Well I was sitting on my chair enjoying the sunshine on this historic day until I smelt barbecue smoke now I'm indoors on my bloody own while my neighbours all social distancing but outside I can't stand the smoke smell only started recently can't tolerate smells that's me looking like a unsociable neighbour ruined my day I can't stop people having barbecues I'm so annoyed Billy no mates here who else suffers from smell intolerance
Smells: Well I was sitting on my chair... - Lung Conditions C...

I should imagine all of us๐ฉ

Not good ay๐ข
Oh dear, what can be done about it? Buy them a gas-fired BBQ to show what a kind generous neighbour you are? Or warn them if they donโt get one you will get your hosepipe out? Or just carry on as you are doing getting comfort from knowing that all us wimps on here are doing the same.๐x

I hate the smoke!!!! BBQS are fine if you live in the middle of a field but so anti social if you live in a housing estate with close neighbours. I would like to have a large garden BBQ to cook steaks etc on but I don't get one because of the smoke and annoyance it would cause the neighbours. There again it would also maybe encourage them to get one! ๐
Personally I dont mind the smell - its the fact that the smoke contains particulates which mess with our lungs. That's my gripe.
Sorry you've been forced indoors Itsmeagain!
So sorry that your day has been spoilt. I would have had to go indoors too in the same situation. I used to love wood smoke and barbecues but can't cope with them any more.
Oh bless it's not nice is it hope u had a nice day today
I was fortunate enough to sit out in my garden today without the smell of smoke. My garden backs into an A road and what annoyed me was listening to motor bikes racing past well above the speed limit. Essential journeys? I think not.
I hope that you fare better tomorrow before the temperatures drop. xx
Thank you yes we have a idiot in the next road revving his supped up car noisy seems not everybody enjoys peace and quiet and smoke free days why is it the sun comes out and all the idiots come out to I have noisy cars bikes and people sure a lot of parents also deaf these days too times have changed and not for the better roll on good days pls ๐
I don't mind the aroma of a gently cooking steak,it just makes me jealous but my neighbour has recently bought a barbeque and uses huge amount of the lighting fluid and the fumes I find unbearable and have to get indoors as quickly as I can.I have to close the windows too.I get really annoyed as I cannot go out as i'm in the shielded group and I need to get some fresh air.
I can empathise with you xx
The great british public have always been shit at doing bbq's hence the need for gas bbq's or trying to burn the wrong types of charcol with the aid of petrloeum based products.we should take guidance from other nations,particularly those who have pleasant enough climates all year round,Argentina is a good example where those skills have been passed down over many generations.
It smells like really strong exhaust fumes and is around for ages.You should not be allowed to have a barbeque when you are in a terraced house.They only have a tiny back yard and if their back door is open the house must be full of smoke too xx
So sorry why do people have to be so selfish no need to use loads my neighbour was surprised to hear why I had to go in today hope that means they won't have their usual barbecue during the summer fingers crossed your neighbours won't either
Maybe...I would get the strimmer out at 7 am. When they mention it, as they will, you could let them know that you were wanting to use it the day before but put off by the BBQ. If they donโt bring it up youโll have had the delight of waking them up after a heavy night ๐
Oh no Itsmeagain1 ,
I don't mind the smell of BBQ so much as long as the smoke is not wafting directly towards me. But I understand your discomfort. And I'm sorry your day was spoilt. People who really know how to BBQ do not use lighting fluid. Horrid smell too. Take care and I hope you have a better day today. xx ๐๐ฟ๐ผ๐
It's the smell of cooking meat that makes me want to vomit.
I agree. It is the particulants in the smoke that concern me. I hate bad smells. It takes away my enjoyment of being outside in the garden. Donโt get me started on the wood burner along the road! ๐
Trouble is people aren't concerned if it causes anyone else problems and even if they did I very much doubt they would stop lighting them anyway problem is these days we are all too comfined in squaty little gardens as all these awful new estates being built everywhere so there's no escape cheerful person aren't I
Hi its difficult for me too with the smoke and breathing in the fumes,can be a nightmare as the summer approaches.
Hi you have all my sympathy, barbecues, wood burning fires, traffic fumes especially diesel and perfume and that's only outside. Inside no more candles, room fresheners or the cleaning products I used to use. It makes life harder (breathing itself is difficult) and sometimes I wonder is there any joy in living. But I am 73 have 3 adult children and 6 grandchildren, can't wait for the day they can come into my house give me a cuddle and go for my own shopping. Just come out of a big black cloud and hoping I can keep feeling a little up beat. Gosh that was a whinge and a half. Take care stay safe. Mags
