Could be the words of song.....what do you mean, it is? Anyway, another post about the air that we breath.
A couple of years ago, I was part of a few webinars conducted by the respiratory specialist at Royal Brompton Hospital. One of the topics was just this and how to tolerate air that was hostile to our breathing. We were told to carry one of the small battery operated, three bladed fans, everywhere we went. If we encountered breathing problems due to hostile air, switch your fan on and gently waft it about , six inches below your chin. The breath in through.your nose and you now have your own personal fresh air pocket. It's particularly effective against heat. Apparent ly, you brain has a temperature sensitive area just behind the top of your nose and once the cool air hits it, your brain will quickly adjust itself back to normal breathing. Guess what, it works bettering ventolin. Quickly clears strong perfumes, nasty smells etc.
Now you may think I'm as thick as pig muck but I have recently found another mobility scooter. If I was suffering from an infection or the heat, my beloved would suggest I went out for walk on my scooter. After three or four minutes, I began to feel normal, not mentally normal you understand, but the ten or fifteen minutes on my scooter helped my breathing, sometime to the extent I didn't want to go home.
Now, was this a " distraction therapy" or relief from cabin fever.....
No, it was exactly the same as using the fan. I wasn't exerting myself, I was sat comfortably, breathing through my nose but more importantly, I was moving through the air at 4 mph....
Dust, pollen, heat were being forced to divert past me, much the same as when hitting a cloud of midges in a car at night. The air pocket I front of you, pushes them out of the way.
As I said, just a thought and the ramblings of beer soaked, demented pensioner.