Just before and during an excaberation, do you experience a strange smell? Maybe an infection smell ?
Strange Smells: Just before and during... - Lung Conditions C...
Strange Smells

I tend to get an awful taste in my mouth that's how lknow I've got an infection. 😊 Bernadette xx
I concur with that observation, a real bad taste is what I experience, but taste and smell are interlinked.
Absolutely. In fact I have brought it up at meetings in the past as a symptom of exacerbatioin, but clinicians have never chosen to put it amongst the symptoms for bronchiectasis.
I used to be able to differentiate what bacteria I was growing from the taste/smell, along with the pattern it was taking. With strep p my mucus woud be it’s usual pale green (but with subtle dirty overtones I recognised). It had a taste/s I recognised and woud get a sample down and start abs. By tea time I would be in full blown exacerbation and my temp would quickly climb to 40 and gunk would become dark and filthy.
In comparison HI had a different taste/s and my temp, although high, usually 38+ would rise quickly and sputum would become dark and filthy quickly.
Such is the beast of bronchiectasis it now apprears to have changed it’s pattern competely and I can no longer differentiate the taste/s I get and/or the pattern.
I believe it to be an ignored symptom of exacerbation by clinicians.
Dogs can be trained to warn their owners of the onset of certain health conditions, presumably by their highly developed sense of smell. So It wouldn’t surprise me if I could train my dog to tell me when to start taking my antibiotics if I knew how to go about it.
Yes, I have. Glad to know others experience it too.
Strangely I have experienced a smell like bonfires/ burning.