After an exacerbation of my Bronchiectasis I feel so weak and washed out. What’s everybody’s favoured way of getting their strength back?
Getting strength back: After an... - Lung Conditions C...
Getting strength back

After a ten day stint on ventilator in intensive care couple of years bronchiectasis flare up because of Psudamonis I was also found to be dehydrated since then I buy those huge vacuum packs of bottledays water..not a cure by any means but it definitely helps,I live in sheltered accommodation and tap water not very of luck and health..Ger
Ment couple of years ago
Thanks Ger. dehydration probably has a lot to do with it. I’ll try drinking more water.
If you are that tired are you getting help from your surgery with treatment and follow-up??
Some recovery tips I use:
Rest but sitting down, alternate rest with walking a little around the flat/home, doing small chores.
Drinking fluids, little meals if you feel you can’t eat much. Favour protein based food like cooked chicken, and carbohydrates like potatoes, rice or pasta.
Cooked vegetables or soup.
Stewed fruit.
When you feel you can, get some fresh air.
Take care of yourself.

Thank you Happylondon. I just get to a point where I can’t tell if I still feel ill because of the exacerbation, the abs are making me feel bad or I’ve just been too long in bed. 😊 I wobble to the bathroom like a 90 year old.
😊 Maybe ask for a home visit if you feel wobbly and/or still breathless?
Sometimes we don’t want to bother the GP or the nurse again but a check-up won’t hurt..Doctor will listen to your chest and know if you feel low because of the abs or sthg else so phone on Monday?😉

I have a phone consultation booked with my GP on Monday when he’s back from holiday so I’ll see how I am then. 😊 thanks
Hope it works for you, sorry my first thought was how is he going to listen to your chest, take your blood pressure etc but I suppose it is like a triage, he will decide if you need to come in after your chat.
Good luck on Monday 😊
Hey! Watch it! I don't intend to start "wobbling" in only 3 years time.
I’m usually very active and work hard on renovating our houseboat so I find this frustrating. 😊
I completely understand how frustrating this is for you - I used to be full of energy and beans too.
This is what I do, take a 20 to 50 billion prebiotic capsule for weeks during and after taking abs. Extra vitamin c, usually effervesant in a pint of water (extra fluids) and most important, pace myself, never doing too much too soon (this is very hard to follow). I've decided next time to get a bottle of Floradix tonic to give an extra boost.
Good luck to you and the houseboat - and if you find anything else that works please do let me know! Peege
I always take Floradix after being ill. I find it very good. I’ll try your other suggestions too. Thank you. X
Do you recommend any particular brand of prebiotic capsules? I just looked on the internet and got confused. 😐
I take ispaghula husk fiber as a prebiotic everyday
and lactose, gluten-free acidophilus from Solgar as a probiotic when I am on antibiotics and finish the jar of 30 days worth.
I took 3 months of berocca as well last time because my immune system is low. I can’t tell you if it makes a difference. The pre and probiotics however make a big difference to my digestive system and prevent candida.
I get all my supplements from Healthspan. Very good quality, well sourced, reasonably priced and come through your letter box - free in the uk 👍 Prebiotic from Bimuna which you can possibly get in boots as well as post. Good luck waterfall. P
Feet up lots to read and plenty to drink small meals with a bit of exercise throne in for good mesure. Recovery will happen in its own sweet time
Hi when you feel upto doing a little exercise order BLF’s exercise dvd. It’s free and will show you lots of exercises you can do sitting on a chair. As you progress it will show you how to do them standing. Very useful. Hope you feel better soon. Barbs x
Where can the DVD be ordered from please? I'm very fortunate because I'm active, but I don't actually exercise. About a year ago a nurse showed me some exercises I should do but all I can remember is it was exercise done sitting in a chair. I never did the exercises and now I can't remember at all what it was. I'm too ashamed to ask the nurse as I'd have to admit I hadn't done the exercises, when I saw your post I thought ooh maybe this will show it.
Hi the DVD can be ordered on the British Lung Foundation web site. Very easy and free postage too Barbs
I haven’t been been to find it I’m afraid. They only seem to have leaflets in the shop. Maybe they’ve stopped doing it. 🙁
Thanks John. I’m on Doxy but I just feel so weak and washed out after the infection. Like a wet rag. 🙁