Getting waterlogged!: Every time I... - Lung Conditions C...

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Getting waterlogged!

MoyB profile image
56 Replies

Every time I cough - which is frequently - someone offers me a drink of water. It rarely helps but I feel obliged to accept it (especially in a cafe, where the staff think I'm choking!) and have to drink at least some of it to be polite! I'm starting to feel waterlogged, lol! Anyone else experience this or is it just something peculiar to me?

Have a good day everyone. xx Moy

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MoyB profile image
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56 Replies

Just politely refuse. I keep a small bottle of water with me for unplanned coughing experiences.

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, water is not a great help to me as the tickle comes from right down in my lungs, but the gesture is kindly meant so don't like to offend. xx

in reply to MoyB

I know what you mean. Nobody ever offers to help me.

Caspiana profile image

Hello MoyB . 😊

The only thing that saves the day for me with coughing bouts are Fisherman's Friend, those really strong mints. xx 🌼

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to Caspiana

I wonder if they would work for me? Must try them and find out. xx

Hacienda profile image
Hacienda in reply to Caspiana

POLO Mints, sugar free, help me to Breathe, and stop any coughing. Like my Ventolin I have them everywhere, handbag, car, Kitchen , bedroom, and I like them. XXXX

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to Caspiana

Hello Cas 😊 I remember you saying about Fisherman Friends some time ago and I thought that's just silly but I'll give them a try anyway. That was one of the best bits of advice ever. Now I can't be without them and always keep a pack in my pocket.

Boeta profile image
Boeta in reply to Caspiana

My wife believes in this....I do not like it lol

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to Caspiana

I had heard of those before but didn’t really believe they could help much but it seems they do and I was wrong not to try them. I’ll get a pack tomorrow. 😀

I don't go anywhere without a bottle of water, its important to keep hydrated.

I can understand why you would be offered water. generally I know I don't like being anywhere near any one who coughs, especially in cafes or restaurants. I am a little paranoid about my lung vulnerability. Even when people put their hand over their mouth.

I do try to sit as far away as possible or leave the premises if someone is coughing a lot. Mind you if everyone thought like I do, it would be a good way to clear a premises so you could get a seat :D

Only time I felt water logged is when I had to drink 8 glasses of water before a scan (or some amount thereabouts).

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to

I get embarrassed when we are in public places and the cough starts. I can't stop it - it just happens! I've been told I'm not infectious as long as I don't cough in someone's face and even then it's unlikely I'd cause them a problem (although I really don't think they would like it much haha!) However, I always explain to the people near me at Breatheasy that I don't have an infection - just an irritating cough, and they usually say, 'Me too!' I wouldn't go if I was having an exacerbation. xx

in reply to

Learnto recognise a virus cough from the types of cough that copd or bronchs have. We are not infectious to others unless we are struggling with a virus that somebody else has kindly given us. This applies to exacerbations too. We are not infectious

in reply to

The problem is generally you don't know whose infectious and who isn't especially in a public place, coffee shop etc.

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to

That's true. xx

hypercat54 profile image

Yes me too. The worst thing I find though is being with a stranger either in a group or not and when I start coughing immediately acts concerned and asks if I am ok. I can't talk da****. Everyone then stops what they are doing and turns to me making me the centre of attention and causing me to cough even more through embarrassment! Fortunately though a person I know usually says best to ignore her and carry on.

The other thing is people saying to me here is some cold water. I ask what they think is better for a cough - cold water or warmer. Duh.

Will get off my soapbox now ha ha. x

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to hypercat54

Yes - you've described it exactly! I often find myself apologising and telling people I am not infectious, but they still want to do something and, yes, you can become the centre of attention. If my husband is with me he usually says, 'Don't worry - that's normal. She can't help coughing.' Sometimes I make out that something's 'gone down the wrong way' which seems to appease the onlookers (no one tries to stop me choking, lol!). It's a kind gesture to offer water, but in my case, it does no good at all, in fact it can make me cough more, and when people have made the effort it seems churlish to refuse. Ah, well, I'll just have to wear water wings! Haha!

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to MoyB

Oh dear glad I am not alone. Have you ever coughed on a bus just once even and someone (usually a little old lady) scurries away looking terrified as fast as her little legs will carry her? When I have recovered a bit I usually say I am not infectious dearie and you are not going to catch anything. x

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to hypercat54

Yes, indeed! I always feel sorry for the person in the seat in front of me as you can almost see them duck!! xx

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to MoyB

Well I always try and sit at the front of the bus now so no one is in front of me for that reason. x

Rattle profile image
Rattle in reply to hypercat54

Oh this is funny and relatable! Constantly coughing in public places, on buses, trains, planes, at work (open plan office....NOT very popular and very embarrassing sometimes).

I have been offered water, cough sweets, more water but so far manage to politely decline. Once, when sat at the very front of the bus to be less of a nuisance, the bus driver looked at me with a concerned face and offered me some cough sweets!

Like you say, people who know me just say ”ignore her and carry on”, which may not sound so nice but is helpful.

Many times however, people look at me in my coughing fit with disgust and anger. Unfortunately.

Have thought many times that I should have a badge explaining why I’m coughing (bronchs & asthma in turns) and that it’s not infectious.

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to Rattle

Sometimes I get out my asthma inhaler, just to look as though I'm taking action. Lol! xx Moy

Rattle profile image
Rattle in reply to MoyB

Yes! Haha same here x

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to MoyB

Yep me too. Along with a huge amount of tissues! x

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to MoyB

Snap that exactly what I do! I walk about ...or stumble about ...with my inhaler in my hand so people will see I haven’t been on the booze and that my cough isn’t lethal.😀 Oh the things we do !!

