite having 2-3 puffs of the inhaler when it get bad. It takes hours for my breathlessness to fade and I'm left feeling exhausted
Check this link I use my reliever every 30/60sec up to 10 times..usually feel less tight after 6 times nowadays..
Poor Angie..they need to investigate further..they’ve got no time for that in A&E..they check your stats and when it is normal for them they let you out.
Anxiety is the answer to everything these days..there can be so many reasons why you are breathless, I can’t say..
Why don’t you phone the BLF helpline for advice?
Wishing you better days x
Can you ring the BLF helpline on 03000 030 555, they can advise you as can Asthma UK.
I wonder how many puffs of Ventolin you are taking a day.....I take a brown preventer inhaler as well. NICE have guidlines as to its use, how many puffs you should use without a preventer.
I have a problem with Ventolin.....but that's just me....other people are fine.
I can be extremely breathless, with a really tight chest but my blood oxygen levels can be OK.
Did they give you a peak flow test with a meter to see what your lung capacity was.....that reading shows me when my breathing is deteriorating
In the past I have gone to A and E and been told I was ok, even though I wasn't.....went back the same day, saw a different doctor and was given treatment.
Can you ring your surgery today and tell them your symptoms , or 111, or go back to A and E if you feel really bad. Don't be afraid to make a shouldn't be suffering without help.
If you get your current symptoms under control , then you should be offered help with your anxiety and disordered breathing pattern.
Please ring for help today.
Good luck , that's what the NHS is there help, don't worry about feeling a hypo or making a fuss.
Hi Angie, are you hyperventilating, do you think? If you have another episode i would try breathing into a paperbag for a few minutes until your breathing settles and returns to normal. If it does not work you will know it is not anxiety which is causing your breathing problem. I should get yourself to the doctors asap. You could also try ringing 111 and telling them how you feel. Good luck Maximonkey