I moved to a lower elevation so my oxygen would be better. It is a little better. Had a CT scan done 3 months ago and they found a nodule in left lung. So they followed up with another one last Thurs. I dknt know the results until tomorrow. Anxious... My PFT was a little worse than back in 2013 but I had 5 lung infections before and after I moved due to stress.. stress and grief literally have the ability to make me deathly ill because my lungs take the hit. Wondering if anyone else goes thru this. I had to leave a 13 year relationship to breathe. . It almost killed me. Hoping tomorrows CT results arent bad, and my sense of humor returns, cuz I miss me.
PFT and CT Scan follow up after nodul... - Lung Conditions C...
PFT and CT Scan follow up after nodule appearance

Good luck for tomorrow, hope your results are good. It sure is a demanding thing this copd. One day up two days down. Hopefully I will be prescribed biologics tomorrow at my hospital so as I sit in the waiting area I'll think of you.( oops.time difference, ) jane
Lisa, please keep us posted. All Best Wishes to You! judg69
Good luck for today. Let us know how you get on.
Most of the time the nodules are just benign, try not to worry too much. I have been in the same place as you quite a few times, I have 6 inactive nodules. Fingers crossed for you, good luck.
Hi Lisa, back in 2014 , I had a c.f. scan , and found 1,8mm sub plural nodule , 3 months after, found another nodule , another 8mm sub plural , had a 9 month scan , and all is good now . What a worrying time , I made myself worse by surfing the net. Trust your health professionals, if there is any doubt they will have you in straight away .
Thankyou brian, Ive been worried but grateful the nodule has resolved. It was there 10 years and had grown to 9mm. I had respiratory failure 2008 and 2009 and noticed in the report 10 years later about the nodule. It said to follow up back then but thete was alot going on and I didnt catch it. There was much opacities as well and now therd is a little less. The lower left lobe is worse. Anyway, thanks for replying. Im so glad to have found this forum. Sorry, dont know what its called. Health unlocked? Hope you are doing well 😊
Hey try not too worry too much,i too had a nodule funnily enough on my left lung,they scanned it again 3mths later and it had gone,im sure you will have the same outcome....good luck
Had CT for nodules & all turned out non sinster 😊
After having this nodule 10 years and it was 9mm, it seems to have resolved itself! Im so relieved and happy cuz he said if it hadnt they were going to biopsy it. I didnt get all good news but determined to improve, improve, improve. They cant figure out why I get pneumonia 5-6 times a year. So next time I get sick, which comes on fast and furious I cannot take antibiotics until he, the pulmonologist, wants to go in my lungs and grab whatever bacteria is laying in the lower lobes to identify it and kill it once and for all. Doxycycline makes me better, but is not killing the bacteria totally. Makes sense, I just hope it doesnt happen during a weekend or I wont be doin so well by the time he sees me. But for now, Yay!! Thanks for caring everyone. I am new on this and wish I found it sooner. Thanks again ✌👣😎💕
Absolutly great news! All the Best! judg69