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to Gladwyn

Sometimes I think I need to wear a badge! Lol! xx Moy

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Rattle

Have you had the one where someone slaps you on the back? Or those who think it is hilarious and make jokes at your expense? The passing strangers who chortle and say give up the fags?

I remember being in our break room at work once. There were a few us and I had a coughing fit. One of the auditors eyes sparkled and he open his mouth to make a joke. I managed to stop coughing long enough to snap don't say anthing please and take that look off your face. His mouth shut abruptly and his face closed up - it was so funny. One of my co-workers accused me of being rude so I snapped at him too! Ha ha. x

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to hypercat54

I had a coughing fit in a cafe the other day. The lady on the next table said, 'Is it a smoker's cough?' I said, 'No, it's a chronic cough'. She said, 'Oh, that's alright then, only I don't go to the theatre with my friend any more as she's got a smoker's cough.' I wasn't quite sure what her point was. Was she planning to move if I said I DID have a smoker's cough? What's the difference - you cough or you don't - either way it shouldn't make a difference to a complete stranger. People are strange! I do get 'Give up the fags' quite often, which is annoying as I have never smoked in my life. People do seem to think it's funny! xx Moy

Recently while waiting to board a plane my coughing got out of control. I wasn’t sick I’m certain it was acid reflux. This guy older than myself takes his shirt off wraps it around his head. A few other dramatic moves. Gets up walks around the waiting seating area. Heads into the corridor. Has everyone looking at him and me by this time. One part of me felt like I should wear a placard and the other part found it humorous. Oddly enough he soon tired walked right past me and my supposed germs and sat down close. Hmmm.....

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to

That's really weird! Perhaps he was just an oddball!! xx

in reply to

I don't fly any more because of the bug risk but if I did I would be wearing a mask :D

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to

Lmao....what a plonker he was ! I would loved to have seen that.

2greys profile image

"On the brighter side of life"

The weather's cough, in my location, is now almost better.

Think about it...................

in reply to 2greys

yes weather conditions affect my lungs too and any air born irritant does set me off coughing.

I'm the same as Caspiana fishermen friend they help me.

sandravale profile image

I like Jacksons Honey and Lemon menthol. I find them good to suck and much better than water

Izb1 profile image

Hi Moy, yes I think its embarrasing when this cough starts and the more you try to suppress it the worse it becomes. Like Caspiana, fishermans friend and halls mentholyptus seems to stop it, water never works for me x

katieoxo60 profile image

A big YES , I wish water was the answer don't you ?

Tweetie13 profile image

I use Riccola honey cough sweets and Pholcodeine medicine. All around my house. I bought a little travel bottle for medicine to go in my handbag.

in reply to Tweetie13

I use riccola too :)

Pholcodein medicine, not suitable for everyone as it may cause sputum retention and this may be harmful in patients with chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis.

Tweetie13 profile image
Tweetie13 in reply to

I have IPF

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to

No good for me, then! xx Moy

MoyB profile image

Thanks for all your comments. I'm glad to know I'm not alone! I'll certainly try out some of the suggestions here as the cough can cause quite a stir sometimes. xx Moy

Oshgosh profile image

This doesn’t happen to me as much,as long as I use my nebuliser daily.. if I’m offered water, I take a sip for appearance sake.used to manage my mucus with throat sweets/ cough medicine

Aingeful profile image

You are certainly not alone MoyB!! I recognise all this and often give the "somethings gone down the wrong way" excuse. I know how edgy I am about other people coughing and often feel embarrassed by mine. I get"have you still got that cough"? said in a concerned voice often! I have stopped going to the theatre/cinema now unless it's a noisy show! In my bag I carry Fishermens Friends, Voice tablets(sold at Morrisons) and Jakemans! Not good for the teeth,but hey!! Air conditioning sets me off badly,cars,public transport and planes. Oh the joys......😟

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to Aingeful

I know what you mean about the cinema and theatre! I try and control my cough until clapping starts!!! Then I have a good loud cough and clear it. Can't always do that though, so out with the inhaler and hope I don't disturb too many people. xx Moy

watergazer profile image

You are certainly not alone I too have suffered people moving away from me - once in a & e 🤣. Maybe a neon sign above our heads may work stating NOT INFECTIOUS. Fortunately I do not get many coughing fits at the mo. Hopefully due to the fostairnexthaler. I also use Jackson’s lemon and honey ; fisherman friends and extra strong mints when the cough begins. Take care. X Anita

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to watergazer

Maybe we should have tee shirts printed with, 'Not infectious! You can sit near me if you like!! ' printed on them. Lol! xx Moy

watergazer profile image
watergazer in reply to MoyB

Sounds like a plan 😆

sassy59 profile image

It happens to Pete sometimes but he generally just says he’s ok and no thank you.

Have a good weekend Moy. Xxxx

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to sassy59

You too! xx Moy

House1 profile image

It happens to me all the time ,water water water,lol have a good day

Chestyblocked profile image

Would you like a drink of water I just say no I find Jakemans are really good with coughs Water does nothing 😱😱

patty17 profile image

Hi MoyB

I am always being offered water or sweets when I have a coughing spasm.

Someone actually bought me a bottle of water the other week when I was at the bus stop. I always thank people even though it won't help. It's better than getting dirty looks and people moving away from you.

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to patty17

I quite agree! Sometimes being polite can get a bit wearing, though. xx Moy

Your not along same happens me. Also if I cough in public people either walk away incase I'm contagious or tell. Watch that cough love doesn't sound good 🤔i new someone else with that cough but they are dead now. 🙄😂😂Honestly you wouldn't want to be easily offended 😂😂

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to Creanerweldonjanet1

Yes, everyone seems to have a comment to make! I haven't had the one about someone being dead yet, but I've no doubt it will come. As you say, no good if you're easily offended! Haha! xx Moy

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