Not a winge but so true of all of us suffering with a lung disease I wish I had a magic wand I'd stop all illnesses all pain no cruelty for animals we have a I couldn't care less society these days I was told if I caught this virus or any infection I wouldn't be ventilated imagine what that does for your mental health let alone your physical one I stopped smoking 10 weeks ago feel complete crap I am wondering with all this going on why I choose to stop I'm shielding from 2 maths ago to at least the 30th June on my own ๐ข
Hi. I understand your need to go inside. Our neighbour has discovered that the new easy lighting coals are very smoky and has gone and bought normal coals. Very considerate. My husband wants an outdoor log burner and was a bit uppity when I said it wouldnโt be good for my lungs or air pollution!!
I used to use my gas fired BBQ everytime the sun came out, cooking steaks,ribs,burgers and sausages, for the family, when they used to come over, alas and alack, no longer anywhere near one due to being on oxygen 24/7. But my next door neighbour has a charcoal fired BBQ. But it's the smell of the lighting fluid that really affects my lungs, as having advanced interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, it really plays havoc with my breathing, so I too have to go indoors out of the sunshine.
I guess we all sympothise with you. Take care and God bless you.
I have to go in and shut all the doors and windows and restrict myself to the front of the house. I have to wear a ffp3 mask just to go into the kitchen because I can smell smoke in there which comes in through the back room chimney. As if life wasnโt restrictive enough when suffer with a respiratory illness
Totally agree and yes I can still smell the smoke after shutting up everything not fair ๐ข
I do.
Very sympathetic - have been on the beach, in the past and as I'm coming of the beach get hit by loads of barbecue smells. Automatic breathlessness!
My neighbours have also taken to having barbecues and one neighbour, I think probably in desperation, burnt a mattress - that smell persisted throughout the next day.
It makes me really cross and I think I'm becoming totally intolerant, but to be honest I never could tolerate these smells, even when I was younger.
Another smell that makes me run, albeit very slowly, is hairspray and spray deodorants.
OOh I am an old grouch!
yes...I do....chemicals, perfumes,
cigs, cigars....face creams....its horrible...seems to be getting worse.
Im open to suggestions.
Totally sympathise. Obviously alot of us have the same problem with strong smells and fumes. You are doing brilliantly with the stopping smoking. Hope you start to feel better soon. X
I'm okay with most barbecues but my neighbour lights his with something smelly. It never smells like others do, it often emits acrid black smoke. The smell reminds me of badly trimmed paraffin heaters. (We had paraffin heaters when I was a child - my father was not very practical so the wicks were often in need of a good trim).
His grown up children visit (yes even through lockdown) so cigarette smoke and foul smelling barbecues are unfortunately frequent.
Even though we have asked politely for a warning, especially if we have washing out, he just goes his own sweet way.
Our other neighbours are thankfully very different.
That's just dammright ignorant although mine don't give me a heads up either I wasn't very welcoming here anyway that was nearly 10 yrs ago !!! I wasn't from the village was told outright by neighbour that it took me a few orders from his wife for Avon she was doing 7 yrs later to even talk to me I've been trying to move for ages isn't it any wonder I fell out with another neighbour after she screamed at my grandson who was 10 that he was nasty not playing with her kids he was playing with all of them haven't spoke to her since rude woman she told the next door Brazilian lady to go back to where she came from after telling her kids of for the appantly same thing at least she got a apology would anyone on this site blame me for wanting to move ?
Oh my favourite soapbox!! I am in the shielded group and any BBQs ,rubbish burning,building work has me stuck in with windows closed. I sit there with murder in my heart!! I even went on a local radio phone in to plead with people not to do it ( unless they can prevent their smoke affecting me!) Before lockdown it tended to be just weekends,now it's any day of the week! I have e mailed my MP , Councillor ,Environmental Health and the Fire Service!
You must live in my neck of the wood - not just barbecues - but garden fires (even though Council have announced it should be avoided). The smell is terrible and affects my COPD/allergies- but on top of that (unfortunately it's the modern thing) I have to put up with wood burners being lit every evening as it gets cooler.
Sometimes I wonder about these modern trends...!